Chapter 5

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I was forced into bedrest for two days. And I did just that. It felt weird - being lazy, given that I was a new Luna. But I couldn't go against Zanthus' orders. He'd get mad at me if he found me out of bed. So I tended to do the things I needed to do while he worked during the day. Like cook, bathe, and even dust around a bit... I was glad when the two days were up, however, because I could finally move around as I wished. I felt great; like a whole new she-wolf. There was no evidence of my previous illness; aside from being more slim than normal, but I would gain my weight back quickly. I stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped in nothing but a small white towel that left very little to the imagination. My hair left wet drops on the floor as I approached the bedroom Zanthus and I shared. Zanthus was already inside, standing in nothing but a pair of black dress pants. His large upper half was exposed - showing me large, taut muscles. I didn't miss the tattoos that littered his skin, either. The black ink covered his back, creeping up his neck and disappearing into his hairline. They appeared tribal, but held much more elegance. "You need to dress nice." He told me, voice monotone as he turned to face me. I blushed as I looked away from him, embarrassed that I had been watching him as intently as I was. I looked in the closet, where my clothing was placed. It turned out that Zanthus had a few of his pack members - including his beta - grab my clothing and a few other necessities after he had nearly beaten my father to death. I was thankful I had my things, but disturbed on how they had gotten to me. I pursed my lips in thought as I tried to figure out what to wear. I had a few nice pairs of jeans, and shirts, and skirts...and dresses... I had too many, though. It was hard to decide what to wear. "I don't know what to wear," I complained, running a frustrated hand through my damp curls. "Dress or jeans?" I questioned, secretly surprised that I was asking Zanthus for clothing advice. But I was even more surprised when Zanthus actually answered me. "Dress." He seemed annoyed that he had to answer, so I decided to not ask him if I should wear something light or dark... I decided on a simple dark purple A-line dress. It was a deep plum colour, free of any rhinestones or fancy laces, and exposed very little cleavage. It came down to my knees, and the straps were thick and secure. I knew Zanthus would approve once he seen it on me. I didn't usually wear any makeup, but that day was a special occasion. There would be a ceremony held, to officially welcome me into the pack. Zanthus and I would cut a line on our palms, allowing three drops of blood each to fall into a goblet of red wine, before each of us took a sip. A celebratory dinner would be held after, and I would be an official pack member. The thought made me extremely nervous, and I felt queazy. I still decided to keep the makeup simple. Just a light brown eyeliner on my waterline, to make my green eyes pop; and black mascara to make my lashes look darker and longer. I didn't need to put any foundation on, because my skin didn't require it. And I didn't need to put anything other than berry blistex on my lips, because they were already a healthy pink colour. My hair was almost dry, so I simply teased it a bit before I left the bathroom, preparing to meet Zanthus. He was just leaving the bedroom, as I stepped out of the bathroom. And he looked so amazing...clad in a sharp black suit, and his sandy blond hair gelled back. My scent of arousal tainted the air, earning a look of distaste from Zanthus. I put my head down, feeling nothing short of ashamed. He said nothing to me as he grabbed my arm and lead me down the stairs. Nervousness sat firmly in the pit of my stomach, but I didn't utter a word of complaint. Zanthus was already disappointed in me, anyway. The cold air nipped at my exposed arms and legs as we walked, but I didn't feel cold; whether it be because of my nervousness or my built in heat, I didn't know. But my warmth still didn't distract me from Zanthus' cold, detached touch. I didn't like the way he touched me. It held no emotion - almost as if he wasn't touching me at all, and I think I would've preferred that. It wasn't how a mate should feel, but I felt like that...all the time... The moment we entered the pack house, my nerves boiled over, and I stopped dead in my tracks. Zanthus continued trying to tug me, but I wouldn't budge. I couldn't. "What is it now?" He asked through gritted teeth, irritated by my behaviour. I couldn't blame him, though. I had reassured him I would be fine...and that