Haunted by Scents and Figures

3996 Words
  Nick's POV "Hey Grandpa, look at this rock I found," A much younger version of myself said to the man I admired most in this life. He smiled at me and picked up the rock from my hand. "That is a cool rock, Nicholas. Should we put it with the others?" He said as he stood tall during one of our many nature hikes. This was our thing as I grew up and my parents had more children. Being the eldest of his grandpups, my grandfather Phillip stayed closest to me. I learned a lot at his side. I learned a lot about what it meant to be a good alpha. But most of all, I learned what it meant to be a good man. Phillip MacKenzie was one of the most respected alphas in the kingdom. He had taken the helm of the Zephyr Moon Pack at the age of sixteen. The pack I was born into and grew up in was one of the largest and strongest. It was something to brag about. My younger self picked up more rocks and inspected them as we moved deeper into the woods. The sun seemed to be disappearing from the sky even though it was the middle of the day. "Grandpa?" I called to him as I heard a deep growl from nearby. A large black wolf suddenly appeared next to me, and I knew it was my grandfather. His green eyes looked at me. 'Rogues are near. Stay close to me.' He warned in my head. I gulped as the black wolf let out a howl calling to the rest of the pack, and then the smell of decay entered my senses, and my grandfather leaped onto the back of a scrawny looking rogue. It yelped as the alpha snapped its neck. It should have bothered me, but I just watched. More rogues came into view and fought the big black wolf. He defeated them easily. But they just kept coming in droves. The black wolf began to weaken as he fought them five or six at a time. I watched in horror as the black wolf was felled and the rogues began tearing him to pieces. "GRANDPA!" I yelled. "HELP!" I cried, but it seemed no one was coming to our aid. My grandfather's dying whimpers echoed in my head as I dropped to my knees and closed my eyes. I heard deep cackling laughter and opened my eyes to see a hooded figure watching the rogues finish off my grandfather. The figure turned to me. It was the same one that has haunted me for years. Not just in my dreams but while I am awake. I screamed and ran from the stalking figure and ran straight into a bloody naked man. I looked into familiar green eyes. "Nicholas, you have to find out who killed me. You have to find them before they hurt us all," My grandfather pleaded to me. "The hooded figure and his demon are responsible. Find them, Nicholas." He said to me as the rogues swooped in to grab him. They began to attack him, but he was too weak to fight and fell to his knees. "RUN AWAY, NICK!" He yelled at me. I screamed and ran through the trees. Calling for help as the voice cackled around me. "We are coming for you, Nick." The cold voice hissed and sent a shiver through my body. "We are coming for you, and you will be one of us." I woke up in a cold sweat and while trembling. Horrible dreams had plagued me for as long as I remember. I suffered from PTSD caused when my mother and I were abducted by my biological father and the king's cousin. I remember my father hitting me and yelling at me while my mother was being fed poison. They were trying to kill my younger brother and sister while they were still in the womb. Even sixteen years later, those days in captivity haunted me. And now I was haunted by my grandfather's death. I hadn't witnessed it. But I watched him die almost every night in my nightmares. Always different deaths at the hands of rogue while the hooded figure laughed away. There was something eerily familiar about the figure, but I could never get close enough to see its face or anything to identify it. Sighing, I looked at the clock. I was going to be late for alpha training this morning. I almost did not care. I thought about going back to sleep, but I did not want to hear my father's lecture about responsibility. So I sat up. My female companion from last night had already left. I got out of bed and trudged into the bathroom to shower. I took a long shower despite being late for class. I needed to talk to my parents before going anyways. After the shower, I dried off and put on a pair of dark jeans and a white t-shirt. My training gear was in the locker room by the training grounds. I walked out of my room. It was past breakfast, and I hoped my parents were already in their office. I walked past the room where my grandmother Melinda now lived. After my grandfather's murder, she had been rendered catatonic. She no longer spoke or moved. She just sat in her room and stared at the wall or out the window. There was a team of nurses that cared for her. Seeing such a strong woman become so weak was jarring. I approached the elevators and saw my younger brother Lincoln waiting for them. "Shouldn't you be at school?" I asked him. He was nearly thirteen and looked the most like our father. He had the same dark brown hair and dark blue eyes. Lincoln looked me up and down. "Shouldn't you be at alpha training?" "Touche, little brotehr. Touche." I smiled as the doors opened. "So what are you up to?" "I