Chapter One - Adam

3153 Words
*Adam’s POV* “I appreciate the offer, Alpha, but I’m still holding out for my fated mate. I’m sure your daughter is incredible Luna material but I’m just not lookin’ to take a chosen mate right now. I promise if I change my mind, you’ll be my first call.” I say into the phone receiver as I brace my forehead against my hand. I end the call politely and lean back in my office chair with a heavy sigh. Mountain Creek is the biggest pack in the Southeastern region but we aren’t very big if you compare us to the rest of the world’s packs. We have roughly 550 members while most of the other packs in the Southeast are closer to 350 and 400 members on account of mate bonds in other packs and all. While that does have many advantages as an Alpha, it’s also a pain because every Alpha in the region has been trying to create alliances by marrying their daughters to me. I never would have dreamed I would be turning down damn near ten marriage proposals a day, but here I am. Most mates are found in the same packs a wolf is born in, and for most of my pack, that’s been the case but my Beta, a few pack members, and myself weren’t so lucky. “Tough morning, Alpha?” my beta, Cyrus, asks as he walks in my office to go over the border patrol reports from last night. I shoot him a glare and he smirks in response. “Why don’t I see if any of these Alphas proposin’ marriage would be interested in their daughters marryin’ the Beta of my pack since I’m not interested.” I say nonchalantly and he laughs out loud. “None of them would ever settle for their Alpha daughters marryin’ the measly Beta unless it was fated and you know it.” he responds and I roll my eyes. “What do you want anyways? You’re fixin’ to be on my last nerve already.” I ask and he hands me the files as he laughs at me. Cyrus and I have known each other since we were toddlers. He’s my best friend and a damn good Beta... Even if he gets on every nerve I have. “It was a quiet night. No incidents were reported. Overall, they had routine perimeter checks all night.” he says and I nod as I read through the notes of the third shift team lead. “Sir, there is someone here at the front gate that claims to have a message from Queen Iris.” says one of the border patrol wolves through mindlink. “We will be right down.” I respond as I close the file and stand up from my desk. “Um? Where are you going?” Cyrus asks. “Apparently there’s a messenger from Queen Iris at the front gate.” I say and he raises his eyebrows in surprise. We take the short walk up to the gate and are met with a finely dressed man waiting patiently for us. “Alpha.” he says with a slight bow and I nod in acknowledgement. “Mornin’ there... What should we call ya?” I ask. “Henry, Alpha. My name is Henry and I am one of many messengers sent out by Queen Iris to personally deliver you an invitation to the annual mating ball.” he says as he hands me a very fancy envelope and even though I keep my face from showing my emotions, inside I am completely freaking out. I have wanted to go to this ball since the first year it was announced but never received an invitation until now. “I didn’t figure the King and Queen would be interested in a good ole country boy coming to their ball since we were never invited before. No offense meant.” I say in response and he nods his head. “None taken. Every pack I have visited in this area has said the same thing.” he laughs before continuing. “Queen Iris and King Finley are firm believers in the mate bond. Prince Everett found his mate a couple years ago at the mating ball but Princess Amira has not yet. They choose a different region of the country each year and this year, the Southeast and Northeast regions were their choice.” he says and I nod again feeling grateful that it was finally our year to attend. I clap my hands together startling everyone around me. “Alright then. Well you must be hungry and tired. Why don’t you come on up to the packhouse for a bite and some rest then we’ll let you be on your way.” I say gesturing towards the path back to the packhouse and he follows. “Thank you, Alpha. I’ll be sure to tell the Queen of your hospitality. Everyone else has sent me on my way from the gate.” he says and I shake my head. “They must not have mamas that’ll tear ‘em up for being rude to a guest. My mama was an amazing Luna and even better mother. If she found out I’d sent you away at the gate, she’d whoop my tail and my wolf’s tail. Alpha or not.” I say with a laugh and he laughs with me. We engage in some easy small talk about the weather and his travels for the rest of the walk to the packhouse “Hey Ms. Pauline, Can you make sure our guest gets a good meal and a room to rest in?” I say to my head Omega as I walk in the door. Ms. Pauline is an older she-wolf. When my granny died, she took on the role of surrogate grandmother for me and I couldn’t love her more. She works hard keeping the packhouse running well. “Yes, Alpha. How long will our guest be staying? I’ll make sure the room is stocked.” she replies with a bright smile and I turn to look at Henry. “If it’s alright, Alpha, I’d like to stay the night and I will leave first thing in the morning.” he