Chapter Two

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Drew POV Dad called us into his office and I knew something was up. I was never included in his meetings. I sat there between his head warrior and his beta, feeling a little uneasy. ‘Tomorrow we are attacking the Blue Ridge pack. I have enough information now, the alpha is an easy target, Tom, are the men ready?’ Dad asked our head warrior, his tone saying they had better be or else. ‘Yes sir, they are ready.’ He responded with his deep baritone voice that I know girls swoon over when they hear it. ‘Then we will leave tonight and camp just outside of the pack territory, far enough for their patrols not to catch wind of us.’ With that, said Dad, and dismissed us, I felt I was going to be fighting tomorrow, and I was not happy about it. This is not the way I want to be alpha, but he wants all his boys to have a pack of their own to run. He has six sons, and each of us will end up with a pack of our own. I am the third son, my two older brothers already have a pack each, and Dad has his eyes on other packs for his other sons when they get old enough. We arrived early in the morning and camped a little way away from the borders. The banter around the fire was calm. You would think we were about to change the lives of a whole pack in a few hours. One of the guys left to scout about and report back to Dad. They chatted quietly with each other, and Dad kept looking over at me, I tried to pretend I was not trying to listen to what they were saying, they were using mind-link and I would not have heard any of it anyway. If Dad did not want me in the meeting, then I was not included until he thought it was time for me to be involved. How that builds character is beyond me. Did I want to be an alpha? Hell no. Did he ask my opinion? Hell no. Are you getting the picture? We are never included until he has it all sorted and then it makes us feel as if we are ungrateful about all the work he has put in. Mum is still at home, she pays no attention to the goings on with dad, she runs her little pack while dad is away, and she is happy and content. I don’t even know if she realizes what he is doing, to get a pack. We stayed out of range for a few hours, it was now around lunchtime, and the patrols had been passed a little while ago. We headed towards the pack-house, killing warriors as we came across them. The pack-house came into view and I was in awe of the building and the gardens, so much pride and love had been put into this place, it was four levels high and a lovely clean building. ‘Son, stay out here, we will bring the alpha out to you.’ Dad ordered, and I stayed put with the main group of warriors. Dad and a number of his elite warriors entered the building. The doors of the average pack-house never seemed to be locked, and soon screams were heard coming from inside. Several people came running out and soon they were on the floor submitting to our warriors, and still, I just stood there waiting, numb from the screaming and fighting around me. I was alpha ordered and until I am released from that order, I am stuck where I stand. Sometimes I can overcome Dad's orders, but for some reason, today I cannot. How long we stayed there, I was not sure, but over an hour I think, slowly more and more people came out of the building and sat on the grass and waited. Some of the women were crying, others were just lost and confused. A man was dragged out by my dad and thrown at my feet. The man on the floor looked up at me, with sorrow on his bloodied face, looked like Dad had already done him over and I was left with an exhausted alpha on his knees before me and he already knew that his end was near. ‘Son, finish him.’ And with that, I was released from the first order and the second order kicked in. The alpha did not stand a chance, not because I was strong or anything like that, but with the alpha order on me, I had no choice and wanted to get him out of pain quickly. The alpha did not even put up a fight. He lifted his neck to me and his eyes were willing me to take the offered neck, I looked down at him with sorrow and regret, I assumed that Luna had died and he did not want to live without her, I know he had a son or two, and I have no idea what dad had done with them, whether the lad was alive or not, He nodded at me, as if he understood my situation, though I doubt anyone would and that was enough for me to do as I was ordered. I was quick, my wolf came forward and my mouth elongated and my wolf’s teeth sank into his offered throat, and ripped it out, blood spurting over my face and my face turned back to me, my wolf sinking to the back of my mind, he was not happy with the turn of events either, this was not an earned position, and we had no pride in what had just transpired. When Dad was satisfied that all the pack members were now assembled on the lawn, many looking sadly at their lost alpha, Dad demanded their attention. ‘Blue Ridge pack, this is my son, Drew, he is your alpha now. Treat him with respect. Son?’ Dad looked at me, and I knew what he was asking me to do. I had seen it when he had taken over another pack for my older brother. ‘Blue Ridge pack, come forward and give me your oath and pledge yourself to me, those who do not want to be under me as your new alpha, stand and move over there.’ I pointed to the side, where the alpha lay motionless on the ground and waited. In one voice, the pack gave their oath to me, and I felt the pack bond solidify I opened a mind-link to the pack and thanked them for their loyalty and support. Dad would not hear this, he was not part of this pack, and for the first time in my life, I was free of my dad being powerful in my head. As an alpha now, he wouldn't be able to alpha order me any longer, and though I did not like how I came to be, I found a positive out of it. To my relief, no man or woman walked to stand by the bloodied dead alpha on the ground. My father would have slaughtered all that refused. I looked around the pack and still did not find the son of the former alpha, and wondered if Dad had killed him or had him somewhere for later. ‘Son, we will head off now. Any issues let me know and I can send some warriors over.’ He left no doubt to those here that if I was harmed, he would return. I remember he did this to my brother too, so I was not surprised when he made that call. Once Dad was gone, the pack looked at me, waiting for instructions. Dad did not leave even one warrior with me, he took his whole attacking team back and left me alone to work my way through the emotional turmoil and rebuilding needed. I had to earn the trust. Giving me their oath was one thing, giving me their trust and heart is another. ‘Let’s gather the dead and have a warrior pyre for them, they deserve a hero’s farewell.’ Those around me did my bidding. I soon found out that Luna was indeed dead, but still no sign of the alpha son. I can only assume Dad had taken them with him. He would not leave a possible threat alive. We stood by the pyre and I let the former beta lead the farewell. I stood tall and watched as each man was placed on the fire and a small prayer to the goddess for his soul. We left the alpha to be last, giving him a longer farewell, and placing him on the pyre with his luna by his side. I was only just managing not to let my emotions show. It was hard, this was emotional, and most of the pack cried softly as they should, it brought back memories I would prefer to be left locked away. Deep down I said my goodbyes to lost loved ones and other warriors that had died at my father’s hands.
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