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Logan shot a murderous glare at his son, and I remained in the corner to keep myself in a safe distance, Alex was dragged out of the elevator by Logan's security and when he approached me, his arms around were like safe haven to my body. "Hold on tight." He said, as he lifted me. I held on to him and buried my face on his neck, to avoid the cameras from snapping pictures of my face while he carried me out of the building. I was too small compared to Logan's frame, he was a large,strong and sexually attractive man which made him one of the most sought for stud muffin billionaire magnates in the world. The impeccable good-looks, riches and women. Logan had it all and he can have any woman he wants but I don't know why he seemed engrossed in a cipher like me, who is only famous for faithfully carrying out my boss's commands. When I was picked and offered to take the job as a war correspondent, I knew it wasn't because I was brilliant or important, I knew it was because I was an expendable employee, without a family to go home to and loved ones that will sue the company for my death in case that was the case. People made me feel replaceable and dispensable and that didn't stop even after I've proven myself useful to them. Yes, I was offered a new high-paying job but my feelings are still severed by the fact that my boss could send me away anytime to cover other first-hand war stories abroad. The other part of the world sees me as a hero and the other, sees me as a dispensable person to be used and thrown away when I'm no longer alive to make use of. I wonder what Logan sees in me. "Where are we going?" I asked, after he placed me inside his car. He closed the door and ordered the driver to drive away from the place. "To the hospital," Logan informed me and at the same time ordered the driver, "You have to be checked out." He said, wiping away the dried tears on my face. I don't know but his touch was making me soft to the core, I began crying again as soon as his touches assured me with a sense of protection. "It's okay, just cry." Logan lent me his warm embrace and I curled up there like a beat up puppy. I didn't speak but let my tears say all the words I wasn't able to communicate to anybody. I just wanted to let out all the pain that my heart was carrying and after I was done, my heart left light and my courage was back again. Most people say I was strong-built, because I was a survivor of my own tragic fate. If what they say is true, I chose to believe that as well. The doctor examined me, and the only injury that my body showed was the hand marks and bruises that I earned from trying to fight back but the emotional scars that the naked eyes don't see, was left unchecked by the medical examiner. "How are you feeling?" Logan asked, joining me in the hospital bed where I was placed for examination. "You heard the doctor, I wasn't raped like I said." I replied, not sure why I don't feel any happiness. When I thought that I was going to be scarred again by another painful experience, I begged to be rescued and the helplessness of my situation made me feel weak. Again, I hated that vulnerable feeling... "I know you're physically fine, Mia. I'm asking about your feelings." Logan said, hooking my chin with his fingers so I would look at him. 'Logan Pierce... why do I hate you for being my hero?' I confronted my own feelings for being unfair to Logan. He deserves to be thanked by me and I think it's time I stopped being an ungrateful person. "I'm fine, Logan. Thank you for helping me." I said, kicking away my stubborn pride and sincerely apologized saying, "I'm sorry I was rude to you before...." I sighed, hating that memory of my b*tch attitude. "I understand why you hated me for being hard on my son but when you're a parent, it hurts you to see that the child you raised in all good circumstances turned into a spoiled, thick-headed rebel who only thinks for himself and now, he's turned himself into a rapist." Logan sighed, he expressed his disappointment with his son's actions and for a bit, I felt sorry for him but it was replaced with blame when I remembered all that Alex told me about his absent father. "Being a parent, is not all about material things. You weren't there for him while he was growing up and he became this attention-seeker that you hated wasting your precious time on. You played your part in this and I played mine, I knew he was dangerous yet I chose to anger him. This is what I get for chasing revenge." I said, admitting my own fault to make it fair for both of us. Logan didn't speak and just acted like he still doesn't care, I don't know why but it irritates me when I don't get a reaction from him. Does everyone get the same feeling? Because I totally get where Alex was coming from when he said his father was an apathetic stone-hearted man. Last night, he was so sweet and caring but today he was entirely an emotionless man that doesn't show any affection to anyone except to.. me? 'Tell me I'm imagining this!' I scoffed, arguing with my own gut feeling. "I've been watching you for ten years, Mia. I never changed my television channel for a decade because I was always excited, worried, and anxious about your life out there..I look at you and I see hope for my son but after I discovered that he was sleeping around while you were alone in some foreign country, living in constant danger and might be shot or bombed while you sleep, I lost all my hope for him to become a better man than I am.. Alex is not my son, Mia... I knew since the day his her mother claimed that I got her pregnant but I thought raising him would help him have a better like and I did my best to make him a better man." Logan shared, taking off the hard armor of his heart and letting his soft side show. Now, I felt connected to him again.. "He's not your son?" I glanced at him in disbelief. Then, I instantly realized that Alex was not Logan's responsibility and that explains his zero affection towards him. "He is, in my heart..When I let him carry my name, I decided to take him as my son." Logan answered. "Does he know this?" I asked. Logan shook his head as an answer but then he said, "After what he did to you, I couldn't even look at him as my son. He's my greatest failure and I don't want you to marry him... You don't deserve a man like him." Logan's words stirred my heart with admiration. I was glad that he opened our connection again while we had this conversation. He was able to let me see the real him and I was able to understand what he was going through at the moment. "Alex has pulled his last straw, Mia. I won't let him stain my name anymore. I'm telling him the truth today and send him to jail for the crime he has committed against you." Logan added seriously, and again I've seen how he changed into a different cold, heartless man which made me unhappy for an unknown reason I said, "Don't." "But he tried to rape you." Logan eyed me with deprecation. "I'll help you turn him into a better man." I said, not actually understanding my own reason for wanting to help. "I just know that Alex would only get worse in jail. He's your son, Logan. He needs help, not abandonment." I said, out of pity and.. empathy? It hurts me to watch or know people who give up on their children. I don't want Logan to be that kind of person.. I don't want to feel any contempt towards him because my heart is unreasonably biased. "Help me.. how?" He asked, doubting that whatever I was going to say would work. His doubtful face looks like a challenge to me which only resulted in a decision that I made out of wanting to be right. "I'll marry you." I decided. I'm the best at making rush decisions, so maybe that's why I am built strong so I could endure my own consequences. 'God, if I am making a big mistake in my life, just please don't over punish me!'
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