says and I pat his back. “Henry, stay as long as you’d like. We have enough space and food for ya.” I say with a smile and he bows his head in respect before following Ms. Pauline into the dining hall. Cyrus nudges me with his elbow and tilts his head towards my office making me belly laugh at his antics. “DUDE!” he yells as soon as my office door is closed and locked. Thank Goddess for soundproof walls. “WE ARE GOING TO THE BALL!” he shouts again. “You do know I’m right here? Right?” I ask with a chuckle as I sit at my desk. “How are you not freaking out too, Adam? You’ve wanted to go to this thing since they started it too.” he asks and I nod. I can’t help the slow smile that spreads across my face. “It is pretty damn awesome.” I say and we high five in excitement. “Alright. Down to business. We’re gon’ have our dads come and fill in for us while we’re gone. We need to get a list of all the of age unmated wolves so Henry can tell the King and Queen how many we’re bringin’. Let’s just go ahead and call a pack meetin’ for tonight.” I say as Cyrus is writing things down and making side notes. “Hey folks, this is your Alpha speakin’. There’ll be a pack meetin’ tonight at 6:30pm in the dinin’ hall. Come on up and have dinner with us. Unfortunately I have to make this mandatory ‘cause it’s pretty important. See y’all there.” I say in a mass link to everyone in the pack. Cyrus and I spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on reports, letting our parents know what’s happening, and making a game plan for traveling. Before we know it, it’s 6:15 and we decide to go on and head to the dinin’ hall. Pack members are starting to show up and I greet everyone with a smile and pat on the back. “Alpha Adam!” I hear a little voice holler and I already know it’s Laikyn, one of the youngins of the pack. “Hey pup! How are ya?” I say as I kneel down to hug her. She wraps her little arms around my neck and I stand up. “You gon’ help me greet all the pack members ’til your mama and daddy get here?” I ask her and she nods in excitement. Eventually her mama comes and leads her to their table and I go to take my seat as well. The team of kitchen Omegas are quick to get everyone served and take a seat themselves. I stand up and thank everyone for comin’ and to go ahead and eat. “I’m gon’ go ahead with my reason for callin’ y’all here while you’re eatin’ but please don’t stop on my account. Today, we have a special guest seated at my table as you can see. This over here is Henry, a messenger from King Finley and Queen Iris. He delivered our invitation for the Royal Annual Mating Ball this morning.” I say and the room erupts in chatter. I raise my hands signaling for everyone to settle down and immediately the noise dies down. I have never had to rule by force or use an Alpha command on my pack. I lead them with respect and dignity. I’m honest with them about everything and I ain’t afraid to get my hands dirty helping anyone in the pack whether it be the daycare or building homes or gardening. I really believe good leadership is why my pack continues to grow. “I know most of y’all are mated but I need all of the unmated wolves that are of matin’ age to come write your name on Henry’s list over there so they know how many are comin’. Your ranked members are already listed on there.” I continued and 8 pack members stood to go write their names. “While your current ranked members are gone, the former ranked members will be in charge. Nothing is to change except for the fact you’ll be talkin’ to our dads instead of us. Understood? We leave in 2 weeks and will be gone for no more than a week.” I say as I watch a she-wolf try to sneak into a seat in the back. “Is everything o—“ I start to ask when Henry stands straight up out of his seat. His eyes are locked on the young she wolf and her’s are locked on him. “Mate.” he says breathlessly and begins walking towards the frozen she-wolf. “I’m Henry. What do I call you, my beautiful mate?” he says and she just stares at him. “I’m Laura.” she says quietly in response. “Laura.” I say and her eyes widen as she looks over at me. “Alpha, I’m so sorry. I was takin’ a nap after work and I slept through my alarm. I didn’t mean to be late.” she says with her head bowed. “Now Laura, when have you ever known me to be an unreasonable Alpha?” I ask her after her outburst. “Never, Alpha, but I’ve never seen anyone disobey you either.” she replies and I tilt my head side to side. “Fair enough but I ain’t mad at ya. I was just gonna ask if you were alright. Seems to me ya got your mate in front of ya… Do you accept him?” I respond and she looks into his eyes before looking back at me and nodding. “Henry, do you accept Laura?” I ask him with a smile already knowing the answer. “Absolutely, Alpha.” he says without looking at me. “Congratulations!” I yell and the entire dinin’ hall erupts in cheers. Various pack members rush the couple hugging them, shaking hands, and congratulating them for several minutes before Henry brings her up to the table and has her sit with him. “Now since ya missed the first part of the meetin’, I’ll fill ya in. Your mate there is our special guest tonight. He’s a