Chapter Two

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Chapter Two Friday, April 9th 2010, 5:25 pm The next few days had been tough ones at work. Tori was currently consulting for a major bank to help them beef up their employee security checks. The Chairman of the Board had brought her in on a recommendation from a friend. But he was trying to nickel and dime her into doing a lot more work than the contract said, and she’d almost told him to go f**k himself in the latest meeting they’d had. But she just took a deep breath and held her ground. She knew she was undercutting the other consultants they were using; and in the end he caved. That was a relief – the next six months looked a bit lean in terms of business just now but if the German deal came in Tori would be mad busy. If she included the expanded bank work, it would put her well over the top, but it now meant she could bring her friend Becky into the business too. Becky had retired several years before Tori to concentrate on her family – a bloody wise decision Tori thought! But now her kids were at school she was getting itchy feet. She was out of practice, but there was a lot of basic work that Becky could do to take the load from Tori; if only she could get that German deal! She’d left London early on the Friday afternoon to avoid the rush hour. Some combination of work, and the excitement of thinking about Gemma had given her a solid headache. She popped some Tylenol before she got on the train, and took a long, relaxing bath as soon as she arrived home. As she lay soaking, the image of Gemma’s smile would not go away. Tori had decided that tonight would be a civilized, and very polite turn-down. Then Greg’s face floated into her mind. Mmmmm. That would be nice. He was twenty eight; and if he’d kept in shape he’d have a nice, firm body. Was Gemma seeing women because Greg had problems in the bedroom? f**k, that would be tragic irony for you! A hot man whose d**k wasn’t working! Well, fate could be cruel! She lay on the bed after her bath, listening to some tunes while she cooled down and chilled. What should she wear? Something simple and casual; not jeans. As she looked into her wardrobe she thought she’d gone a bit overboard this past year on Power Dressing suits. s**t! Most of her older casual stuff was a bit too big for her these days. Her fingers rested on one of her “date outfits”. Hmm – should she? It was sexy, but not too blatant. My God, did girls find the same things sexy as men did? Gemma was so feminine; would she prefer Tori to be butch? How the f**k did it work? Wait a second – this was supposed to be a civilized let-down. Did Tori secretly want it to work? Would she lose her nerve; and run a mile if Gemma made a move on her? She remembered looking into those blue eyes; and Gemma’s lips had felt so soft as they kissed Tori’s cheek. What would it be like to kiss her properly? Maybe she should at least give herself the option of finding out. In the end she chose a simple black pencil skirt, and she teamed it with a sexy, ivory silk blouse. The blouse was quite clingy, and it would show off her breasts nicely. It was too cold to go without tights. And stockings would be a bit too slutty. She had a very sheer pair of pantyhose – she wouldn’t wear them before the gym in case they laddered – they were really sheer. And she’d take a spare pair just in case. She remembered buying them as a treat for her husband’s birthday. He loved Tori’s legs. He liked to stroke them before they made love. And he preferred it when she wore stockings or very sheer pantyhose. She’d never worn them for Mike in the end because only a few days later she’d been shot; and ended up in a wheelchair thinking she’d never walk again. She could hardly blame Mike for wanting s****l company; but to actually fall in love with that f*****g tart of an accountant – while Tori was still a cripple at home! That had been…disappointing. Something inside Tori wanted to show Mike that she could still pick up sexy partners. Christ, he’d drool over Gemma – and he’d be madly jealous of Greg. But why the f**k did Tori care what her stupid ex-husband might think? She sighed and resumed her outfit planning – there was no point taking too much care with hair and makeup now; she’d be showering after the gym anyway. *** Tori was doing some Pilates on the mat when she spotted Gemma – who smiled and waved. Tori waved back. She noticed Gemma was wearing a rather sexy, shiny leotard and contrasting leggings this evening. It was a nice change from her usual faded old T-shirts – presumably she was making an effort for Tori! She walked over to the edge of the mat. “Hi Tori!” Gemma said, beaming. “Are you still on for dinner later?” “I’m looking forward to it!” “Great!” Gemma said. She looked like she might explode with happiness. Tori thought she was one of those people