Chapter 19-All Alone

1215 Words

My eyes sprung open from a dreamless slumber. My heart was racing so fast—pumping blood to bring life back into me. I took a deep breath with my mouth open. My mind couldn't recall what had happened. All I could see was the white roof above me. I tried to get up but my body was as heavy as lead and stiff as iron. "Argh!" I groaned and when I lifted my arm, there was a tube passing through it. What was a canola doing in my forearm? I touched my forehead to find that my Hijab was gone and a bandage had replaced it. My eyes began to scan through the room. It looked like a hospital ward room. My eyes were still blurry and my audible senses were also throbbing like my ear drum was vibrating was too much. "Argh!" Everything started to come back to me. The Ferrari had blown up and I hit som

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