16- 'Sightseeing'

904 Words

Suddenly the bell rang, signaling the end of the class and breaking the walls of the small world that Varys had built around himself and Hope. Just as the loud, screaming voice of the bell broke through Hope's stupor, she snapped out of the spell that Varys had suddenly casted on her. Her closed eyes snapped open as she stared in those green, captivating eyes. The class had started to get empty. Students were leaving and the loud shuffling and quick, runny steps of them collided Hope and Varys with each other. "Come with me." Varys extended his open palm towards her. "Where?" she asked, confusion was lacing her words. "Do you have another class to attend?" he asked. "Yeah," she replied, "It is in an hour." "Then come with me. I will show you around?"  He just needed her with himsel

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