Blaze's Fight

1210 Words

While Cleo fought against Azed and Helix, the remainder of the knights were fought on the side of Blaze.   The fighting didn’t start right away of course. Blaze first needed to go to the location which, didn’t take that long to happen. Just like Cleo, he met up with a knight...two of them in fact. Leroy and Ellaine. Both of which are knights who do not favor the Cairons but, can nevertheless work with them when needed. Just like in that specific situation.   They aren’t as stupid as the corrupted knights after all. They know when they need to stop and, in that moment. That is exactly what is expected of them. Both to cooperate with the said Cairon and, to give their best for the mission at hand. “What’s the situation here boy?” Leroy asked, not knowing Blaze’s name.   It’s the same

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