Chapter 61- Tate

1012 Words

Violet walks out of the bathroom looking sleepy, which, considering she had just fallen asleep in the bath, is understandable - but goddess is she beautiful! Her auburn hair is in wet ringlets down her back and over her shoulders. Her eyes look so sleepy, bless her… I think somebody may be ready for bed. I can't help but wonder how long she would have slept in the bath had I not woken her. She is wrapped up in a towel. It encases the curves of her body, driving me crazy! My heart raced at the thought of what little lays beneath that piece of fabric… But I give my head a shake and do my best to remain a gentleman so she doesn’t panic. I cannot be rushing this. I want to make this as perfect as it can be. I want to show her how good we can be. Though I’d say listening to the growl that cam

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