Miss Awkward

1123 Words

Chapter Twenty-one – Miss awkward. “Meet me outside. I have a surprise for you” With a pencil drawn smiley face. I checked around for the culprit. Everyone seemed immense in what they’re doing. Rueben looked up at me questioningly then looked outside the door. Could he have seen who? He looked at me again and outside the door then went back to his work. Did the culprit go outside, well if the person wanted me outside then they could be outside. What did they want though? As I expected it was Cara. She was standing with her two underlings. I cat walked to her and c****d my eyebrows. She said to follow her and we stopped outside at the back of the school. She swung her hand to slap me but I held it. “What do you want?” I asked, feigning politeness. Another underling threw me a kick

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