Her Aunt's rule

1112 Words

Chapter Thirty-Six – Her aunt’s rule. She was so angry and I didn’t blame her. Was Cara going to bring racism to this school now? “I don’t care if your bastard aunt owns this school. I’d give you the discipline they forgot to give you” Jane spat out. Cara was gasping for breath and her minions rushed to give her water. She pushed them away and began scolding them on not saving her at first. “Jane, you’d die” Cara spat out. Jane sighed and stormed out of the field to the principal office. She was going to report herself. I guess she was ready for whatever. “Jasper, you stood back when she punched me. You’d die too” Cara yelled. Suddenly, Jacob slapped her, “You are the crazy one here”. I was shocked. Jasper rushed and held his brother’s hand from landing again. Reuben began

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