A Gift From God

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    “What is it that you called us all here for, Ms. Emelcourt?” James asked as soon as he arrived with a deep scowl on his face.     “Mr. Lueders, I couldn’t ignore seeing a poor man get fired from his work for something that’s not his fault. Sir, I believe that Sky is innocent and someone had plotted a trap”Avery said professionally. It was not a way she had to work on for the mission, actually, it was the normal way of talking to every person. Well, except the close ones.      “Are you accusing one of the workers! For your information, all the workers who work in the kitchen are the cook’s family. Just so you don’t know, you aren’t one of us and I would like of you to not get into situations like this”James replied with a smug look on his face, like he won some kind of battle.      Avery was taken aback by his rudeness. She thought it was two birds in one stone. She would get the man back to his work and prove that her boss was wrong. She was suspecting he did that on purpose for a reason to fire him. But it was weird. Why complicate things when he could just fire him?      She wanted to show him the salt in the spoon she had. But before getting a chance to, the older maid joined the conversation.      “Sir, please forgive me for interrupting but I was cooking with my husband and he added the right amount of salt in the food. “     Avery smiled as the maid stood beside her, supporting her. After all, it was her husband. She would absolutely want the best for him and their family.      James grew angrier as he collected his palms into fists. Beside him, his oldest son, Ezra seemed to be enjoying the show. He was leaning on the wall for support and had a smirk on his lips.      Avery had concluded that the two weren’t so close from what occurred that morning. Not like Avery blamed him. Who would love a man like her boss?     “You’re not forgiven, get back to work!”he commanded her. “Everyone else, this topic has been closed and I’m not allowing anyone to open it again”he frowned at everyone, intimating them.      “No father, we have to check the cameras. What if this woman was right?”Ezra complained, surprising everyone.      The cameras! Why didn’t Avery think about it? It would be the best proof. She was sure  they would check the salt they bought so it was one of the people inside that house. To say the least, she was upset it wasn’t her idea.      James spun his head around immediately. From where Avery was standing, she could clearly see that the father and his son were both glaring at each other. Everyone felt suffocated under the heavy tension.      After a few moments of the staring contest, Avery cleared her throat, returning all the attention back to her.      “Uhh- Mr. Lueders, your son is right. We w- You would know if Sky is innocent or not. Don’t you want to know the truth?” She raised her eyebrows as she sent him a quick glare.      Ignoring him, Avery started looking around, searching for the camera. When she found it, she didn’t hesitate to grab a chair and place it below the corner the camera was in. She got up on the chair and grabbed the camera with force.      She turned around, slowly, careful not to fall with the heels she was wearing. Avery gasped silently as she was met with Ezra waiting beside her. Was he standing there to get the camera or was he making sure she wouldn’t fall off the long stool? Avery blushed at the thought, but much to her advantage, it went unnoticeable.      “Here it is” she mentioned, handing him the camera. Unexpectedly, he caught her hands and helped her down. Once she was back on the floor, she scurried away in a rush with the stool in her hand. She returned it back and looked back at the others.      Ezra smirked and stared at her “You’re welcome!”he said sarcastically enthusiastic.      Avery raised her eyes towards him and sent him a glare. “Oh thank you”she replied with fake sweetness in her tone.      After her words, a long silence took over. The Lueders’ family along with Avery walked to the living room and scattered around on the couches. Also, Sky’s wife and his two children walked behind Ezra while he was connecting the camera to his laptop.      After a while, Ezra called them and they all stood beside him, watching carefully. Ezra kept scrolling through time, waiting for something to happen. They all forgot the one presence that wasn’t present with them. It was hiding in the stairs, eavesdropping.      “Wait!”Avery yelled as she held Ezra’s hand and removed it away from the laptop. “Look!”She said, pointing at the screen.      “What? There’s nothing happening except grandma drinking water”Ezra said, rolling his eyes.      “But don’t you leave water in her room just like you did with me? It’s 1:17 am there”Avery asked, raising her eyebrows. They all went quiet after that, their attention on the screen.      Suddenly, a scream was heard. They all jumped back and looked to their right side.      They watched with wide eyes as the young boy was rolling down the stairs. They rushed towards him.      Time was crying loudly and holding his leg. Avery stared in sympathy as tears rolled down his eyes.      “Go! Go call the ambulance!” James shouted.      Sky’s wife and Avery both ran towards the table where the laptop was. Avery was faster to grab the random phone on the table and dial the ambulance.      While the phone was ringing, both of the women’s eyes met the screen. They watched as the footage showed the person who did it. As he jogged to the spices’ box, quietly and added something to the salt. They both gasped and looked at each other in shock. Both of their faces reflected the same reaction. No one would have suspected this person.      “Hello, Saint George Hospital here. What’s the emergency?” The man on the other line answered.      