Chapter Three

1002 Words
Roberta POV The headmaster arrived in his big black car and took my three bags from me and loaded them into the back of his car. He opened the front passenger door for me to climb in, rushed around the other side, and climbed in. He started the car and he drove in silence to the bus station. It seemed neither of us knew what to talk about, it was not exactly a conversational piece. How do you talk about the takeover of our pack and the death of our alpha? We climbed out of the car, and the headmaster pulled out my bags and loaded them on the ground, before turning to me with a sad concerned face, I felt he was only just keeping his emotions together too. This was a very emotional time for anyone connected with our pack. ‘Do you need anything? Have you enough money?’ he asked kindly, pulling out his wallet, ready to give me some of his own money. ‘Yes sir, I have money, I have had a part-time job and have been saving up for university.’ I spoke in a whisper, my voice still raw from the tears and vomiting earlier. ‘Keep in touch, I can keep you updated on the events at your home and family if you wish.’ He gave a kind offer, but I was not sure I wanted to hear bad news. I was hoping for the best. ‘Thank you for your offer, but I am not sure what I could do with any news if it is bad, except stress and worry. I think it is best to pretend all is well and wait for Mum to contact me again.’ It was hard talking about this, it was still unbelievable. He sighed and then nodded and picked up my bags and gave the bags to the bus driver and then turned to me, and after a moment of hesitation, he pulled me into his arms and gave me an unexpected hug. I could feel he was just as churned up by this as I was. Although he was not from my pack, it was just as hard for everyone. He had a lot of kids going to that school that would be affected by this attack. He would be busy over the next few months, not just the emotional turmoil, but physical ones too. Any large change like this often ended up with fighting between those who would try and pick at the pack that had been taken over. ‘Good luck Robby.’ He said and walked away to his car, his shoulders slumped in a look of defeat, and I understood, he would like nothing more than to give me promises that he could not keep, and I felt for him as he returned to the disaster waiting for him back at school. I watched his car disappear into the distance before the driver called us to climb aboard and get to the bus and get settled down. As I climbed on board, I felt I was a traitor, abandoning my family when they needed me the most. I found a window seat and was pleased when the bus started to move, that I had the whole seat to myself. University was just over a full day’s bus ride away, and I was going to be a pack doctor, three years of study and work experience, that included six months at a local vet that knows our kind and trains us on the animal side of us. By the time I am nineteen, I should be a doctor, and hopefully, the pack will be safe to return by then. My thoughts were lost deep in memories of our alpha and Luna and his sons. I wondered what had happened, but knew I had to wait, so I thought of all the good times we had together, the parties, the fun times, and not how things had ended for them. I briefly wondered about the new alpha and what he was like, from the small amount that the headmaster had said, the alpha was young and under his father’s orders, it was the father who was looking to give all his sons a pack to run, a legacy of some sort, and I hardly noticed the scenery fly by, tears quietly ran down my face, my stomach churned. The bus driver announced we would be pulled over shortly, we could grab some dinner and use the facilities, his voice pulling me out of my memories. I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked for the first time out the window. Darkness was already starting and I watched as a small town came into view and the huge sign of the town welcoming us, the illuminating lights announcing the truck stop was nearby. It was not long after we had passed the town's welcoming sign, and the thought of food, and the grumbling of my stomach told me I had not had any lunch and had brought back up my breakfast, so I was very empty, both emotionally and physically, I was ready to eat. I don’t think there were any more tears left to cry. When the bus had stopped, the bus driver announced that we had an hour. The passengers disembarked and I grabbed my backpack and followed them off the bus. The driver gave me a nod as I left, and I had the feeling the headmaster had informed them of my situation and to watch over me. It was a comforting thought that I was not alone in this. The time at that stop was short. I managed to go to the bathroom and grab a pie and chips, washed it down with a bottle of water, grabbed another bottle of water to take on the bus with me, and boarded the bus again, we had gained two more passengers from that stop, and soon we were on the road again.
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