1912 Words

COME BACK TO ME – CHAPTER 27   “AAHHH!” Edward scream made Zian bolt out of his little nap. His chest pounded as he came running to his brother by the gazebo at his Aunt Theresa’s house. “Zian?” His father was patting Ed’s shorts when he saw his eldest come to them at a speed he could manage given he was just sleeping moments ago. “I—“ Zian tried to catch his breath. He was still half asleep. “I heard Ed scream. Is he okay?” “I’m okay, Zi-zi.” Ed grinned as he looked up to his brother. “He fell from this cashew tree he was trying to climb on,” Jamie said. “Good thing there were a pile of leaves gathered underneath. It broke his fall.” Zian chuckled as he wiped the side of his left eye. “You scared me.” Zian ruffled his brother’s hair. “Where’s Evie?” Ed pointed inside their Aunt Th

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