Chapter Two - Amira

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**Amira’s POV** I can’t believe tonight is the ball. I woke up late and that means I have to rush myself to get ready. I have to look absolutely perfect tonight. My beauty team shows up right behind Bryn and Nylah waking me up. After a shower and some skincare, I sit down at my vanity giving the team free reign to get me ready. The hairstylist starts by creating a deep side part, allowing my hair to fall gracefully over one shoulder. She takes smaller sections of my hair and curls each one before pinning the curls up one by one. The result is a voluminous and intricate updo that frames my face beautifully. My tiara and a variety of ornate hairpins adorn my head adding an extra touch of elegance to my look. Once my hair is complete the makeup artist gets to work on my face. After applying the primer, she starts by placing a matte red eyeshadow all over my eyelid. She then blends a deeper burgundy shade around the outer corner of my eye and into the crease. After everything is perfectly blended together she applies a shimmering red eyeshadow on the center of my lid. She uses a liquid eyeliner to create a winged effect on my eyes before carefully applying false lashes. She adds a touch of the shimmering eyeshadow to the corner of my eye to brighten it up before swiping burgundy eyeshadow along my lower lash line. A subtle blush to my cheekbones, flawless contour, and bright red matte lip complete the look. “Hair and makeup are done. Time for the dress.” I link my mom, Bryn, and Nylah. “Oooh! I’m on the way!” my mom replies excitedly. “I can’t wait to see your completed look!” Bryn says and Nylah agrees with her. Before I know it my mom is scurrying into my room to help me with my dress. “Oh my Mira.” she says as she covers her mouth with tears in her eyes. “That bad, huh?” I say laughing and she narrows her eyes in a furious glare. “You look beautiful, baby girl.” she says all choked up before clearing her throat and gesturing to my closet. “Alright. Let’s get that dress on you.” she says and we walk into the closet together. She holds the dress for me to step into it and I pull it up my body so she can zip the back. The red sequined dress hugs every one of my curves down to my mid thigh and then flares out to a flowing bottom with a small train. I step into my strappy red heels then finish my look with a diamond and ruby necklace and earrings. Standing in front of my full length mirror, I start to get choked up. “Who is that girl?” I whisper as I stare at myself. The woman I see in the mirror is gorgeous. She exudes beauty, grace, elegance, royalty, and sophistication. How in the world was that woman me? “That is my strong, beautiful Princess. Any man would be lucky to have you as his mate.” my mom says as she stands behind me looking at my reflection. I smile brightly at her and look at myself one last time before turning to leave the closet with her. Even if I don’t find my mate tonight, I know I’ll make an impression on everyone there. We leave my room and my mom escorts me to the top of the stairs to wait with Bryn and Nylah for our introductions. “OH MY GODDESSSSSSS!” they scream at the same time when they see we walking down the hallway. “Oh my Goddess yourselves! You guys look hot!” I say back excitedly as we all hold hands and look at each other. “Oh, I hope you find your mate tonight. You look too damn good to end tonight with disappointment.” Bryn says as she hugs me. “Come on girls. It’s almost time.” my dad says to us as he ushers us to the staircase. “You look beautiful, my Mira. Knock ‘em dead tonight.” he says with a kiss on my head and a wink. Bryn, Nylah, and I stand at the top of the stairs waiting to be announced. First they call my parents and the volume of the cheers shakes the windows. Second comes Everett and his mate. Nylah is called next and I hear cheers erupt for her. Then Bryn is announced and cheers erupt once more. My heart beats erratically waiting to here my name. “Finally, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Princess Amira!” I hear the announcer shout. Before I reach the spotlight the entire room ignites in chaotic applause. I stop at the top of the stairs for the spotlight to shine on me then proceed to descend the stairs. I’m able to hear the gasps, oohs, and ahhs around the room as the guests take in my appearance. So far Nova isn’t restless and I don’t feel the pull so our mate isn’t here, yet again. I knew there was a chance he wouldn’t be but we will still have a good time. I take my seat at our reserved table with Bryn and Nylah for a while before they wander off to mingle with the guests. I don’t mind being alone so I sit and take in my surroundings when I hear a man’s voice behind me. “Now why is this beautiful princess sitting all by herself?” he asks me and when I turn I see a very handsome man smiling at me. I can’t help but smile back at his antics. “My cousins just left to go mingle and I’m not much for mingling.” I say honestly as I lean towards him with a small laugh. “Would you mind if I joined you?” he asks and I shake my head no as I gesture to the seat. He sits down and extends his hand