forgot the paper I was supposed to turn in. So I had to run back here to get it." "Dad is going to ream you for being late," I told him. Lincoln snorted. "That's his favorite hobby."We both laughed as the door opened. "Anyway, don't tell them, alright." He said as we walked out of the elevator. "You know he will find out anyway." "Yeah, I know." He waved and ran down the hall. The school we all went to was near the palace. It was an elite school that was open to the pups of everyone who worked in the palace. I walked in the opposite direction and stopped in front of my parent's office. Taking a deep breath because I knew I was already in trouble for missing Alpha class. I opened the door without knocking, and of course, my parents were making out. My father growled as he looked at me. He had his hands up my mother's blouse while she was straddling his lap. "Knock before you enter the office, Nicholas," He snarled as my mother slid off his lap and adjusted her shirt. His blue eyes narrowed at me, and he looked at the clock. "Why aren't you at alpha training?" "I just woke up a few minutes ago," I mumbled as I sat on one of the chairs in front of the desk. "Nicky, you can't miss training. You are going to be alpha in a few years," My mother chimed in. "I know, Mom. I have been to those classes over and over. There is nothing more I can learn from them." "There is always something you can learn from them," My father joined in. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever," I said as they both growled at me. "I came here to talk. I had another bad nightmare about Grandpa." My mother's expression softened. Her father's death hit her harder than almost anyone, including myself. She had cried for weeks after. Then she vowed revenge. My father had to practically chain her to the palace to keep her from searching for my grandfather's killers. My parents had the best investigators and trackers on the job. "What was it this time?" My mother's voice interrupted my thoughts. "Same old s**t," I started explaining. "Grandpa and I wandering through the woods when I was much younger. Then he is attacked while the hooded dude laughs." I had told them about the hooded man, but they never seemed to believe me. No one did. "We are still investigating the incident, Nick." My father said while glancing at my mother, who was now silent. I watched her violet eyes narrow as she pondered what I had said. She sighed and looked away from me. "Mom, I am sorry to upset you." She shook her head. "It's not that, Nicky. Did DAd say anything to you like last time?" I nodded. "He said that I have to find the ones who killed him. That I have to find them before they hurt us all." My mother pursed her lips as I spoke. I watched my father grab her hand, and they peered into each other's eyes for a moment. I admired the love they had for each other. She leaned onto his shoulder as tears fell from her eyes. I now felt guilty for upsetting her. "Mom, please don't cry." I leaned forward on the chair. "I didn't mean to upset you. I just needed to talk." She sniffled. "It's alright, baby. Talking is good." I stood up. "Well, I better get going to alpha training." My mother stood up from her seat, ran around the desk, and took me into her arms. She was now a few inches shorter than me. But I held her tight. "I love you, Nicky. We will find out what happened to your grandfather, and then I will kill the ones responsible." I couldn't help but smile. "I know you will, Mom." I pulled back from her and wiped the tears from her cheeks. "I love you too." I kissed her forehead and then let her go. I waved to my father. "Bye Dad." "Don't be late for dinner," He mumbled while looking at the computer in front of him. I left the office and headed towards training. I was starving, but I suppressed it as I walked into the locker room. When I finally made it to the training grounds, the trainer glared at me as the other young alphas were sparring. "You are late, Warner," The older man grumbled. "That would be correct, Chris," I said as I stood in front of him. "I had to talk to my parents." "Excuses, Warner. Now give me a hundred pushups and then fifty laps." He ordered. Sighing, I dropped to the ground to start the pushups. A hundred pushups weren't that hard. Then the laps went fast. I was sweating but not winded when I lined up with the other alphas. "Okay, boys, let's continue our sparring. Team up." A cocky young alpha named Harley Devins smacked me on the shoulder. "Let's go, Warner." HE squared up. The future alpha of Forest Moon liked to pick on me for some reason. Even though I was stronger and always beat his ass. He came off as cocky and full of himself. He spent most of his time exaggerating his accomplishments. "Ready to get your ass kicked again, Devins?" I smirked as he lunged for me. I easily smacked him to the ground. He stood up again and growled. He lodged his fists at me, and I dodged most of the blows. I was nice and let him get in a few hits. I swung my fists at him, and he grunted as I landed each blow. "Come on, Devins, you can do better than that," I said as I dropped him to the ground. He glared at me and sprang to his feet. "I am having an off day," He