
1753 Words
Knox After my mate ran off, I had a few of my warriors attempt to track her. At a minimum, I wanted to know where she was staying so I could find her again later. Unfortunately, I guess she was good at confusing trackers. They reported her scent was everywhere, making it almost impossible to follow. I was frustrated. I had finally found my mate, and she ran away. She wanted nothing to do with me. I made Jag and the warriors with us swear not to tell the pack about my mate since my parents would be outraged when they learned she was a rogue. I wanted to learn more about her before getting into that battle because, to me, it didn’t matter. She was mine no matter what she was. I just needed more details before I took on that fight with my parents. Or rather, my father. It had been a few days since I found her, and my wolf had been a raging maniac. Every five minutes, he would bug me to go look for her. I had gone out looking a few times but hadn't had any luck finding her. I wanted to search more, but people would become suspicious if I spent all my time out in rogue country. My parents started to question me every time I left the territory. I made excuses, but I wasn't sure they were buying it. It was only a matter of time before people started getting suspicious. I headed for the training grounds since I needed to blow off some steam. Being rejected by your mate was hard on not only your heart but also your ego. I had never been rejected in my life, and I hadn't expected my first rejection to come from the person I was meant to spend my life with. What the actual f**k? I reached the training ground and found Jag and my third in command, Joseph, sparing. They stopped when they noticed me approaching. Jo had also been there when I met my mate. "You alright, Alpha?" Jag asked with a concerned frown. I wasn't even trying to hide my irritation since it would be impossible. I hadn't slept in days, and my temper was through the roof. I snapped at almost anything, which was unlike me since I was usually pretty laid back and easygoing. "I'm fine. Who wants to throw down?" I asked, removing my T-shirt and getting ready to fight. "Damn, Alpha. I'm feeling all kinds of tense vibes rolling off you. You know what could help with that?" Jo said suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows. The guy liked to push my buttons. Jo was one of those guys that liked to play around a lot. Having said that, he pulled himself together when it was time to get serious. "You asked for it, Jo. Get your ass over here. I'm gonna show you how it's done," I replied, motioning for him to come closer. "Now, we're talking," he chirped excitedly, grinning from ear to ear. We got into our fighting stances and started to circle one another. Jo was shorter than me but stalkier. He was a bit slower because of his thick build, but he made up for it with brute force. That was why he was the lead trainer for all my warriors. Jo lunged first and I easily sidestepped his attack, causing him to stumble forward. It didn't take long for him to recompose himself. I attacked as soon as he was back in his stance, plowing full force into his abdomen and knocking him to the ground. He grunted as I knocked the wind out of him. I tried to pin him down, but he managed to roll us over so that I was underneath him. "That's more likely," he teased, blowing me kisses, which only fuelled my irritation. I used my legs to throw him off, and while he tried to get back onto his feet, I threw my body at him, elbow first. It connected with his abdomen as he fell backward onto the ground. Another grunt left his lips on impact. Within seconds, I had him pinned and unable to break free. "I give up," he said while struggling to suck in a breath. My forearm was pressed against his throat making it difficult. As soon as he tapped out, I released him and stood up. "Damn Knox, you really are pent up," Jo noted, rubbing his throat where I had applied pressure. "You have no idea," I gritted out. "What's the plan? We can't have our Alpha walking around here like a raging lunatic," Jag asked. "f**k. I don't even know. I need to find my mate soon. My mother has three she-wolves arriving this week to stay with us. She wants me to take one as my chosen mate. I know I’ll be a million times more on edge with them here," I replied with a huff. "s**t, we better start looking then," Jag said in understanding. He would be acting the same way if he was in my shoes. Most male wolves would. "Hell, I'll take it for the team. Just say the word if you need me to play interference when the she-wolves get here. Once they sample a little Joseph, they won't even remember your name," Jo joked, a ridiculous grin spreading across his face. I just shook my head at his antics. The guy didn't have a serious bone in his body, except for when it was go-time, of course. "I'll be sure to remember that." I rolled my eyes. We continued to spar for a while longer until I had no fight left. I hoped now that I was exhausted, I could sleep a little. I left Jag and Jo and headed back to the packhouse. There were a few things I wanted to look after before heading to bed. When I reached my office, I sat behind my desk before opening a file folder. I started to read through it when there was a knock at the door. "Come in," I announced. The door opened, and my younger brother, Kyle, walked in. He was three years younger than me and had already found his mate, Sheryl. He liked to rub it in. We didn't have the best relationship because he hated that I was born first and inherited the Alpha title. I would have made him my Beta but didn't trust him enough with a position of power, so I picked my best friend instead. Kyle would do anything to rise to the top, including trying to overthrow me. Ever since I appointed Jag as my Beta, the tension between Kyle and me had been high, causing a strain on our relationship and the family. Unfortunately, there wasn't much I could do about it. "Brother," Kyle greeted with a slight nod. "What do you want?" I asked, irritation clear in my tone. I didn't have the patience for one of our battles and knew he would start one. He always did. "Am I not allowed to come and see how my favorite brother's doing?" he mocked, pretending to be offended. I didn't answer him. Instead, I shot him a look, silently warning him that I wasn't in the mood. "Someone's not in a playful mood," he teased. I wanted to reach over the desk and slap the smirk on his face, but before I got the chance, he spoke again. "Sheryl's pregnant." His lips twitched upwards in a slight smirk. His eyes stayed locked on mine, waiting for my reaction. He knew how much I wanted a mate and kids. Hearing that he was expecting his first child was like a punch in the gut, even worse now that I had found my mate and she wanted nothing to do with me. Luckily, he didn't know that part, or he would have rubbed it in. It also made me furious because he hadn't been faithful to his mate since he met her two years ago. Sheryl was a sweet but submissive woman who would never question her mate, no matter what. It was heartbreaking to watch, especially knowing she felt the pains of his betrayals every time he cheated, yet she still stayed with him. She deserved so much better than my brother. "Congratulations," I gritted out, trying to keep my true feelings in check. The jealousy surging through me was almost unbearable. Would I ever have my own family? "Thank you. How about you, brother? Any luck finding that fated mate of yours?" He asked tauntingly. "Actually, Mother is bringing in a few she-wolves this week. Maybe I'll take one of them as a chosen," I replied, trying to make it sound believable. I had no intentions of taking a chosen mate, especially not now that I had found my destined mate, but he didn't need to know that. "Good. I look forward to meeting these lovely ladies," he drawled with a smirk. My brother would probably try to sleep with all of them. He was such a disgrace. "Oh, I came here to invite you to dinner on Friday. We'll be celebrating the baby news. The whole family will be there. I sure hope you can make it, brother," he added in an overly friendly tone, trying to rub it in. I kept my emotions in check since I didn't want him to see how much he was getting under my skin. "I'll be there," I replied shortly. "Great, see you Friday." He stood and left my office. When I knew he was out of earshot, I slammed my fist down onto my desk, causing the wood to splinter. My frustration hit an all-time high. Tomorrow I was going to find my mate. I wasn't coming home until I at least located where she lived. I got up and walked over to the filing cabinet, where a bottle of scotch sat on top. I poured myself a stiff drink before downing it in one shot. When I found my mate, I wouldn't let her reject me. She needed to give me a chance to prove my worth, and I had every intention of doing just that. Why would she ignore a gift from the moon goddess? Thinking about it infuriated me. I needed to win her over because there was no way I could live without her, not after getting a glimpse of what I could have if she was in my life.
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