

age gap
opposites attract
arranged marriage

This is a romantic-comedy, arranged marriage trope. Picture a story where a less-than-bright student is married to a genius professor, and it all unfolds with an unexpected plot twist. The original story, written in Filipino with 1.8 million reads, has now been translated into English.


Keycee Dela Vega, a cheerful and kind-hearted student, finds herself in an unusual predicament. Secretly married to her strict math teacher, Ace Lee, Keycee struggles to navigate the complexities of their relationship. Despite her academic challenges, she remains optimistic, a trait that stands in stark contrast to Ace’s stern demeanor. Their marriage, arranged at the insistence of Ace’s grandfather, is anything but conventional, leading to a tense and strained dynamic between the two.

As Keycee and Ace slowly begin to find common ground and understand each other, a shocking revelation comes to light. Keycee discovers that she knew Ace long before their arranged marriage and that she is the very person he harbors a deep-seated grudge against—the one he’s been searching for all along.

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Chapter 1. Homework
✿♡ KEYCEE ♡✿ I WAS slumped over my study table, tears threatening to fall. Why am I so bad at math? I really hate math and I really, really hate my teacher for giving me such a hard time. His assignments are endless and impossibly difficult. And to make matters worse, he's so strict that he doesn't let anyone without an assignment into class. How am I supposed to survive that? I'm terrible at math! I really hate him. I really hate my husband! Yes. MY STRICT TEACHER IS MY HUSBAND, and it really kills me! I feel like I can't go on living knowing I'm married to him. I lifted my head and stared at the book in front of me. "Hey, math? What did I ever do to you? Why are you making my life so hard?" I don't even know why I'm talking to the book—it can't talk back. If it could, it would probably tell me it hasn't done anything to me. I grabbed my bag from the bed and took out my classmate's notebook. It was a slam book, which was very popular during our time to get to know someone. I started answering the slam book instead of my assignment. Brilliant, right? My name is: Keycee Dela Vega. I was born on: August 5th. Age: 18 Status: SINGLE! Hobbies: Reading and sleeping. FAVORITES: Favorite Sports: Badminton. Favorite Food: Spaghetti and beef steak. Favorite Color: Light blue and purple. Favorite Flower: Red rose. Favorite Fruits: Apple and strawberry. Favorite Movie: A Walk To Remember. Favorite Subject: ________ Wait? Favorite subject? What is it? Math? Hey. Of course not! Just stab me if you make me put math as my favorite subject. Even though my husband is super handsome—I mean, my teacher—I still don't like math. So, for my favorite subject, it should be . . .RECESS! Math is life, but food is lifer. ALL ABOUT LOVE: For me, love is: Love is when you can completely be yourself around another person in good times and bad. It's loving each other's differences and appreciating them exactly as they are. Love is the feeling that something is missing when you are apart and the realization that everything seems so much better when you are together. For me, a crush is: A person who will never be yours! Period! My crush is/are: Ryan Dela Cruz. My love is/are: My mother. My best friends are: Ryza Lopez and Christia Reyes. My mortal enemy: The one and only, MATH SUBJECT! The person I hate the most: Mr. L. My dream date is: Mr. L. The date setting I want: Anywhere . . . as long as it's by the beach. I wasn't finished answering the slam book when I started to feel sleepy. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. It's already midnight. Have I been awake this long? No wonder I'm tired. ✧ACE LEE✧ I went down to the kitchen to get a beer. I couldn't sleep because I had too much unfinished work. When I was about to enter my room, I noticed Keycee's door was slightly open, and light was coming from inside. Is she still awake? I walked toward her room, pushed the door open a little, and peeked inside. I saw her asleep with her head resting on her study table. I shook my head. Why didn't she lie down on her bed? I entered the room and approached her to see what she had been doing that made her fall asleep at her study table. Then I saw her math notebook with her assignment. I scanned the entire page and saw that she hadn't answered any of the problems I gave. I know she's weak in math. She despises and hates my subject. But that's part of a student's life. I let her sleep. I wanted to carry her to her bed, but I didn't want her to think I was concerned about her. We're not that close yet. Before I left her room, I glanced at her again and at the unfinished assignment. How will she attend my class tomorrow if she doesn't do it? ✿♡ KEYCEE ♡✿ "G-Good morning," I greeted Ace when I saw him in the dining area. But he ignored me. Don't be surprised, that's just how nice he is! He was already eating, so I started eating too. We were sitting across from each other, not speaking, as if we were enemies. "Here's your milk." Yaya Miranda handed me the milk she prepared. She's our housekeeper and and she is in her fifties, I think. "Thank you, ya. Good morning, by the way," I greeted her before I forgot. I was about to take a bite in my food when Ace suddenly stood up from his seat. Is he done already? He ate so fast. Wait? What time is it? I looked at my watch and was shocked to see it was 8:33 AM. Oh no! Our math class is at 8:45 and he is our teacher. Panicking, I quickly drank my milk to catch up with Ace. "Bye, ya. I'm heading out!" I said to Yaya Miranda after finishing my drink. I ran out so quickly that I bumped into Ace's back, making him stop. "Ouch . . ." I complained, rubbing my forehead. His back is so hard. "You have twelve minutes left, so don't rush," he said to me and walked away. He went to the garage and got into his