Chapter One-3

245 Words
Tori took a deep breath and closed the file. OK, she’d really have to stop this; she’d listen to some music and get her mind off Gemma. Before she closed the laptop Tori wondered about Gemma’s husband. She didn’t need to open his file, there was a picture of them together in Gemma’s. A wedding picture; five years ago. He was twenty three at the time. She zoomed in; Jesus Christ – he was gorgeous too! Well that made sense; a girl like Gemma could have her choice of men. But Greg was unusually yummy. Tori smiled; wasn’t that how Gemma had described the little coffee biscuits in the café? She’d been right; they had been yummy. Tori wondered about Greg – did he get involved in Gemma’s extra-marital 'arrangements'? Gemma had implied that he didn’t; but there was a first time for everything, wasn’t there? Maybe she could persuade Gemma to let Greg play with them after all. Tori sighed – she should think about relaxing before she went to bed. She might have been able to get Gemma out of her mind by listening to something like heavy metal, or Wagner maybe. But now her mind was fantasizing about the three of them, that wouldn’t be enough. Her cottage had a cellar; and a few years ago she’d turned it into a basic gym for her husband as a surprise birthday present. He’d hardly used it, but Tori did; and she had a punch bag down there that she’d installed during the divorce. It was going to take a hammering tonight.
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