I was prepared for the ceremony. But there I was, frozen in my spot. I lacked the confidence of a Luna...maybe he had picked the wrong mate. "I can't do this." I whispered, shaking my head. I was too scared, and meek. "You have to," he sighed, voice quiet but still full of irritation. "You told me you were ready. Did you lie?" "N-no." I shook my head, starting to take small steps again. I tried to convince myself that if I kept going I would be alright, and confidence would naturally come to me. But it wasn't. I was left having to fake it until I made it. The moment we burst into the main room, all the chatter stopped, and all eyes were on us. I instantly wanted to turn and run away, but I couldn't. I had to hold my head up high, even if it was only a faux display. So I attempted to gulp down my insecurities, and follow behind Zanthus as he lead my up to the stage. Only the sound of our shoes walking up the steps could be heard in the room that was overcome with a tense silence. Zanthus stood tall and gallant as he faced his large pack head on. I stood beside him, mirroring his posture, but not feeling half as brave as he did. I laced my hands behind my back, trying not to faint... Zanthus' voice was loud and smooth as he addressed his pack. "As you know, we have all gathered here this evening to officially welcome my chosen mate, Olive Samuels from the BlueAutumn pack, into the ObsidianBlood pack," he observed the whole room, face void of all emotion. "She is your Luna, so I should expect to see her given the same respect that is given to me. If she orders you to do something, you will do it. Is all clear?" "Yes, Alpha." Everyone responded in unison, showing perfect discipline. So much different from my previous pack... I followed Zanthus as he lead me behind a table covered in a white cloth. A silver goblet was placed in the centre, and an also silver dagger was placed directly beside it. I gulped as I attempted to maintain my composure...but my anxiety was through the roof, probably reaching the moon. Zanthus picked up the silver dagger in his right hand, firmly gripping the carved wooden handle. His eyes remained unconcerned as he brought it to his calloused palm, piercing the flesh. He dragged it along his skin, making a cut about an inch in length. Scarlet liquid crept out from beneath his flesh, dying his perfect olive skin red. He appeared unfazed, however, and clenched his hand into a fist, placing it sideways over the goblet. Slowly, the blood peeked out from his fist, falling steadily into the red wine. One drop, Two drops, Three drops. Zanthus brought his palm to his lips, and licked the wound, speeding up the healing process. The flesh instantly began to close up, and the blood stopped flowing from his hand. He gave me an expectant look, urging me to repeat the process. Hesitantly, I gripped the handle of the dagger in my hand. I could feel sweat gathering at my forehead, displaying my unease. I tried to look as confident as I could, but it was hard knowing I had many eyes on me...watching my every move. Unsurely, I brought the sharp blade to my palm. It hovered above my skin for a moment, before I pressed it into the head line. It remained there for another few moments, still such as I was. Until I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, piercing the flesh. I made a cut about an inch long, exactly like Zanthus had. Blood quickly formed at the gash, and I clenched my hand into a fist. I tilted it to the side, placing it over the goblet, waiting for the crimson liquid to fall into the wine. It did, soon enough. One drop, Two drops, Three drops. I retracted my hand, bringing my palm to my mouth to give it a quick lick. The copper liquid quickly tainted the minty taste in my mouth, and I held back a look of disgust. Zanthus grabbed the goblet, raising it in the air before pressing it to his plump lips, taking a large sip. His Adam's apple bobbed as the wine trailed its way down his throat, nearly finalizing my place in the pack. He gave me an unreadable look, before handing me the goblet. I took it from his hand, looking at the dark liquid inside. I debated, for a second or two, on if I should drink it or not. My hesitancy wasn't made me look weak...and not good at making decisions. So I pressed the rim to my lips, and took a large gulp. The process was finalized. I was officially the Luna of the ObsidianBlood pack. The BlueAutumn pack was something of the past... The pack cheered for us, and Zanthus took my hand in his. He didn't lace our fingers together - his four fingers were in between my thumb and index finger; as if we were making an oath. We raised our hands into the air, and his pack cheered louder. I couldn't