Chapter 12-2

1017 Words

Kelsey was making breakfast. Aggressively. Chopping peppers and onions for an omelet with a strength and speed she hadn’t known she possessed. She heard Garrett come downstairs, and worked faster. Cracked two eggs into the tiny skillet. She was makingone omelet. If Garrett thought she was going to fix breakfast for both of them like a good little wife, he had another think coming. But he walked right past her. Went to the fridge and pulled out the carton of orange juice. She was still trying to get the image of his naked ass out of her mind. Okay, so she wasn’t trying that hard to get it out of her mind. If anything, she was purposely replaying it on a loop. Pure muscle, that ass. And those long, furrowed thighs, the depressions when he’d flexed his shoulders… And then he’d turned, and

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