out to me. “I’m Calvin McCarthy. Alpha of the Scarlet Oak Pack in the Northeast region.” he says and I shake his hand. “I’m Amira. Princess of Mystic Moon.” I respond with a laugh as if he didn’t know who I was. We sit and talk for ages before he actually asks me to dance. “Well Princess. Would you like to dance with me tonight?” he says and I smile. “I thought you would never ask, Alpha.” I reply. He stands and holds his hand out for me to stand before guiding me out to the dance floor. Not too far into the walk the most intoxicating scent l have ever had the pleasure of breathing invades my senses. Sandalwood and lemon with a hint of sage. Not to mention, Nova is now up running laps in my head in excitement. That could only mean one thing. My mate is here. My eyes go wide at the realization and I stop in my tracks, taking my hand from Calvin in the process. I turn around with hope blossoming in my heart as I search the sea of people for what is mine until I finally find him. There he stands with the most beautiful golden eyes the Goddess ever made staring straight at me. “Mate.” I say quietly and start walking towards him. I see him smile as he begins to approach me when I suddenly feel someone grabbing my wrist. I turn my head to see Calvin holding onto me tightly. “What are you doing? The dance floor is this way.” he says with a laugh as I struggle to pull my hand away from him. “Sorry Calvin. I have to go.” I say politely but as I turn to walk to my mate, he grabs me again with more force. Only this time before I can pull away my mate is between Calvin and I forcing him to let me go. “I believe the lady said she has to go, Calvin.” he says and his voice absolutely melts me. Who knew a southern accent could do that? “The lady can speak for herself and we were having a good time.” Calvin says through gritted teeth. “Yeah you mighta been havin’ a good time but that there lady is my mate so it’d do you good to back off.” my mate says a little more stern. Calvin looks to me for confirmation and storms off angrily when I nod my head in agreement. “Well my Princess Luna… would you like to dance with your mate?” he says in that thick country accent that makes my knees weak. “Yes. Yes I would.” I say with excitement as he takes me to the dance floor. “So, my knight in shining armor, what’s your name?” I ask causing him to belly laugh as we spin around the dance floor. “My name is Alpha Adam Rogers of the Mountain Creek pack but I’m no knight in shining armor, Princess.” he says with a nervous chuckle. “Maybe not to everyone else but you are to me.” I say as I tighten my arms around his neck. He stares at me for a long moment with total adoration in his eyes but I see it fade to fear as he looks away from me. “What’s wrong, Adam?” I ask him with obvious concern in my voice. “Oh. It’s nothin’, Princess. Don’t you worry about me, now.” he says looking at me with a smile but his eyes hold an emotion I can’t quite read. “He doesn’t feel like he’s good enough. He thinks you will reject him because of his status.” Nova says in my head and I have to stop the gasp from escaping my mouth. “Will you come with me? I’d like you to meet someone.” I say as I stop dancing and grab his hands. “For you, Princess, I’d go anywhere.” he says sincerely and I can’t help the blush that creeps up my cheeks. He laughs and leans in to place a soft kiss on my forehead before leaning down to my ear. “You’re adorable when you’re flustered.” he whispers and my face turns as red as my dress at his words. I intertwine my fingers with his and lead him over to my parents sitting with a group of Alphas. My mom starts frantically patting my dad’s leg with a wide smile when she sees us approaching them. My dad looks up and smiles at us as well. “Your majesties. Alphas.” I say with a curtsy and Adam bows beside me. “Mira. Is this…?” my mom begins to ask but stops mid sentence. I nod my head vigorously in excitement and she squeals causing all of the Alphas to jump. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t very sophisticated of me.” she says clearing her throat. My dad and all the Alphas laugh heartily at her as her cheeks turn bright red. “If you’ll excuse me, gentlemen, we have an announcement that needs to be made.” my dad says with a warm smile. He walks over to my mate and i with my mom in tow. “It’s so nice to meet you. We’ve been waiting for Mira to meet her mate. What’s your name?” my dad says extending his hand to shake my mate’s. Adam is silent for a moment like he’s in shock but quickly recovers and shakes my dad’s hand. “I’m Alpha Adam Rogers of the Mountain Creek pack, your Majesty. It is my greatest honor to be mated to your daughter.” he replies and my mom gasps. “We just spoke on the phone! Oh Finn, he’s perfect for her.” she squeals as she stomps in place out of excitement. “I sure hope I am. I’m feelin’ a little self conscious right now if I’m bein’ honest.” he says honestly. My mom reaches out to grab his hand as my dad places a hand on his shoulder. “Neither we nor Amira care about your status.” my dad says and my mother nods in agreement. “You’re such a good man, Alpha Adam. I knew that based on Henry and one phone call with you. I