Avery was too caught up in shock that she didn’t have time to answer. Mary took the phone from her hands and started talking.      Avery stared back at the screen as the scene was different. Just a dark and empty kitchen.       To say the least, she was speechless. She sat back on the sofa staring at the family. The little boy to be exact. Time.      As Avery was glaring at him, everything started to be cleared. When he knew there was no going back and that he will get caught, he decided to attract attention in another way so they would stop watching. So he threw himself on the stairs. He probably just fell from the fourth stair, his sobs were too fake, only to Avery because she was the one with the truth.      She stood up, proceeding to go there and show them the videotape. As she was walking, a hand grabbed her by force and pushed her into the kitchen.      “The hell are you doing!”she shouted at Sky’s wife.      “I’m protecting both mine and your job! If we ever dare stand against him and tell him who did it, you, me and my daughters will get fired. This man is ruthless and he will do anything to prove that he is always right.”     “Are you saying that we should keep it a secret! Heck no!” Avery refused with a high pitched voice. She would never step down because of a man like James. Or his spoiled son.      “Yes. Do you want to get fired? You have an awesome job, you’re James Lueders’ personal assistant. My husband got fired, do you want the rest of us to be kicked out too? Are you this heartless?” Mary replied, crossing her hands near her chest.      Avery got silent. She couldn’t get fired because of something as simple as this nor let them get fired. What would her father say? He would be so disappointed and angry that she got fired from the second day to save another man’s job. She would lose her position and be disowned as his daughter. Everybody will start looking at her as if she was some ant walking with kings and queens. She knew better so she agreed, nodding her head and walked out.      Avery watched as Mary took the laptop and walked deep into the kitchen. She closed the door after her. After some minutes, she walked out and placed it back down on the table.      ‘Did she delete the video? How come she knows how?’ She thought.      Avery walked to the gates as Time and his mom entered the ambulance. Ezra and James entered one car and they started driving after the ambulance.      Avery had never thought like this before but she wished that this boy had a broken bone or something. She was so angry at him, she knew if he would be in front of her, she would screw him up.      She took this opportunity to go back to her room and call her father.      She locked the bedroom’s door and jumped on her bed. After a few rings, he picked up.      “Don’t you dare say you got caught”she heard as soon as the ringing stopped.     Avery didn’t know what to reply. He didn’t even say hi or ask her how her day went like a normal father would.      “Everything’s good commander”she replied with a heartbroken tone. But as always, he ignored it and inquired.     “Then why did you call?”     There was a few moments of silence as Avery tried to figure out whether he was joking or not. She sighed when he didn’t add anything.      “Just to... talk.”     “You know I’m always busy, I have no time for your chitchats”her father hissed”Don’t bother me again, call only when there’s something important.”     Toot. Toot. Toot.      Avery gasped and stared at her phone. He had hung up on her. Was she not ‘important’ to him? Avery knew he didn’t care about her but at least didn’t he miss her?      She buried her head in the pillows, muffling her screams. She grabbed her headphones and cellphone. She picked a song, high enough to shut down the loud voices in her head. She was getting angrier every day. She no longer felt the same excitement she always had on a mission. She was doubting whether to quit her job and return back home or stay strong. But again, she didn’t give herself a chance and chose the latter.  **** Later in San Diego      “Cole!” Richard shouted from inside his large office. He had important news for him. They would change the man’s life. Richard was sure he would accept and always be grateful for him.      A few moments later, the man knocked on the door and entered.      “Is anything wrong, commander”he asked.  “No. I have made my decision. I’m sure anybody would say yes to this but I thought you’re the most compatible person. Avery will stay in Los Angeles and you will take her place as my orate.”     Silence filled the room. Cole stood there as if he had seen a ghost. How would he be able to betray his best friend and the little sister he never had. What was worse is that she wouldn’t even know about that till months later. Her own father didn’t want her in the home she had been born in, nor in the same country.       “Commander”Cole whispered, his voice muffled with sorrow. “I’m sorry but I’m afraid I have to reject your offer” he replied shaking his head negatively.       Richard gasped as he stared in disappointment at one of his best assassins. He felt angry. No body had dared to reject something he had ordered before. And there was that man rejecting the best offer of his life rudely.       “I thought I was like a father to you. I’ve always wanted you to be my son instead of having Avery. It’s a shame I may have chosen the wrong person” He spat out every word with hate towards Cole.       It didn’t make the younger man feel ashamed of what he was doing. He was just feeling more disgusted. He couldn’t believe a father would be able to say that about his own daughter. Cole saw Avery as the daughter anyone could wish for. She was intelligent, kind and brave. Any father would want a daughter like that. Even Cole wanted him and Jessica to have a daughter like her. It would be the best gift given to him by god.                     
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