car. Obviously, he wasn't going to give me a ride. We never ride together because someone might see us. It's difficult. No one knows about us—about our marriage. Not even my friends know. I just watched his car as it drove out the gate. But then he stopped. He rolled down the window and signaled for me to come closer. "Get in," he said as I approached. "What?" My mouth fell open slightly. Did I hear that right? He's offering me a ride. Or am I just hearing things because I didn't eat? "I said, get in!" His voice raised, irritated. I just stared at him. I still couldn't believe he was offering me a ride. Is this real? "Well. Are you getting in or are you going to run to my class? We're late!" There it is again. His attitude problem. Where can I find a cure for his irritability? I quickly got in the car, afraid he'd change his mind and make me walk. He's only nice once in a blue moon, so I should take advantage. Math is our first subject. What a wonderful way to start the morning. If I'm in a bad mood, math makes it worse. I stayed silent while he drove. I was looking out the window when I suddenly remembered something. Shocks! I'M DEAD! I didn't do my math assignment! And I don't have time to copy from Ryza later because we're late. Oh, I'm so unlucky. I sighed deeply. I'll just have to wing it later. "Why are you sighing?" Ace asked, glancing at me. "Nothing," I replied listlessly, but quickly realized my mistake. That was wrong. I straightened up and corrected myself. "I mean, nothing, Sir Lee," I said in respectful tone. He didn't respond, so I stayed silent too. When we got near the school, he suddenly stopped the car. "Get out," he commanded. I know why he wants me to get out. So, no one sees us together. "Okay." I got out immediately. He started the car again and drove off. I looked at my watch. Oh no! It's 8:41 AM already! I ran immediately. I didn't care if I looked haggard later, as long as I made it on time. But wait? I don't have an assignment, right? Why am I even hoping to make it to his class? Even if I make it, if I have no assignment, I can't enter. So, what's the point of running like a horse? But what if I don't attend? We're having a new discussion today. If I don't attend, I won't understand the topic for the next quiz. Oh. I guess in my past life, when it rained bad luck, I must have gone swimming in it, which is why I'm like this. Wait! I don't even know how to swim, so how did I swim in bad luck? Someone must have just splashed it on me. Ugh! I walked quickly towards the school. I saw my classmates lined up. That's how it is. We line up before my wonderful husband—uh, I mean, teacher—lets us in. I approached Ryza and Christia. "Why are you so late?" they asked in unison. "I overslept. By the way, I'm not going to math class. Just tell me what you did." "What? Why?" Ryza frowned. "I don't have my assign—" "Bring out your books!" We immediately looked at the classroom door, Ace was already standing there. "And your assignments," he added, his face blank. He's always like that, always emotionless. "Get in line!" Ryza pulled me and placed me in front of her because I'm a bit shorter. "Wait, I don't have my assignment!" I whispered to them. "Just make an excuse. Say you forgot what page," Christia suggested seriously. Right. I could say that. No. No. No! I can't. He might say, "We share a roof, why didn't you ask me?" Or, "You're so young, yet you already have memory issues?" He might say that if I make an excuse. "Boys," Ace called out to our male classmates. One by one, they entered the classroom. And yes, you heard that right, boys always go first. "Ladies first" is not a thing for Ace. But before they could fully enter the room, they had to show their books and assignments first. Ace wanted all of us to always have our books so that during discussions, no one would be left without a reference. "I really don't want to. You guys go ahead. I'm not going in." I turned away, about to leave, but then— "Girls, get in." My female classmates started walking in, while I stood there, panicking because I didn't know whether to run away or join the line. They had all entered, and I was the only one left standing outside when Ace called me. “Miss Dela Vega?" "Yes, sir," I responded weakly. I had already made up my mind. I wasn't going to attend his class because I didn't want to be embarrassed when he asked for my assignment, and I had nothing to show. I'd just pretend to have a stomachache, or a headache, or a foot ache, or a backache, or a finger ache—whatever came to mind later. "Don't you plan on attending?" His face remained expressionless. How could I go in? I didn't have an assignment. "Are you coming in or not?" he asked again. Instead of making an excuse, I found myself walking towards him. "Here it is." I took my notebook and book out of my bag, my shoulders sagging. It was up to him whether to let me in or not. I opened my notebook to the math problem he had given us, which I hadn't answered—what? My eyes widened as I stared at the page. Why are there answers? Did I do the assignment last night? I didn't, right? I looked up at Ace. We were about four steps apart. He was looking at me. I looked back at my notebook. It was so obvious that it was his handwriting! "Miss Dela Vega, what are you waiting for?" Without hesitation, I approached him and showed him my notebook with the completed assignment. He nodded and let me in, and I couldn't help but smile as I walked to my seat with my head held high. Thanks, hubby! AUTHOR's NOTE: Hi everyone! This book was originally written in Filipino and has 1.8 million reads. Due to popular demand, I’ve decided to translate it into English and will be updating it daily. Your support means a lot to me! Please feel free to leave your comments or feedback in the comment section. You can also follow me here on Dreame, and I also have f@cebook page named Miss Ahyenxii. Thank you so much!

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