mumbled as he swung his fists. "My mate is resistant to me, and it's throwing me off my game." I punched his stomach, and he groaned. "I didn't know you had a mate. I thought you were a manwhore like me." He laughed and caught me off guard with a strike to my face. "I was until I declared she was mine." "So she is a chosen mate?" I punched him hard, sending him to the ground. He rolled onto his back and kicked his legs up, striking me in the side. "Yep." He said as I fell to the ground, and we grappled with each other on the ground. Trainer Chris blew a whistle, and we stopped sparring. "Okay, gentlemen, take a break," Trainer Chris shouted at us. "Five minutes. Remember to hydrate." I got up from the ground and helped Harley to his feet. We walked over to the table with the water and Gatorade. I mixed Gatorade with water and drank. "Hey Warner, late again?" One of the other alphas in training, Jordan Harrison, said to me. He was one I considered a friend. Jordan is the future alpha of Silver Crescent. "Yes, Harrison, I was late again. I had a long night with a lady and slept in," I smirked at him. He rolled his eyes. "Don't you always have long nights with ladies?" "Once I get my mate to be with me, then I won't need any other ladies," Harley said with a dreamy look on his face. "Why won't she be with you now?" Jordan asked him. Harley shrugged. "Oh, I may have picked on her a bit while we were growing up. She lives in the past and holds that against me." Jordan snorted. "Why would a she-wolf be with any male that picked on her? I mean, it must have been pretty bad if she isn't just falling for you." "She needs to get over it. Because she is mine no matter what." Jordan glanced at me. "I don't think I could force a female to love me." "That's because you are weak, Jordan," Harley snarled. "Just like your father." "My father isn't weak. Just because our pack is not a warrior pack does not mean we are weak." Jordan stepped towards Harley. "Whatever, Jordan," Harley slammed his cup down. He looked at me. "Let's get back to sparring." He walked away from us. Sighing, I downed another cup of water and looked back at Jordan. "Don't let Devins get to you. He is full of hot air and little else." Jordan laughed. "Beat his ass, Nick." I laughed and ran after Harley. He had his back turned to me, and I kicked the back of his knees, making him fall to the ground. I then punched his back, and he fell face-first onto the ground. "Never turn your back on the enemy," I said to him. With a vicious growl, he launched himself off the ground and lunged at me. His eyes were black with rage as his wolf had taken over. I could see he was fighting to refrain from shifting. I put up my fists and dodged his attempted blows. He snarled with frustration as I blocked all of his hits. "You think you are the best one here." He whined while panting. "I don't have to think it, Harley," I smirked as my fist connected with his cheek. "f**k you, Nick." He shouted and kicked out his leg aiming for my side, which I caught and flipped him over. He landed on his back, and I stood over him. "Haven't you learned that attacking with anger makes you weak?" I reached my hand down to help him to his feet. He pulled me down and punched my neck as I fell. I saw stars from the blow. Taking the opportunity, Harley began kicking me in the ribs while he laughed. Lasher growled in my head as he kicked me. "DEVINS!" Trainer Chris yelled at him while running over. Harley stopped kicking me and smirked as the trainer reached us. "You are done for the day. Hit the showers." Harley threw up his hands. "Warner started it." He mumbled. "I was just taking him down a few notches." "I said hit the showers. NOW," The trainer barked. Harley walked away with a snarl. I lay on my back, trying to catch my breath. Rolling onto my side, I spit blood from my mouth as Chris helped me to my feet. He helped me over to the bleachers. "Should we take you to the hospital?" I shook my head. "I'll be okay, sir. Devins was just getting out some anger." "Well, he needs to learn that this is training and not anger management. You shouldn't have provoked him," The trainer ran his hand through his hair. "Your father is going to have my hide if you are hurt." "Don't tell my father then." I sighed. "But if you are seriously hurt-" "Chris, please. We are a bunch of alpha males, and sometimes our anger gets the best of us. I will survive. My wolf strong, and I will be healed in no time." I explained to the trainer. "I will be alright in a few minutes." "Take your time," He said and turned his attention back to the field. He blew his whistle and walked towards one of the other sparring pairs. I sat on the bleachers and sipped water until it was almost lunchtime. I had promised my parents to have lunch in the office. I decided to call it a day and headed into the locker room to take a shower. On the way to the locker room I felt eyes on me.  I swear I saw the figure staring at me from the hill about the training grounds.  Dressed in all black from head to toe I swear our eyes met.  I blinked and then it was gone.  Sighign I continued to the locker room.  The figure haunted me whether I was awake of asleep.  