Max Lost His Head

3937 Words

Nick's POV I sat in the classroom learning about battle strategy for the tenth time, it seemed. I wished the instructors used new material to teach us. Surely there were other things we could learn. I sighed and glanced around the room at the other future alphas, all blinking back boredom. My mind kept wandering to my sexy little mate and her seductive dance this morning that drove my wolf mad. I must have been making a funny face because the instructor, an older male with gray hair and a long beard, suddenly slammed his fist on the desk in the front of the room. "Prince Nicholas, do you care to share your thoughts with the rest of us?" I shook my head and blinked at him. "No, sir," I replied as the other males snickered around me. He put his hands on his hips and glared at me. "Why

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