Princess Curls **Trigger Warning**

2750 Words

**Trigger Warning:  Rape scene***   Calliope's POV My happy dream faded as nausea took me over and my eyes shot open. I wanted to get out of bed, but I was held tight to a warm body. My back was flush against Nick's chest. I needed to get out of bed before I vomited all over the bed. I smacked his arm. "Nick!" I shouted. "Nick!" I called again, and he just mumbled but held me tight. "Nick! Let go," I punched his arm with all of my might, and he shifted and opened an eye. "What?" He mumbled. I smacked his arm again. "I need you to let me go." I cried as I could feel myself seconds from throwing up. He finally let me go, and I rolled off the bed and ran to the bathroom. I made it just in time to hurl the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I fell to my knees and gripped the

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