Chapter 6. The Visitors

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KEYCEE'S POV IT'S been almost a week since I ignored Ace after going to his office. He hasn't been talking to me either, so we're even. Besides, the examination week is coming up, so we're both busy. I'm only bad at math, but I pass in other subjects, especially when I review. Like now, I'm facing my laptop while reading the reviewers sent by Ryza and Christia to my email. Suddenly, I felt thirsty, so I decided to go out to get some water. When I opened the door, I saw Ace coming out too. We coincided again. I put my arms under my chest and rolled my eyes as I walked past him. He's really annoying! I also felt Ace's presence decrease. We were both heading in the same direction and ended up in front of the refrigerator, but neither of us wanted to open it. I waited for him to go first, but it seemed like he had the same plan. Since he wasn't moving, I decided to go first, but he also moved suddenly, so we ended up going at the same time, and he touched my hand. I quickly withdrew it and marched back to my room in annoyance. I won't drink anymore. I'll just wait to dehydrate to death. I flopped down on the bed and hid under the blanket, closing my eyes. I was starting to feel sleepy when there was a knock on the door. I heard it open. "Are you asleep?" I heard Ace's voice. "Keycee, what happened?" he asked again. But my pride was high, so I didn't leave the comfort of the blanket. I knew he was standing beside my bed and I pretended to still be asleep. "Keycee, is there a problem? Why are you avoiding me?" Since he seemed persistent, I reluctantly answered, but just barely. "Nothing." "I know you. You wouldn't act like that for no reason. Something must have happened. Tell me." I sighed deeply at his words. This time I removed the blanket covering my face and sat up to face him. "Can I be the grumpy one just this once?" I said irritably. "When you had allergies, I know it was my fault! I admit it! But do you know how much I thought of you? I couldn't sit still because I thought you were going to die! But—" I let out a deep sigh to calm my anger. Calm down, Keycee. Calm down. "But . . . what?" he asked curiously. I looked up at him before continuing what I was saying. "When I went to your office . . ." "My office?" He furrowed his brows. Oh, he didn't know I went because I left immediately at that time. "You went to my office?" he repeated. "Yes. I did. I was so worried about you that I couldn't calm myself down, so I went to your office to check on you if you're okay, but you were sleeping like a prince!" I threw a pillow at him in frustration as I remembered that time. Imagine, I searched the entire campus just to find him. I ran around in panic, thinking he might have died from coughing, but he was peacefully sleeping in his office. "Your sleeping position was like an alien position! Do you know that?!" I threw another pillow at him. "I was so worried about you! I searched everywhere for you, and you were just in your office, resting! You didn't even text me back to say you were fine! Meanwhile, I was feeling guilty for what I did. You're so mean!" I ranted at length. I felt my face turn red with anger. "That's it?" he asked, trying to hold back his laughter. And now he's laughing at me? "Get out, sir!" I said when I calmed down a bit. I lay back down and covered myself with the blanket, closing my eyes. "Okay. Good night . . . Mrs. Lee." Good night to you and your face! I suddenly sat up when I realized what he said last. Mrs. Lee? Something seemed wrong with what he said. What does he call me at school? Miss Dela Vega, right? I turned slowly to look at him, but I was surprised because he hadn't left my room yet. "What are you still doing here? Didn't I tell you to leave?" He was still standing there, looking at me. "How can I make it up to you?" I fell silent, swallowing hard at what he said. He wants to make it up to me? How? Wait. Isn't our exam coming up soon? Ah, I know. I'll just ask him to be my tutor. "If you want to make it up, you—" "No. Not that," he said, cutting me off. "Anything you want except tutoring." I immediately frowned. "You said you'd make it up to me? What if that's the only way for you to make it up?" "I won't make it up then." I rolled my eyes at what he said. "I thought you were getting nicer, but you're not. Fine, just leave. I don't need your so-called making up!" I lay back down and turned away from him. I felt him step out and heard him open and close the door. So annoying! He doesn't want to tutor me? Huh! Fine! Like I even want to be tutored by him! *** After our last class, Ryza and I went to the library, along with Christia. If you're wondering what happened in my math class? Well, Sir Ace is still strict. Don't expect him to be nice. He's nice once in a blue moon. Like last night, he was somewhat