A student's life

1111 Words

Chapter Twenty-Two – A student’s life. Poor Sheena, the ideal story of a quiet girl falling for a popular boy. It was always better when it was the other way round. It was a good thing that I haven’t had a crush before. Still I know how it felt to think you got rejected. Sheena was quiet all through our next class. She didn’t talk much but she usually acted like she listened. But no, nothing. Jennifer, on the other hand, acted normally not even looking at her from time to time knowing she’s sad. “Hey, nice shoes” I said to Sheena. Her shoes were nice, blue with pink laces. She was moody, I know, but she stretched her lips for a smile and that was all. At least, I left a footprint. After that class was another next class. *Sigh* I hurriedly left the class to submit a homework I h

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