1804 Words

COME BACK TO ME: CHAPTER EIGHTEEN   “Good luck, Zian!’ Those words kept running in Zian’s head as he walked home that afternoon. He was alone and he would smile to himself. He would pick up a pebble and play it in his hand, with his smile not fading away. The walk was long yet felt so short for Zian. He passed by so many trees that this time he did not pay attention too. He didn’t stop to pick some wild plum-like fruits on his way which he would whether he walked home alone or not. He didn’t count the shadows that he stepped on. He didn’t wonder about his lessons in his classes that day. He was simply… happy. “How was school?” Rio asked soon as his cousin arrived. He didn’t by his grandparents’ house anymore. Most of his stuff was already at their old house, at the room he and his si

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