help my feeling of pride as I threw my head back and smiled. Zanthus lead me to the table. He sat at the head of it, as the Alpha should, and I took the seat to his right, on the side of the table. The beta sat on the other end of the table. Out of respect, the Alpha was to take the first bite. I was to take the second bite, after him. And he took the first bite of the meal laid before him, before looking at me. I wasted no time in taking a bite, anxious to dig into the delicious food. I was suddenly starving. Soon enough, everyone was chatting amongst themselves, and eating steadily. It was nice, the dynamic of the pack altogether. My previous pack was always disorganized; dinner time was always a struggle. "I have a feeling you'll make a splendid Luna." A soft voice said from right beside me. My head snapped in the direction, and I wasn't surprised to find the voice belonging to a young woman. She wasn't necessarily pretty...she was more cute - adorable. Her eyes were large, and a soft honey brown colour. Her ash blonde hair was wavy, in a poofy sort of way, and fell just below her breasts. Her skin tone was ivory, and heavy amounts of freckles were peppered across her nose and cheeks. She reminded me of Sharon Tate, the more I looked at her. I offered her a small, appreciative smile. "Thank you..." I was thankful for her words, and my confidence spiked a little at them. "I'm Vivian," she told me, holding a hand out for me to shake. I wasted no time in shaking it. "But you can call me Viv...or Vivi, but preferably Viv. Everyone does." "You have a beautiful name." I told her honestly. And I sincerely thought she did. It wasn't a name I heard often, and that made me appreciate it even more. "Oh thank you, Luna. I think your names cute. Is it short for Olivia?" She questioned, big brown eyes full of curiosity. I chuckled, shaking my head. "No. Although I wish it was," I frowned. "Olive is so boring...I kind of want to chop up my name and put it on a salad." I admitted half honestly, smiling when she giggled at my lame joke. "You're funny, too. I think you'll be great for this pack." She told me, stopping herself from saying anything more. Something told me her statement meant more things than one. And I wanted to question it, but instead I found my attention thrown elsewhere. The scent of arousal filled the room, coming from right in front of me. I faced the person it was coming from, only to see a woman looking too intently at Zanthus. She was pretty, too. Straight black hair was parted straight down the middle - courtesy of her strong widows peak. Her skin was golden and glowing, making her large silver eyes stand out. Her lips were plump, coated in a thick layer of fire engine red lipstick. She was shamelessly flirting with Zanthus, not caring that arousal was leaking from her; and that a scent was emanating from Zanthus, trying to ward her off. My eye twitched, and I white-knuckled the handle of the steak knife that was placed on my napkin. I could feel as my cheeks went red from anger, and my teeth gritted together. I was annoyed that Zanthus wasn't even telling her to go away. He didn't look into her, but he wasn't pushing her away either. A sudden emotion sparked in me - something I had never felt before; an unnatural feeling. Something so strong I couldn't control it. Wrath. I wanted to stab her. Kill her. "Luna," Vivian said from beside me, placing a steady hand on my shoulder. I sat there, rigid, as I watched the woman glance between Zanthus and I, before she smirked and placed a hand on his forearm. "Everyone can smell your anger," she told me, fear creeping into her voice. "With all due respect, Luna, you need to calm down." But it was too late. I saw red. I stood up, knife clutched tightly in my hand as I watched the silver-eyed woman with hateful eyes. The room went deathly silent. I had never felt so angry. Ever. "Olive," Zanthus also stood up, hands firmly on the table. I ignored him. I wouldn't take my eyes off of the woman in front of me. She had the audacity to replace the smug look on her face with fear. She was lying - pulling everyone's leg. And only I knew that. "Olive, that is enough!" Zanthus asserted, voice raising. I wouldn't back down. I couldn't. All I could do was stare at the woman in front of me. "A-Alpha Zanthus," she spoke, not taking her silver eyes off of me. She made herself look weak and timid; I knew she was anything but that. "Sh-she's scaring me." She said, voice small and squeaky. At her words, Zanthus smacked the knife out of my hand, and grabbed my wrist. Dinner was cut short as the pack watched their Alpha drag their Luna out of the room.
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