Her Reality

1570 Words
    Nobody could deny the awfulness of that day’s breakfast. It was a start of a clearly bad day.      James sat at the head of the table beside his children as always. His eyes were glaring at anyone who dared give him a look. Especially his wife. He kept glaring at her from time to time as he purposely hit the place with his fork loudly.      Avery could guess that they had probably had a fight, everyone knew it. It was as clear as the sun. Avery felt uneasy and wary of everyone. She was like an apprentice lost between masters. But gladly and as always, she was doing an excellent job at hiding her feelings.      She kept eating calmly and smiling back at the demented grandma. She was so soft and childish. Avery admired her for being strong at her age. She was near her eighties. She acted childish all the time and would throw tantrums at simple things. Bessie could be persuaded easily and would beg for candy. She was just like a child. Her mind no longer processed as an elder.      That’s what Avery loved. A not so mature person who had responsibilities on her shoulders. She was tired of always having to be professional and classy. She wanted a break from the world she lived in. It was always like this and will always be. It is a book she was being forced to read. A movie she was forced to watch. That was her reality.      She could never go on simple trips alone or even with her friends. She never had her ‘me time’. She was a workaholic and all because of her stubborn father. She tried to do everything to impress him, she had tried cooking then spying and to killing bad people but none had made him happy. He was always arrogant and mad at her, he said her friends were more successful even if all could see that she was the best one of them all. She was the one who would always win at everything but still not get a smile from her father. It was always the same disapproving look. She wanted to tell him how she felt, at least give him hints, yet she still had hope he would change on his own.      She had spent hours crying in her room instead of sleeping, skipped meals, introverted herself in her room and even tried committing suicide because of her depression.      But nothing worked. Her suicidal attempts were always unsuccessful. Either Cole or Nate would catch her and keep watching her for days, scared she would do it when they turn a blind eye on her. They even removed all the sharp objects she could use.      Her tries to stop eating didn’t work. She ended up eating anyways, every time. Nobody can control their hunger. She even searched in the internet for easy ways to die. Her mom’s death, dad’s ignorance and feeling useless all the time made her depressed. She would fake a smile or at least remove the devastated look on her face and mask it with her signature cold face as she stepped out of the room and ventured into the halls.      Avery would sing the song her mom used to love and hug her old pillow. She used to turn the music volume’s loud enough to muffle her cries. Or sometimes enter the shower. There were times when she went to the beach at night while it was empty and would scream, letting the ocean take all her pain away. It would subside her sadness a bit from some time and help her stop crying.      There was one time when horrible things happened, which ended with her stuffing her backpack with heavy rocks and walking to the middle of the sea and let herself loose. She was a junior in high school at that time.      A young nine year old boy had saved her as soon as he spotted a body drowning. She lied to him and said she couldn’t swim and suddenly fainted.      She parted ways with him, wishing he wasn’t there while at the same time, she was glad there was someone to lift her up.      “Nana!”Avery heard a loud squeal, sucking her out of her trance. She widened her eyes in surprise and stared at Bessie.      “Excuse me?”     Avery questioned, looking at the old lady. Bessie was staring at her while biting happily at the small piece of bread in her hand. She was moving her head around like there was music blasting which made Avery smile. She was chuckling for no reason and repeating “Nana! Nana!”     “What are you talking about ma’am?”she asked, completely confused. What was nana?     “Nana. Aren’t you Nana?”the woman laughed as she took her tongue out, teasing Time who was scowling for an unknown reason. Maybe his face was like that?     “Umm no” Avery laughed at her innocence. “I’m Anna, not Avery.”she corrected.      “It’s the same, isn’t it?”     After that, Avery stayed silent, stealing glances at Ezra who was obviously staring at her all the time.      He was looking interested like she some masterpiece of a well known artist. Avery couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his bluntness. Wasn’t he embarrassed that he was caught? Didn’t he feel a hint of Avery’s annoyance.      The most thing Avery despised was people watching her while she was eating. She didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. Who would?     She kept trying to ignore him while shifting in her seat uncomfortably. She would hide her face with her hair or look the other way. But none worked. His eyes were burning into her skull.      A few minutes later, she was fed up with it. She leaned back, bored of his silly games and joined the staring contest game. They were both observing each other as they ate peacefully. No sounds made.      It was like they were having a conversation through their eyes. He was telling her that she looked good and she was explaining to him the if he was in her shoes, he would completely hate himself.      As he raised his orange juice, he waved his glass and whispered ‘cheers’.      Avery nodded and did the same while mouth calling him an i***t under her breath.      His smirk faded and now he had that devil in no disguise look. Avery wondered if she had went over the line by calling him an i***t. She was the i***t for mocking her boss’ son.      Suddenly, he smirked back and turned to his father.      “Father.”     He called out.      “Hm?”     “Would you mind if I took Ms. Emelcourt out on a tour. She still doesn’t know anything here and would be completely lost if she ever wanted to get out. Even a tour of the house” he asked while batting his eyelashes just to annoy her more if it was possible.      Why was he acting like a silly teenage? He is a grownup for the love of god.      Avery’s jaw dropped and she held the urge to punch him in the face as she clenched her fists. She wanted to do or say anything that would make him frustrated. But it seemed like all her tries at making him mad gave him joy.      “I appreciate your offer but I can’t go out today”she gave him a fake smile.      “Oh come on, what will happen if you miss two to three hours of work? It’s not like you’re a businesswoman. I nearly have time away from work so I wouldn’t have another chance like this.”     Avery was seriously angry after that. She hadn’t even mentioned that she would postpone it for another day, she had rejected his offer. She knew he didn’t understand her in the wrong way, he just wanted to trigger her. She gritted her teeth and hissed in a calm tone.      “What if Mr. Lueders has a problem? I’m his personal assistant after all, I can’t leave him for hours.”     She raised her eyebrows, confident that James would agree with her.      “He isn’t a baby who needs a babysitter, is he?”Ezra said with a bored tone.      “Yes Ms. Emelcourt. My son is right. I will send you on a lot of places outside and you can’t be lost. Hence sometimes we can’t rely on the drivers. Two hours won’t do any harm, today’s schedule isn’t really hectic. But only two hours. You should be back by eleven am. Clear?”     “Clear father.”     Avery’s face had turned red with the anger she was trying to hold in. She was being forced to spend more time with the older brat. Just as she was thinking of how the two brothers were a pain the a*s, Time snickered slowly so she can hear him.      She ignored him and turned around, focusing her attention on her food. She wanted to go back to her friends’ arms and complain to them how badly she didn’t fit in Los Angeles. She wished she could at least go back to San Diego for one day to have some quality time with her best friends.      She pitied herself for having to endure all of this. It was just one lifetime but so many troubles. She was obviously a troubles’ magnet.      Avery was wondering if the mother of this family and her daughter Jess would be just as annoying. Was only the grandma sweet? It was probably that madness ran into the family’s blood. 
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