couldn’t have picked someone better for her.” my mom says with a sweet smile and my heart nearly bursts. “Also, I’m already heels over head about you. My knight in shining armor.” I say as I lean in to kiss him. He freezes for a moment before melting into me and returning the kiss. His hands move up my arms to my neck until he’s holding my face while our lips move in sync. My mom’s elated giggle brings us back to reality and we stop the kiss. He rests his forehead against mine as we take deep breaths together. “I think I love you already, Princess.” he says as he caresses my face with his thumb. “You know what? I think I love you too.” I whisper back and he smiles in response. My dad clears his throat causing me to jump and Adam laughs. “Follow me lovebirds. Let’s go make the announcement.” my dad says. “Would you mind if I linked my men to make sure they’re present for the announcement? I haven’t informed them yet.” Adam asks politely and I’m reminded of Bryn and Nylah’s absence. “Oh I want Bryn and Nylah present too! Can we wait just a few minutes?” I plead with my parents and they nod in response. “Guys! Come to my mom and dad’s table! I want you to meet someone!” I screech in my link with Bryn and Nylah. “Oh my Goddess. Mira! Did you find your mate?!” Nylah asks. “Just come to the table!” I shout before closing the link. “They’re on their way.” I say and my parents nod in acknowledgement. “My men are on their way as well. I’m so sorry for the delay.” he says apologetically. “Nonsense. Stop apologizing. Your Beta and Gamma should be here. Speaking of, tell Leon and Jude they need to get over here.” my mom says to my dad while simultaneously waving Adam off. My dad’s eyes cloud over as he links Uncle Jude and Uncle Leon. “They’re coming, my love.” he says squeezing my mom to his side as he kisses the top of her head. Uncle Leon and Uncle Jude show up first then Bryn and Nylah. I’m busy gushing over Adam as I introduce him when two men walk up beside him. Bryn and Nylah gasp simultaneously and I look back to them startled. “What’s wrong with you guys?” I ask. “That’s my mate.” they say at the same time and all three of us gasp. I turn around and everyone is staring wide eyed. “Well come on y’all. Get your mates so we can make the announcement. We’re wasting the King’s time.” Adam says as he nudges the men beside him. The blonde walks over to Bryn and the brunette walks over to Nylah. They start quietly talking to each other and after a few moments Adam clears his throat to get their attention. “Blake Gentry. What is your mate’s name?” he asks and Blake looks at Nylah with the brightest smile. “Her name is Nylah Carter, Alpha, and yes, I accept her.” he says and Adam smiles wide. “Nylah, I’m Alpha Adam and it looks like you’re mated to my Gamma. Do you accept him?” Adam asks. I look to see the answer and Nylah is nodding her head fervently. I clap and jump excitement but quickly decide to follow his lead as his Luna so I turn to Bryn. “Bryn Anderson. What is your mate’s name?” I say and she looks at me with a proud smile. “His name is Cyrus Logan, your majesty. He is Alpha Adam’s Beta and I accept him.” she says standing tall and proud. I squeal and clap again causing everyone to laugh. “Alright. Let’s go make these announcements.” my dad says and we all fall in line behind him and my mom. “I gotta say, Princess, that mighta been the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.” Adam whispers in my ear as we walk. “What are you talking about?” I ask with a blush creeping up my neck. “You following my lead like a true Luna. My Luna.” he says and I smile brightly as I squeeze his hand. We reach the top of the stairs and my dad yells to gain the attention of the crowd. “Ladies and Gentlemen, my wife and I have an announcement.” he says loudly. “Tonight, the Princess, my Beta’s daughter, and my Gamma’s daughter have all found their mates! I present to you the ranked pairs of the Mountain Creek pack! Alpha Adam Rogers and Future Luna Amira Rayner, Beta Cyrus Logan and Bryn Anderson, and last but not least, Gamma Blake Gentry and Nylah Carter.” he shouts and the entire venue erupts in applause. He uses his hands to signal the crowd to quiet down but before he can speak a familiar voice shouts from the crowd. “I object!” I see Calvin McCarthy step to the front of the crowd. “The Princess is MY mate. We felt the mate bond.” he lies with anger in his eyes causing the entire room to gasp. Before my mate or my dad can respond, I stomp down the stairs. “We did not! How dare you spread these lies about me! About something so sacred! I am Adam’s mate. You need to leave.” I shout in his face. As I turn to go back up the stairs, Calvin grabs me by the back of my arm and a terrifying chorus of snarls ripples from my dad, my mate, and his men. “Who the hell do you think you are?” my mate says as he stalks down the stairs and Calvin lets out a laugh. “Answer the question.” my dad snaps and Calvin simply smirks. “Princess Amira is mine. I challenge Alpha Adam to a duel right now. Loser accepts the rejection and never speaks to Amira again. Winner walks away with her as their Luna.”
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