nice. But it's still irritating because he doesn't want to tutor me! "Keycee, have you reviewed for math?" Ryza asked me as she opened her book. "Not yet, but it's okay. I'll just guess the answers," I said, reclining lazily. "You're so silly! You can't just guess! When did Sir Ace ever give a multiple-choice exam? He always gives problem-solving exams, hello!" Christia lectured while retouching her makeup. "And in case you forgot, we're two seats apart, so we have no choice but to review. Even if we want to cheat, we can't because we can't reach heaven since it's far," Ryza said. I just sighed. "Whatever," I replied to both of them. If I fail math, I'll just report Ace to his grandfather and say he's biased against me. "That's what you always say, 'whatever.' If you fail, then it's your problem. We'll just keep reviewing." Ryza again. I didn't say anything while they continued to study. You'd think they're serious about life, but when it comes to exams, they forget everything they reviewed. I just sighed as I sat and thought. I missed Ryan. We don't see each other much because he's busy with his team's practice. Their match against another school is coming up soon. About being their muse, I didn't agree. It's okay because there were already some who auditioned. I felt my phone vibrate, so I took it out of my skirt pocket. Someone texted me and it was Ace. "Come over to my office." What am I going to do there? Did he feel guilty and decide to tutor me? I smiled slightly at the thought. I quickly said goodbye to the two. I told them I was just going to buy something at the cafeteria, and because I managed to convince the two witches, they even asked me to buy fries for them. I just nodded so they wouldn't suspect anything. When I arrived at Ace's office, the guard stopped me again, but not to reprimand me like before. "Why are you just coming now? Sir Ace has been waiting for you." "I just came from the library," I replied. "Okay, go in." I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I turned the doorknob and peeked inside. "Come in," he said when he sensed me peeking. I entered and saw him typing on his laptop. "Take a seat." He motioned to the couch beside his desk, so I sat there. What am I going to do here? Just watch him? "Sir, what are you doing?" I asked him. He looked serious in whatever he was doing, but why did he call me here if he was doing something important? "Your exam," he replied, his eyes still on his laptop screen. "Really?" I stood up immediately and approached him, but before I could get closer, he quickly turned his laptop away from me so I couldn't see it. I still tried to peek at what he was doing, and he gave me a warning look. "Why did you call me, sir?" I went back to the couch and sat down again because there was no chance of seeing the exam he was working on. What a waste. "It's about my mom, dad, and grandpa," he started. "What?" I asked. "They're coming over to the house tonight." I was surprised by what he said. "Really? Tonight?!" "Can you keep your voice down?" he said irritably. "Okay. But . . . are they really coming?" I asked again to make sure he wasn't joking, and he nodded in response. *** Ace and I went home together. Maybe his grandfather would think something if we weren't together. I knew his grandfather, he was really nice to me before, but there were times he could be grumpy too. His mood depends on his hormones. "Good evening, grandpa." I approached Ace's grandfather and greeted him. His mom and dad also greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you're home. I thought you were going to check in at a hotel because you didn't want to be here with us," his grandfather said, laughing. I looked at Ace, but he wasn't looking at me. "It's late, so dad probably thought you weren't going to make it," Ace's mom said. We arrived late because Ace still had a lot to do in his office. Even if I wanted to go home alone, he didn't allow it because his grandfather would get mad if he saw us not together. Ace's grandfather approached me. "How are you, dear? Is my grandson giving you a hard time?" he asked as he led me to the kitchen. I glanced at Ace and gave him a 'please-help-me' look. I know I'll be talking to his grandfather until later, and he only says he wants to have a grandchild. That's why I don't want Ace's grandfather to come here. "I'm fine, sir. By the way, it's late already." I glanced at my watch, "You might get caught in traffic." I looked up at him. I'm the one making ways to make them leave. "Don't worry, dear. We'll be going home tomorrow." "Tomorrow?" My eyes widened at what he said. "Why? Don't you want me to stay here?" "I . . . N-No. I don't mind." I faked a laugh. They're going to spend the night here? So, what now? Do Ace and I have to stay in the same room? Oh my f*****g gosh.
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