Chapter 10-Seeds Of Affection

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When we came back to the apartment, it was like we were entering for the very first time—as newlyweds. I was in his arms all bride-like and he looked so malencholy. I could have enjoyed the moment so much more if my head was not suffering from a migraine that was causing me to go through a mental supernova. Charlotte came running to us but Shehzad assured her of my safety and asked for the first aid kit and some aspirin. He settled me on the nearby couch. He shrugged out of his coat and tossed it carelessly on the arm chair. I was feeling kind of queasy. I was turning red. This was the first time Shehzad was paying me any attention. I was used to tending to myself, but I didn't wanted to spoil the mood. "You should have disinfected it?" he murmured as he inspected the scratch on my cheekbone which was beginning to sting. His turquoise eyes were full of concern. I cringed. Charlotte bought the first aid kit and handed it to Shehzad but I tried to take it from him. "It's alright, I can do it myself." I insisted, but he shook his head and removed my hands—rather gently. "It's okay—I wanna do it." He mumbled in English. I blushed and turned rigid. This was the first time he was being considerate. I didn't argue with him. His cold hands had warmed up. I closed my eyes. The alcohol swab's cold touch was ebbing the pain away. And my headache was dispelling as well. "Say," he started. "Why didn't you ever tell me that you were an orphan?" He asked—his voice clouded with apprehension. I swallowed and spoke my mind. "I thought that you knew so I never felt the need to tell you myself." To be honest, I didn't want anybody's sympathy or pity. That's why I would always dismiss the idea of my being an orphan. He was silent. I couldn't look into his eyes. "I see." He whispered—his brows slightly knit. It annoyed me. "What did you think of me until now?" I asked quizzically. He pouted, wearing a childish expression. "I thought of you as a spoiled rich girl from a village." My face fell. He's still the same cynical man that I know. But I noticed that his expression became solemn. "But I could have never suspected that you could be an orphan. I thought that if I sent you away, then you can stay with your family. But when you cried and confessed your situation, I realized that you and I have the same problem." He muttered in a medium tone. I lifted his chin and gazed deeply into his eyes. He was being very sincere. "This is my home now and I have no intention of leaving." I said with a deep smile. His lips twisted into a brief smile. "Yeah." He breathed. But I was having a feeling as if he had a hidden agenda that compelled him to compromise a little. "So from now on, we are comrades on the same route." I chuckled jocundly. "But I'm happy now, I don't have any regrets." I murmured. "By the way," He smacked my forehead with a snap of his fingers. "Ow!" "Where the hell were you last night?" he asked—his tone sounded like he was annoyed. I gasped—I thought hard if I should tell him where I was or not, but I decided not to say anything. "Oh, hahaha...." I scratched my head, trying to avoid the question. He made a face. "You should tell me with whom you were with last night?" I asked calmly. He sighed. "I was with somebody." "With your lover?" I spoke my mind. "I was." He murmured after a moment of silence, avoiding my eyes. I exhaled casually. His bangs were hiding his eyes so I stirred them to the side of his face. His eyes were low and seemed clouded I was angry by his reply but I couldn't expect less from a pseudo-Muslim being an unfaithful husband. From the start he made it clear that he wasn't bound to anything. "Will you ever go to her again?" I asked frankly. He was quiet. I sighed and got up. "Please don't ever do that again."I said pleasantly despite my irritation. "Let's start over, okay." He stood upright. "Mm-mm." he noded. I smiled. From now, if he commits an illegal act—I'll be there to stop him. Because I cannot accept a corrupt man as my soul mate. He yawned. "I'm beat. You really made me bother with stupid things last night. I had to look everywhere for you." He bonked my head playfully. "You were genuinely worried for me?" I asked in disbelief--feigning a gasp. "Humph......of course I was. You're my responsibility after all." He answered brusquely. It was obvious that he cared about my safety. I detected a pout on his lips and frown lines on his forehead. He was such a child. No matter how he acted, he was still immature to some extent. I smiled delightfully. My likeness and fondness for him increased to about twenty percent. "Oh well, it can't be helped. You should have informed the police." "No way. Do you want the Chairman to find out?" he snapped. "Oh." I exclaimed. It would be a huge blunder if the Chairman got a glimpse of our current distorted relationship. Shehzad told me that had taken a day off because of the situation and now that I was back, he was going to sleep since he couldn't sleep at all last night when he was tirelessly in search of me. He really made it sound so superficial. "Oh and one more thing," he stopped in his tracks and turned around to face me. "Whose jacket is that?" he pointed toward the jacket that I was wearing. Oh on! I had completely forgotten about it. It would be unwise of me if I told him about the stranger who gave his jacket to me and I took it without a thought. If I told him that, I'll be promoted from the rank of i***t to imbecile in his eyes. I shrugged. "Larry gave it to me." I fibbed. He stared at me with stern eyes. "I see." He mumbled quietly. He easily bought my lie. "I'll return it later." I reassured him. When he was sound asleep, I carefully packed the jacket in my personal belongings where I knew that Shehzad would never peek in. If I ever met that stranger again, I would want to thank him. He was my savior. His words made me work my way out of the mess that I was in. I feel very gratified towards him. If only life will allow me one fortunate encounter with him once again. **********
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