An acquaintance

2200 Words
Tatiana I woke at nightfall after falling asleep on Betty and Tom's front porch. I quickly got up and left the area. As much as I liked them, I was a rogue and better off alone. I never spent too much time in one spot since it put me at greater risk. I knew Alpha Cameron was still looking for me since I had come across a few of his men over the past few years, and while torturing one, he confessed that I was the target. It made my blood boil. I couldn't wait to get my revenge on Alpha Cameron one day. I went to a creek and drank water before it was time to hunt down dinner. As I was about to leave, I heard a woman's voice. It didn't take long for me to recognize who it was. It was another rogue. Her name was Max. Well, her full name is Maxine, but she called herself Max. She always talked to herself and came across as slightly deranged. We weren't friends or anything, but I had run into her several times over the past two years. We seemed to stick around the same areas. We also had an unspoken agreement that we stayed out of each other's way, or at least that was what I tried to do. She was usually the one who broke that agreement and tried to strike up a conversation with me at every opportunity. The woman was definitely odd, a few fries short of a full meal deal if you asked me. But some people would say the same thing about me since I couldn't shift, so who am I to judge? Max never wore clothes. The only thing she ever had on was a pair of cowboy boots and a belt with a machete holster. I had no clue how she became a rogue or her story, but I knew something must have happened to her to make her the way she was. Female rogues were rare, and they usually didn't survive for long. They either got themselves killed or taken as playthings by male rogues. That last thought made me shudder. Some rogues were vile creatures, and I didn't want to think about what would happen if I ever got caught by one. Luckily, Max and I seemed to be the exception to the rule and have survived independently for a few years. Maybe that was why we watched each other's backs. I tried to turn away before Max noticed me, but I was too late. "Hey, Red, what's cooking?" she asked while bathing herself in the creek. I didn't respond, as always. Max knew I never shifted yet she still always talked to me. I had seen her fight many times, and she was good, but she had never shifted into her wolf, which was odd. I could sense she was a werewolf, and her healing speed was comparable to mine, yet she never used her wolf to hunt or protect herself. Instead, she used her machete, which seemed to be her weapon of choice. I kept walking and ignored her words like I always did. "Good chat, Red." She shouted while laughing at herself. She called me Red, and I could only assume it was because of the color of my fur. I moved through the forest since it was time to find dinner. My stomach grumbled at the thought. I crouched down in some tall grass and hid from any potential prey. I was hoping maybe a rabbit or squirrel would pass by so I could catch myself an easy meal. After twenty minutes, I was about to give up when I hurt a twig snap. My ears perked up, and I licked my lips, anticipating a good meal. Shortly after, I heard a few more twigs snap and a ruffling sound in the bushes. I quickly realized that whatever was making that noise was bigger than what I wanted for dinner. I became on high alert, listening and smelling everything around me. That was when the smell hit my nose: a wolf, not just any wolf, though, but someone from Alpha Cameron's pack. Each pack had its own distinct scent that mixed in with your individual scent. So, when you came across another wolf, you could recognize which pack they belonged to. Panic took over as I wondered if Alpha Cameron had sent more of his men after me. I would rather die than be dragged back to my old territory. I remained hidden in the tall grass, hoping they would keep moving past my location, but unfortunately, I wasn't that lucky. A wolf came into view. He was a decent-sized wolf, and I immediately recognized him as one of the warriors from my old pack. He hadn't spotted me yet but was sniffing the air as if he could sense my presence. The new arrival shifted into his human form. He was tall, around six feet, with shoulder-length dark brown hair and a muscular build. He looked around the general area where I was hiding, and my heartbeat started beating faster as he moved closer. I was getting ready to lung and fight, thinking he was alone, but then five more wolves appeared. I was completely outnumbered. I decided to stay hidden. I wouldn't hesitate to fight if they found me, but I knew the odds weren't in my favor. "She's near here. I can smell her," the warrior growled, sending a shiver down my spine. They were only twenty feet away and heading directly toward me. Suddenly, I heard Max approaching, humming the song, Born To Be Wild, sounding oblivious to the danger she was walking into. I internally cringed. I got into a position ready to fight. I wouldn't sit back and let them hurt Max because of me. We might not be friends, but there was still something about the woman that I liked. The naked warrior and wolves froze when they heard Max humming before they turned toward her. "Oh, hey, fellas. I seemed to have lost my way. Would y'all mind pointing me towards the closest city?" she asked in a Southern accent while batting her eyelashes and popping her hip. Max was around my age, maybe a year or two older, and was a bit taller than me, at around five feet eight. She had a tight body, with lots of curves and big boobs, making her look girly when she was anything but. Max kept her long raven-black hair in a braid over her shoulder. Crazy or not, she was hot, and guys noticed. I wasn't