Chapter 12-3

522 Words

This was officially the weirdest breakfast of Garrett’s life. Not the breakfast itself — the cereal was fine, if maybe a little too healthy for his taste. It was just… Sitting across from Kelsey. Being married to her. Listening to her talk about her father. Now that she’d started letting lose, she couldn’t seem to stop. “I just don’t get how he could come here and after one day, be in charge of the … the drug trade or whatever,” she said. “He must have been doing this back in Ohio too. I just don’t see how. I mean, here, it makes sense. We’re close to Mexico. But up there…” Sweet, innocent girl. “When drugs come across the border, you think they all stay in Texas? No, sunshine, they get distributed. Your dad probably oversaw the moving of drugs up North, and used his shop as a front,

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