1 - Snow's Parent Teachers

1992 Words
Snow        My parents were always honest with me about how I came to be their one and only child.  They heard me crying when I was just an infant, then my dad found me hidden under a bush.       My mom wouldn't leave me behind without knowing if anybody was coming back for me, and they couldn't risk sticking around there to see, because of where they found me.  They ended up taking me to their cabin, where they've taken care of me over the past twelve years.  My mom noticed a tattoo on my ankle that reads 'Snow,' so she named me Snow Angel Delaney.     Since their cabin was located on the free territory where rogues had basically taken over, they planted ivy near the walls.  Overtime, that ivy grew to cover the entire cabin, and it was truly a magnificent sight to see.     I can remember pulling strands of ivy off the side of the cabin and braiding them together to form little headbands and necklaces, then I would prance around the yard acting like a princess.  That always brought a smile to my parent's faces, which was definitely a relief.     You see, every time I went out to play in the yard, my dad would insist on doing a perimeter check to make sure there weren't any rogues nearby first.  Once I was outside, both of my parents were constantly darting their eyes around to see if any rogues had ventured close enough to be a problem.  They usually kept stern looks on their faces, and they stayed in a stance where they could easily attack if needed.     I didn't hardly ever get to stay outside for very long, but I never made a fuss about it.  I understood why they always rushed me back into the house, and I appreciated the fact that they cared enough to keep me safe.     Sometimes, I felt bad for my parents, because I knew they wished to have the means to give me a better life, but that just wasn't an option.  When my dad crossed paths with my mom, he knew she was her mate, and he refused to leave without her.     However, my dad was a werecat and my mom was a witch.   Their species had always been against mating with the other, so my parents couldn't stay at my dad's pack with werecats or my mom's coven with witches.  That being said, in order to be together, they had to make the biggest decision of their lives and ended up moving to the free territory.     I've always wondered if my biological parents faced the same type of dilemma, and that's how I ended up hidden in that bush.  Unfortunately, nobody was able to find out anything about them, so I was left with numerous questions that I knew would probably never be answered.     Since my mom was a witch, she invested a lot of her time into teaching me all kinds of cool things that I could do starting at a very young age.  She also taught me how to cast spells and summon forest creatures for various different reasons.  Sometimes she just wanted to make hunting for food easier, and sometimes she needed something from the animal to make a special elixir or cast a specific spell.     She was very knowledgeable and skilled with her witch abilities, and I loved being able to learn from her.  However, I did surprise her the first time I threw a ball of fire at a rogue who was charging at us.     At that very moment, I thought we were going to be killed by the disgusting creature.  I can remember my emotions being all over the place, then I felt my body heat up like it was on fire, but it wasn't painful.       A second later, without even thinking, I threw my hand up, then a ball of fire shot out of my palm and hit the rogue smack in the face.  Within seconds, the rogue's entire body was engulfed in flames, and my dad had me scooped up in his arms, as they sprinted back to the cabin.     Once we got there, my mom excitedly gushed, "My child, you possess the power of fire!  That is a rare one that only the most powerful of witches possess!  You are truly something special, my sweet girl."     "Can't you do that?" I curiously asked not fully understanding what she had just said.     "No, I can't.  I possess the power over earth, air and water.  However, you possess the power over all four.  You are going to do great things in the future.  I just know it," she cheerfully explained.     I was still not sure what all of it meant at that point in time, but it was obvious that I was special, because I could do stuff with fire.  Unfortunately, I had no clue how I threw the ball of fire, and I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it again or not.     I soon found out, there were all kinds of cool things I could do that involved fire.  It quickly became my biggest asset, and that helped my parents to not worry so much about letting me play outside.     Once I had mastered most of the different things I could do using my witch abilities, my dad started training me on how to fight and defend myself.  We started out with your standard hand to hand combat, then he taught me a few more specialized attack and defense techniques.       After I got those down pretty good, my dad started teaching me how to use a knife to my advantage.  He taught me where to aim the point of the blade when going in for the kill, as well as, how to defend myself if I ever got in a fight with somebody who had a knife.     My dad was a very skilled fighter, and I enjoyed our training sessions on everything, but what I liked the most was when he taught me the skill of archery.  