Chapter 62 - Violet

1194 Words

I was awoken to light snoring next to my ear, making me jump out of my skin, wondering what the hell was in bed with me! Imagine my surprise at opening my eyes and seeing Tate lying there… I nearly leaped straight back out of the bed, but stopped myself so as not to wake him, who was still sleeping peacefully. Yep, I had forgotten I had got into bed with him after my bath last night. It seems we both fell asleep intertwined in one another's bodies, our limbs wrapped around each other, the heat of one another's bodies giving comfort and warmth to the other. I could hear the snoring again, and I go to poke Tate and tell him to shut up, when I realised it wasn’t him at all. The noise is coming from my mind. What the hell? My mind can't snore, can it? Can I imagine snoring? Am I losing the pl

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