Generals II

2151 Words

Alice took a short break. After what happened with General Lear, it took all of her strength just to keep her body from shaking. Damian assisted her of course. Standing close to the queen and holding her hand as they got out of the room. And as soon as they did, Alice slumped to the floor. Her head and her back rested on the wall. Damian chuckled, sitting right next to the queen. “That was one hell of a brave move you pulled there. It’s a pity that Cleo and Blaze aren’t here.” “I swear, this just gets more and more difficult.” Alice folded her knees up to her chest and wrapped them around her arms. “Being a queen is tiring business.” “Well I’m sure that “difficult” and “tiring” comes with the job description.” Damian patted the queen’s head. “Besides, you did a good job in there Ali.”

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