I loved the way a bow felt in my hand, and even better than that was the satisfying sound made by the arrow flying through the air.       Out of the many things he taught me, shooting those arrows was hands down my favorite.  I quickly mastered that skill, then I taught myself how to add fire to the end of the arrow just before I released it, sending the arrow shooting through the air with a ball of fire.     Both of my parents were so proud of me when I learned that neat trick, and my mom insisted on cooking my favorite dinner to celebrate.  We all enjoyed her delicious fried chicken with mashed potatoes, sweet corn, and rolls, then she surprised us with my favorite dessert, peach cobbler, and it was phenomenal.     I went to bed that night feeling happier than I ever had before.  I felt like I had finally found my calling, and it was to use my skills to take out the vicious rogues.  That night I made a vow to myself to never let another rogue get away with their life if they crossed my path.        Lance Kyle      My parents had to travel to one of the other territories again, because they had been hearing rumors about the Alpha's son being a bully to the other pups in the pack.  My mum never tolerated that kind of behavior from anybody.  She had a very complicated history that she didn't like to talk about very often, so she had strong feelings concerning that type of problem.     My dad sat me down one day and explained to me how she was once a very sick werewolf who got teased and bullied all the time.  He also told me how she had the chance to exact revenge on the worst of the offenders, but my mum ended up taking pity on the she-wolf, then she sent her home with a warning.     Unfortunately, I was also made painfully aware of how she came to be a werecat, and how I got my middle name.  Her first mate, Kyle killed her after tricking my mum into thinking he wanted her to be his mate.  My mum asked him to reject her, but he insisted that he wanted her and nobody else, then he ruthlessly killed her in cold blood.     My mum did exact revenge on him, and by doing so, she was able to fulfill the task that was assigned to her when the Moon Goddess brought her back to life as a werecat.  What my mum didn't know at that time was that she had royal werecat blood flowing through her veins.     When she found out, she didn't take her place at the throne right away.  Instead, she made it her mission to look for bullies and put an end to their cruel ways.  That was until she got really sick from an infection she contracted from one of the rogues she took out to save Gamma Susie's life.       After that, she joined the Jungle Pack and that automatically activated her royal blood, then she became the official Queen of werecats.  A few weeks later, they had their Crowning Celebration, and that's when my dad officially became the King of werecats.     They were fair rulers of the werecat kingdom, but they were not pushovers.  If there was a problem that needed to be dealt with, they were quick to attack the problem head on.  However, there was one problem that kept getting put off, and it had escalated quite a bit.     There was a large area of forest that didn't belong to anybody.  It was known as a free territory, where anybody was supposed to be able to live peacefully, but that was no longer the case.  It was being overrun by numerous rogues who were wreaking havoc on the peaceful dwellers of that forest.     Too often, I would hear the warriors complaining about strangers crossing the border onto our territory in an attempt to get away from the rogues.  We ended up having to house these strangers until we found somewhere for them to go, and that was more often than not, a big deal.     Anytime that happened, it put the whole pack on edge, because we didn't know if these strangers had bad intentions, or if they were honestly just in a bad situation and needed the help.  My parents never got upset about having to help them.  They loved being able to help others.     Whenever it was a werewolf, Grandpa Alex and Grandma Janice would provide them with a little comfort, since they were also werewolves.  I thought it was awesome that me and my siblings had three sets of grandparents, while everybody else only had two or less depending on their situations.  We were blessed to have all of our grandparents still alive and healthy.     I was thrilled when my parents returned the day before my birthday.  This was one of the most important birthdays in a shifter's life.  Since I was turning twelve, I would be shifting into my werecat form for the first time.     My mum had written down each of our birthdays, as well as our time of birth, so she could pinpoint exactly when we would shift.  I was thankful for her diligence, because she made sure I was at the waterfall before my time of birth, and like clock work, when that time came, my body started going through the shifting process.     It was still a painful process, and it took a few hours to complete.  However, once I finally shifted, I stood surprisingly tall and very proud in my colorful were-jaguar form.  I wasn't the least bit surprised to see that I was a were-jaguar, since I was the future King with royal werecat blood flowing through my veins, and I planned to be a fair King just like my dad.
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