whose joy and enthusiasm were infectious. Tori’s feelings about this whole thing had been flip-flopping between apprehension and outright longing; but now she was seeing Gemma again the in the flesh she found herself wanting this dinner to go well. They continued on their own workouts for the next hour or so. Then Tori finished up and stood by the water cooler as she’d done when she met Gemma for the first time. It looked like Gemma was in the middle of a set, but she stopped it when she saw Tori drinking. “God I’m parched!” Gemma chuckled, pouring a cup of water. “And I’m starving!” “Well let’s get going then!” Gemma said. “Maybe we can skip the cool down for tonight?” When they’d got changed, Tori saw that Gemma had also chosen a rather sexy outfit. Tight blue leather jeans that matched her eyes perfectly. God, she had such a lovely bottom! High top white trainers made her look a bit quirky, and a clingy white lycra T-shirt with some kind of trendy logo finishing off the outfit. Casual; but very sexy in a rebellious teenager sort of way. It was a little chilly outside, and they both wore coats. The meal went extremely well – the food was great for a start. Chinese food is made for sharing, and Gemma seemed to be quite an expert with chopsticks. Tori pretended to be hopeless, and Gemma ended up feeding her; it was very sexy. Once again Tori found Gemma to be delightful company; she was so enthusiastic and bubbly. Oh to be young! Tori was careful to ask lots of open questions, and was happy to be quite open about her own past. She recounted the story behind her divorce. “He actually had an affair while you were still in a wheelchair?” Gemma asked in amazement. “What a bastard!” “Well; we’d already grown apart before I was shot,” Tori admitted. “If I’m honest I’d put my career before our marriage anyway. So had he – he’s a lawyer, and works all hours.” “Even so!” Gemma said, reaching out and squeezing Tori’s hand gently. “I could never imagine doing that to somebody I loved.” Tori spoke without thinking. “Isn’t that exactly what you’re doing with me?” she asked. She’d spoken without thinking – and clenched her jaw in frustration. s**t! That had been a really stupid thing to say. “Oh?” Gemma said, seemingly genuinely surprised. “Well; I’ll admit my relationship with Greg is a bit…complicated. But one thing we both know is that we love each other madly; I really could never live without him. I know that because for about a year I had to – we’d split up, and it felt like somebody had carved a chunk out of me.” “He doesn’t mind you seeing…well people like me?” Tori asked. “I told you; it’s really not that simple,” Gemma sighed. “Look, you need to understand that Greg feels the same way about me as I do about him – we love each other.” She lowered her voice as the waitress passed by. “I’ve never fallen in love with a girl. I love having s*x with girls; and I’ve been good friends with some of them too. But I’ve never loved anyone but Greg – and I never will.” “That’s a pretty definitive statement,” Tori chuckled. “I know it’s true,” Gemma told her. The look of determination in the girl’s eyes told Tori she believed it. “So Greg lets you fool around because you tell him you need to have s*x with woman?” Tori asked. Gemma looked uncomfortable. “Well…I suppose that’s the nub of it,” she admitted. “It sounds pretty cold when you put it like that.” “And he fools around too, presumably?” Gemma blushed. “Actually no, he doesn’t.” Tori leaned back in her chair. “It’s none of my business, but does he…have a problem?” “Greg? God, no!” Gemma chuckled; then she lowered her voice. “He’s amazing in bed; I mean, he’s the only guy I’ve ever slept with but comparing notes with other women I can tell you – he does not have a problem.” “So he just doesn’t sleep around?” “He loves me,” Gemma said softly. “And he accepts that I need…other women.” She paused. “Look; I need to pop to the bathroom – too much water in the gym! I’ll be back in a sec.” While Gemma was gone, Tori signaled for the bill and paid with her credit card. “Hey I was going to split that with you!” Gemma said as she came back to the table. “And we haven’t had coffee yet; I can buy that.” “Would you like to come back to my place for a coffee?” Tori asked; feeling her tummy flip with excitement – she’d made her decision. Gemma smiled. “My goodness,” she said, pouring on the irony. “I’m not sure…do you think it’s a good idea? You don’t really seem to approve of my lifestyle, after all.” Tori smiled wryly. “It’s only coffee,” she pointed out. “Oh in that case I don’t think I’ll bother,” Gemma said with a smirk. Tori held her gaze for a few seconds. “I told you…I haven’t done anything like this before,” she whispered. “Well I don’t do it every day! Why don’t we start with the coffee and see where it takes us?”
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