sure what she was playing at now, though, since she wasn't acting like her usual self. I noticed the wolves were looking at her with hungry eyes. If she was trying to get their attention, it worked. They didn't look at all threatened by her presence, and I couldn't blame them. She was batting her lashes, looking like Bambi, and at one point, she actually giggled like a teenager with a crush. As I said, the woman was insane, and I never knew what was going through her mind. The naked guy chuckled darkly after hearing her words. I could sense his bad intentions a mile away. I sure as f**k hoped she knew what she was doing because these guys were bad news. "How did a pretty little thing like you end up out here, living in rogue country? Come here, sweetheart. I'll show you the way," the naked warrior taunted, a perverse smirk on his face. He moved toward Max until he stood only inches away from her. He lifted his hand to grab her t**s, and Max didn't even flinch when he made contact. That was when I realized s**t was about to hit the fan, and she was about to unleash one of her usual crazy plans. And I was right. Moving faster than humanly possible, Max withdrew her machete and severed the warrior's head from his body. He hadn’t even raised his gaze from her t**s before his head fell on the ground with a thud. After that, all hell broke loose. The five remaining wolves attacked Max, and that was my cue. I didn't waste time before joining the fight. I saw the warriors stiffen when they noticed my presence. Two turned toward me and attacked. I was bigger and faster, and it didn't take long before I ripped the throat out of one of the wolves, killing him instantly. The second wolf lunged at me, but I quickly moved out of the way. As he slid by, I extended my claws and tore through his abdomen, causing him to yelp in pain as he fell to the ground. I turned and saw that Max had killed two more. We were down to one and we had him cornered against a tree. His eyes were darting wildly between Max and me. He made a stupid move by lunging in my direction. I was ready to defend myself, but before I could, Max sliced through him like butter with her machete, killing him on the spot. I growled, feeling disappointed that she took the kill from me. "Oh, come on, Red, don't be a poor sport," Max teased as she approached one of the wolves I had initially fought. I realized he was still alive even though he was unconscious. The injury to his abdomen was severe, causing him to shift into his human form forcefully, but it wasn't fatal. I watched Max curiously as she pulled a collar from her shoulder bag and put it on the naked man's neck. She then pulled out a leach, and I growled to get her attention. I wanted to know what the f**k she was doing. She should have sliced her machete across his throat by now, not leash him like a dog. "What? I thought I would keep this one as a pet. Would be a shame to let that c**k go to waste," she chirped, wiggling her eyebrows and motioning to his giant d**k. I growled menacingly, not liking the idea of letting one of Alpha Cameron's men live. What if he made it back somehow and told Alpha Cameron where I was hanging out? "Okay, fine," she huffed. "You can be such a party pooper sometimes," Max grumbled while slicing the man's throat with her machete and watching him bleed out. I nodded in satisfaction before turning around and walking away. "What? You're not gonna thank me? I totally just saved your ass," Max said dramatically, walking beside me. I snarled at her words. She didn't save me. I had everything under control. At least, that was what I was telling myself. Truth was, if Max hadn't been there, I would have been f****d. "So what's your deal anyway? Never seen you in your human form. I bet you can't shift, can you?" she asked, glancing at me curiously. I just kept walking, and no matter how often I didn't answer, she continued asking questions. "Hey, I'm not judging. I'm in the same boat. Well, sorta. I lost my wolf years ago. I can't shift either," she confessed. I couldn't help but look over at Max. I was a little curious about her story. She looked sad for a moment, which caught me off guard. She was always the nutty, funny, naked chick, so seeing this new side of her made me wonder what happened to her wolf. "You know what I do when I miss my wolf?" she asked, pausing for a few seconds. She had my full attention now since I always missed my human. At this point, I would take any tips on how to cope with the loss. "I stop shaving for a few weeks, and it's like she's right back here with me," she stated with a grin, howling at the sky. Yup, that was the Max I knew. I shook my head in disbelief, wondering how I thought something helpful would come out of her mouth. "I guess you could do the opposite and shave off all your fur," she suggested with a thoughtful frown before stopping abruptly and scrunching her nose in disgust. "Scratch that. I just got a visual, and you'd look more like one of those hairless cats. Those things are creepy," Max blurted out before shuddering at the thought. "I'd take on the biggest wolf there was, but you put one of those hairless cats in front of me, and I'm high-tailing it out there as fast as possible," she added, shaking her head at the thought. Where did this woman come up with this s**t? I guess living alone for so long makes you lose your sanity over time. "Well, as usual, Red, it's been a slice. See you around." Max saluted before walking off in the opposite direction. She certainly was a different duck but had proven to be helpful. I certainly wasn’t disappointed to have her as an acquaintance, especially since I had no one else to watch my back. Today could have ended badly if it hadn’t been for her.
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