messenger from Queen Iris and he delivered our invitation to the Royal Annual Mating Ball. You, ma’am, will be going ahead of the rest of us with your mate to your new home in Mystic Moon.” I say and she squeals in excitement causing all of us to laugh out loud. “Alright. That was all I had for y’all. This is now a celebration! Eat, drink, mingle, and have a good time.” I announce and everyone claps as I sit to eat my food. It’s 10:30pm before the last of the pack members leave the packhouse. I close the door and start to head up the stairs when I’m stopped by Henry. “Alpha!” he hollers and I turn around to find him approaching me with his phone to his ear. “Alpha, Queen Iris would like a word.” he says extending the phone to me. “I’m sorry. Did you say the Queen wants a word with me?” I ask and he nods. I take the phone and clear my throat before holding it up to my ear. “Yes ma’am… I mean, I apologize. Yes, Your majesty.” I stutter into the phone like a schoolgirl. She laughs at the other end. “No need to apologize for your Southern home training, Alpha. It’s quite charming. I just wanted to personally thank you for showing Henry such hospitality. If not for you, he’d have never found his mate. I’m glad to hear you and your pack members will be attending the ball. I hope we are able to do the same for you.” she says. “It was no problem whatsoever, ma’am. I hope to find my mate at the ball as well.” I reply politely. “Well I won’t keep you, Alpha Adam. I know it’s late. I look forward to meeting you. Oh, is it okay if Henry stays with your pack until you fly here? He would like to stay with his mate and help her pack her belongings while we prepare a new house for them.” she says before we end the conversation. “Of course it’s okay. I thought they’d be leavin’ before us and we’d just bring her things with us but that works for me.” I reply honestly. Queen Iris thanks me again and I hand the phone back to Henry before heading up the stairs to my bedroom. What a day this has been. Not only did I receive an invitation to the ball but I spoke to the Queen herself. “This will be the slowest two weeks ever.” my wolf, Archer, says in my head as I lay down in my bed. “You’re right there, buddy. It sure will but we could have our Luna in a couple weeks. Let’s focus on that.” I say and he huffs in agreement. I close my eyes and send up a short prayer to the Moon Goddess before falling asleep. “Goddess, please let my mate be at this ball.” **Two Weeks Later** “Alright y’all, does everyone have everything? We’re fixin’ to leave for the airport so triple check.” I say to the group of thirteen people flying to Colorado for the ball. Everyone, myself included, starts sorting through their suitcases and checking their formal garment bags to make sure they have everything they need. After ten minutes, we load all of our bags into one of the three pack cars taking us and head on out to the airport. We board the plane directly from the tarmac while my team loads our luggage onto the plane. Everyone except Cyrus and Blake looks on edge and nervous. “So the ball is tonight, how are y’all feeling?” I ask the group to break the ice. I hear a few nervous chuckles in response and they all explain how they’re nervous and excited all at once. “I won’t lie to y’all. I was so daggone excited to get the invite. I’ve been wantin’ to go since the first year they held it! But now we’re on our way and it feels like I’m fixin’ to puke from the nerves.” I say and everyone busts out laughing. “Yeah the big bad Alpha can go out there and defend our territory with no remorse but a ball with the Royal family has me with bubble guts.” I say laughing at myself. “You’re not a big bad Alpha, Alpha. You’re a good Alpha.” Laura says quietly. “Thank you, Laura. I’m glad you think so.” I say with a warm smile on my face. “She’s right, Alpha. I’ve never been treated so kindly in my journeys for Queen Iris. You might defend your pack and territory aggressively but you yourself are a great Alpha. Your people aren’t scared of you. They’re intimidated because of your title but nobody is terrified of being near you.” Henry follows up and I smile at him. “Henry, what time does the ball start?” Blake asks before I can respond. “I do believe they’ll start announcing the ranked members at 6pm, Gamma. Why?” Henry asks. I check my watch and notice it is 5:00pm. “How far is Mystic Moon from the airport?” I ask. “30-35 minutes. Why are you asking, Alpha?” he responds. I quickly link the pilot and ask when we will be landing and find out we have 30 minutes left. “We’re gon’ be late y’all. We don’t land for another 30 and we got drive there and get ready.” I say and the joyful energy in the plane seems to disappear. “That’s alright, Alpha. They don’t usually end the ball until well after midnight.” Henry says and I nod. We finally land and drive all the way to Mystic Moon. Henry gives us brief tour before showing us where each of us will stay. Everyone rushes to their rooms to change their clothes and make themselves presentable for the ball. “You ready, Archer?” I say and he huffs in agreement. “Let’s go find our mate.”
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