17- Invitation to a Party?

1031 Words

Two Months Later Hope and Varys had started coming close to each other. Unknowingly a pattern, a schedule had been set among them. Varys came to pick her up almost every day along with Hector. Hector, for some unknown reason had not recieved his license. And because of that he had to tag along with Varys. And as Hope did not have a car and Stella's classes started an hour earlier than her, she only had two options left, either ride with Hector and Varys, or take the bus. She had insisted on the second option. She did not want to become a burden on them in the name of friendship but every time she brought up the topic, both Varys and Hector started blabbering things that did not make any sense to her but definitely made clear that she was riding with them until she is f*****g alive. The

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