After my shower I mad me way towards the palace, I saw four of my siblings walking away from the school. They were allowed to leave school for lunch. "Hey, guys," I said as I approached. "I see you made it to class Lincoln," I tapped him on the shoulder. "Yeah, I am still in trouble, though," He mumbled. "Why were you late for school, Lincoln?" Daisy asked him. She was walking ahead of us with Piper. "Stay out of my business, Daisy." Lincoln snarled at her. Daisy sighed. "Daddy wouldn't have to yell at you all of the time if you stayed out of trouble." "We can't all be goody-two-shoes like you, Daisy." Lincoln rolled his eyes. "Okay, can you both quit it," Malcolm chimed in? I snorted as my siblings bickered. "Hey, where is Raina? You guys didn't forget her again, did you?" I asked about our youngest sister. "Mom, pulled her out of school earlier," Piper replied. "And for the record, we only forgot her once, and it was Lincoln's fault." "It was not my fault Piper." He yelled at her. "Mom and Dad told you to watch her," Piper retorted. "Okay, both of you, stop it," Daisy ordered them. Piper and Lincoln glared at her. "You are not the boss of us, Daisy." Piper put her hands on her hips. It was not easy living with five younger siblings. Daisy and Malcolm were the golden twins. Malcolm being the crown prince, and Daisy is the next queen of the vampires. Then there is Lincoln. The sports-obsessed one and Piper, who is a year younger than Lincoln. She is a bit of a tomboy and likes playing sports too. She makes Lincoln mad when she beats him at basketball. And finally, Raina the youngest. The six of us drove the palace and our parents nuts. But my father is the one who wanted a lot of pups. He wanted more, but my mother was unable to have more after Raina. As we walked into the palace, my wolf began to pace and whine in my head. 'What is wrong with your Lasher?' 'She is close. Our mate is close.' He whimpered. I shook my head. Again he was going nuts over this mysterious mate. 'Dude, can you calm down. You are giving me a headache.' 'I can't calm down.' He replied with a whine. "What's up, Nick?" Malcolm interrupted my conversation with Lasher. I was holding my head. "My wolf is just a pain." "Oh, Xerxes seems to be getting more and more restless these days." I wrapped my arm around his shoulder. "That is because he is eager to get out for your first shift," I explained. My siblings' birthday was in two days. They all shared the same birthday as our father. Daisy and Malcolm were turning sixteen and were to have their first shift. So this year it was going to be a big party. People were eager to see the twin white wolves' first shift. I had seen my mother's wolf numerous times but was still excited to see my siblings' white wolves. As we neared the office, Lasher began to howl in my head, and that scent hit me. The one of the forest after it rains, and Lasher was trying to claw his way out of my mind. I looked around the hall and saw only guards milling about. My siblings filed into the office, greeting our parents. I was still staring down the hall in a trance. "Nick!" I heard my father calling to me. "Nick," He was closer to me, and I jumped when his hand grabbed my shoulder. I shook my head and turned to him. "Nick, son. Are you alright?" He looked at me with concern. "Yeah," I mumbled and walked into the and office, and the scent hit me even more potent. Lasher pushed himself forward. I sniffed around the office like a damn bloodhound. 'She was here. She was here.' He kept repeating. 'Dude, Lasher. Stop.' I said while grabbing the sides of my head. I squeezed my eyes shut as he whined and howled. I vaguely heard my parents trying to talk to me. My mother's hands were on my arms, and I barely registered her face. I couldn't stay here and eat. I needed to get out as the scent overwhelmed me. I opened my eyes to peer into my mother's violet ones. "I-I have to go," I mumbled to her and pulled away. "Nicky, what's wrong? Are you having an episode?" She called to me as I walked quickly out of the office. I followed the scent down the hall and found myself standing in front of the kitchens. I stepped inside, and the scent was lost as it became muddled with all the other smells in the kitchen. The workers all stopped and stared at me. The chef stepped towards me. "Is there something I can help you with, your highness?" He asked me. I momentarily ignored him and looked around the room, trying to see if she was there. But there were so many, and Lasher was driving me crazy. "Uh no, sorry. I was lost in thought," I mumbled and then walked out of the kitchen. 'No, go back. She is there. Go back!' Lasher pleaded with me. I shook my head and started to run out of the palace. 'Lasher, let's go for a run, alright. It will calm both of us down.' He whimpered. 'But I want my mate.' 'I know. But now is not the time. Let's just go for a run, alright?' He sighed sadly, 'Fine.' I reached the tree line and stripped out of my clothes, and stuck them in a notch of a tree. I then shifted in an enormous grey wolf with golden streaks through his fur. With a sad howl, Lasher took control, and we ran into the woods.
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