The paintings

1142 Words

Chapter Thirty-Five – The Paintings. “I want that one!”. What? I and someone had said it at the same time. I turned to see Jacob. “Oh, you can have it?” he said. I shook my head, “I didn’t want to buy it. I just wanted to see it. That’s all” I rushed and gave it to him. The standard price for each painting was $25 dollars but Jacob gave $30 with the excuse that he liked round figures. Joey had happily told him his ‘shop' was open anytime, anywhere. It was nice seeing classmates supporting each other. I saw another painting of a male and female holding hands. I subconsciously smiled but I didn’t endeavor to buy it. My mom would ask if I lost a knot if she saw a romantic painting in my room. I didn’t even watch romance movies except rom-com with more com to rom. “This pie

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