Blaze's Fight II

1236 Words

Lightning spread across the battlefield. The corrupted knights and the regular knights fought head-to-head. They released one spell after the other, all while also using regular attacks in order to land blows. All of these being done so masterfully that, there was virtually no room for Blaze to step in. Unlike Cleo who uses a bow and arrow, Blaze’s gigantic claymore cannot be used to barge in on a melee fight. There are opportunities for him to step in of course but, he doesn’t know the extent of his opponents’ powers yet. Meaning, there is a high possibility that he would cause more harm than good if he decides to join in on the battle. Plus, there’s the fact that the knights who are with him aren’t high nobles. They don’t have as much mana as Leon does. Meaning, they are barely holdi

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