Chapter 2

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Jazz POV: I understand why Cleo did what she did, but I feel like she should have just talked to Valenzano things would have been better. I am so mad at her because her actions caused problems. After Valenzano woke up, he put West in the dungeon, because he let Cleo leave. As for me, I am on house arrest. I can’t go anywhere and all Valenzano does is stay in his office and sleep in Cleo’s room. She calls me but I don’t answer. I wanted to curse her out if she told me her plan, I would have tried to talk her out of it. Because of her actions, West is in the dungeon and I am on house arrest. We can’t plan our mating ceremony. And now that West marked me, I can feel all his emotions and he can feel mine. I tried talking to Valenzano but he wouldn’t listen to me. West nor I knew Cleo was going to leave the way she did. The only person that can talk some sense into him is Cleo. I decided to put my feelings to the side and call her. “Hello Jazz”, she sounds so happy to hear from me. “Hey, Cleo how are you?”, I asked. “I’m doing good Jazz. How are you?", she asked. Like really b***h, how do you think I am going? “Not so good Cleo”, I said, trying not to cry. “Why?. What’s Wrong?", she asked, surprised. “Valenzano locked West in the dungeons”, I said, crying. “HE DID WHAT! “OMG, I am so sorry Jazz, this wasn’t my intention to happen”, she sounds sorry and shocked. “Yes, Cleo. After you left, he was mad that West let you leave and he threw him in the dungeon”, I said. “Have you talked to him?”, she asked. Like really? “I’ve tried, he said. If I wasn’t your best friend, I would have been in there with West. Why did you leave the way you did”, I try not to cry. “Jazz, it was the only way I would leave him without him flipping out”, she said in a pleading tone. “Cleo, you didn’t have to leave. He loves you, you’re his mate”, I said, still crying. “I had to leave because I love him too. But he deserves someone that can give him children”, she says, and I understand what she means. “Cleo, I am so stressed out I can’t plan our mating ceremony because West is locked up and I am on house arrest”, I start crying. “Don’t cry. Bring him the phone. I will talk to him”, she sounds a little disappointed in him. “Are you sure?”, I asked, because this could go wrong and make matters worse. “Yes I am sure, everything will be okay, I promise”, she says, so sure it will be okay. “Okay, hold on, I will go to his office”, I walked to his office and knocked. Valenzano POV: Focusing on pack matters and other stuff, I heard a knock on the door. I know who it is and I am not in the mood today. “Go away Jazz”, I yelled at the door. “Valenzano, I have Cleo on the phone. She wants to talk to you”, as soon as I heard that my heart dropped I hadn’t heard from her or Vintage in weeks. I go and open the door and she hands me the phone and leaves. “Hello”, her voice is like music to my ears. “Cleo baby how are you?”, I'm trying not to break down over the phone. “I’m doing okay. How are you?”, her voice sounded like she was about to cry as well. “I’m good”, lying through my teeth. We both are she misses me as much as I miss her. “Valenzano listen, I need a favor”, she says, and I am willing to give her anything. “Anything just name it baby”, I said, just wanting her to come back. “I need you to let West out of the dungeons”, she said, and I wanted to hang up the phone. “NO!”, I yelled, and she went silent. “Yes! release him, Valenzano. Why did you put him in there anyway”, she asked, sounding disappointed in me. “Baby, he betrayed me and let you leave. If he wasn’t my brother he would be dead by now”, I said, holding in my anger. “Please let him out. If you don’t, I can’t go back there”, she said, and I felt a little bit of hope. “Baby you want to come back”, I said with the hope she would come back. “Yes to visit”, damn she doesn’t want to come back permanently. “Why do you need West out to come for a visit”. Now I am getting aggravated. I want her to come back because she wants to be with me, not because West is in the dungeons. “Because Jazz and West can’t have their mating ceremony if he is locked in the dungeon. When they have the mating ceremony I will be there for it”, I would do anything to get her back here just for us to talk and me to convince her to stay. “Baby you promise you will come to the ceremony”, I sound like a kid. “Of course, I will”, she said happily. “Alright for you, I will let him out”, I reluctantly gave in. “Thanks, Valenzano, and for the record, Jazz nor West knew what I was going to do. Trust me I have my reasons that I don’t want to get into right now, but please know it is for the best, okay”, she says, starting to cry. “Baby, please don’t cry. When you are ready to talk. I am ready to listen. I love you, Cleo”, I said to her, hoping she feel the love in my words. “I love you too, Valenzano, bye”, and with that, she hung up. I feel like s**t right now because I lost my mate and I stopped my brother from making his mate an official member of the pack. I made my way to the dungeons. The smell is horrible, I got to get someone to clean it asap. I took the keys from the guard and opened the West cell. He looks better than me right now. I lost weight. I got bags under my eyes. And here he is in a dungeon looking like he is on f*****g vacation. “What the f**k do you want”, he says with anger. “I’m letting you out. I spoke to Cleo. She said you and Jazz didn’t know her plans to leave the way she did”, I say with sympathy. “ So how is she?”, he asked, not thinking about himself at all. “She says she is fine”, I said, releasing a breath. “What did she say to you when you came all the way down here to get me yourself”, he says with a smirk. That’s one thing about West. However, no matter how bad things get, he still has a cocky attitude. “She said that if you are not out, you and Jazz can’t have ya'll mating ceremony and that she won’t be able to attend it ”, I said, opening the cell. “Okay well, at least that’s a start”, he says, shrugging his shoulders. “Yes, it is. I’m sorry, West, as your brother, I should have treated you better”, I said, hoping he would accept my apology. “It's cool bro, I’m sure I would have done the same thing. But, bro, the dungeon needs to be cleaned like asap”, West said with a smile.
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