1949 Words

COME BACK TO ME – CHAPTER 31   He was falling… Falling… Then came a noise loud enough to tear him from a dream. It was the loud thud that woke him up. Alden hissed as he raised his head and began to hear the familiar voice of his brother. Did he fall on the floor? Was the thud made by him? Along the blurred image Alden could make up when he opened his eyes, he realized that he was asleep and was still dreaming when Erwin came barging in. Falling off a cliff. Tsk. How long has it been since he had that kind of dream? Alden rubbed his face with both hands as he sat up on his bed. He groaned as Erwin remained talking about things Alden barely paid attention to. The window curtains were pulled all the way to the sides and it made Alden click his tongue. The light was blinding. Erwin

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