Chapter 4. Allergies

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KEYCEE'S POV AFTER our math class, we had Physics. Once Physics ended, it was break time. I was with Ryza and Christia as we left the classroom, but someone called my name. "Look, it's Ryan," Ryza said, spotting Ryan approaching us. "Ayiiiieeee!" Christia teased me, poking my side. "Excuse me, can I borrow Keycee for a bit?" Ryan asked when he reached us, his charismatic smile still in place. "Of course! If you want, you can keep her!" Ryza joked, and they both laughed. "Hey, what’s up with you guys?!" I scolded them, but Ryan laughed too. "Okay, we'll head to the cafeteria. See you later," they said, leaving Ryan and me alone. "So, what do you need?" I asked when it was just the two of us. "You," he said without hesitation. "What?" I furrowed my brow. "Never mind. Just come with me," he said, pulling me along. I had no choice but to follow. "Where are we going?" I asked. He stopped walking and turned to face me. "Please don't get mad, but . . . could you audition? Please?" "Audition for what?" "The intramurals are coming up, and they're searching for a muse. The chosen muse will represent us when we compete against other schools," he explained. "But why me?" I asked, still confused. "You're the only one I find beautiful in the whole school," he said. I was speechless. It felt amazing to hear that from him, but I wasn't sure if he was serious. "So, will you do it?" "Uh, can I think about it first?" "If you think about it, you might refuse. If I insist now, you have no choice," he said, smiling again. Sh*t. He's so handsome! But will I agree? What if Ace finds out? Wait, why am I thinking about him? He doesn't care about me or what I do. "I need to think about it," I told Ryan, and he sighed. "I was hoping you'd agree. But it's okay. Let's just eat," he said, pulling me towards the cafeteria. When we got there, Ryza and Christia started teasing us again. "Bro, is she your new girlfriend?" a guy asked Ryan, but he just smiled. We sat at a table with Ryza and Christia, with Ryan sitting next to me. "Come on, spill it," Christia said, looking at us both. "What's going on between you two?" "Nothing," I answered. Ryan stayed silent. "Only Keycee answered. We want to hear Ryan's side too, and isn’t it true that you’ve had a crush on him for a long time?" Ryza said, making Ryan look surprised, and me even more so. I glared at Ryza, signaling her to retract what she said. Ryza really can’t keep secrets. When she starts talking, she can’t stop. It’s hard having a friend like that. "Is it true?" Ryan asked, turning to me. I couldn't answer. Oh, this is really troublesome! "Have you liked me for a long time?" I grabbed Christia's drink and quickly downed it. After finishing, I looked at him. "Would you be mad if I said yes?" I asked, embarrassed. "No," he smiled. "It's true. I do like you," I confessed. "It's an honor for me. I like you too." I was stunned. Seriously? Ryza and Christia squealed in excitement, causing other students to look at us. "I said I like you, too. Will you be my girl?" Oh no! Am I dreaming? Is this real? Suddenly, I heard chanting around us. "SAY YES! SAY YES! SAY YES!" everyone was shouting. What now? What should I do? Isn’t this too fast? I've had a crush on him for a long time, but we only talked personally today when he helped me to the classroom, and now he's asking me this? "SAY YES! SAY YES! SAY YES!" they kept chanting. If I don’t answer, Ryan will be embarrassed. If I say yes . . . what about Ace? "Will you?" Ryan asked again, holding my hand on the table. I always go with the flow so, WHATEVER HAPPENS, HAPPENS. "Y-Yes," I answered shyly, looking down. The students around us cheered louder. Ryza and Christia were ecstatic, almost fainting from excitement, but I felt embarrassed for not even giving it a second thought. What if they find out I’m already married? *** I entered the house smiling, humming happily. "You look happy, dear. Did something good happen?" Yaya asked, making me stop. "Nothing much," I replied, still smiling. If I could tell her, I would’ve done it already, but I'm still worried about Ace. What if he finds out? But if you ask me . . . I’m happy. It’s Ryan Dela Cruz, hello! I was about to enter my room when Ace's door suddenly opened. We both stopped and looked at each other. Our rooms are next to each other. Actually, we were supposed to share one room because that’s what his grandfather wanted, but neither of us wanted that, so we decided on separate rooms. I stayed next to his room for easy access whenever his grandfather visited. I wanted to greet him, say hi or hello, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. And since he didn’t greet me either, I went straight to my room. I think he doesn't know what happened earlier. I hope he never finds out. I don’t want to deceive him, but I had no choice earlier. There were choices, but it was either yes or yes. So, YES it was, because I didn’t want Ryan to be embarrassed. Besides, it's what I've wanted for a long time. I lay down at my study table, still giddy. I couldn’t believe it. I took my phone and opened my social media account. I posted a selfie with the caption: "Good evening." To my surprise, it immediately got reactions and comments. I read the comments one by one. "Is it true you're with Ryan?" "Congratulations to the new girlfriend!" "You're so lucky, girl." "No wonder you look blooming, you’re inspired." "Is it true you're together?" "He just broke up with me, and now you’re together? Such a player." "Ryan is mine. Just so you know." "Congrats, girl!" I couldn't handle reading more comments as I started to panic, realizing Ace might see them. My notifications kept coming, adding to my panic. What is Ace doing? Has he seen the comments? I quickly left my room and stood in front of his door. I couldn't hear anything inside. Is he asleep? I turned the doorknob and peeked inside. Where could he be? Then I heard the shower running in his bathroom. He’s showering. Does that mean he hasn’t seen it yet? I scanned his room and spotted his phone on the bed. If he hasn’t read the comments yet, I need to act fast. I need to get his phone and unfriend myself from his account, or maybe block myself? I shook my head. No, blocking is too obvious. I’ll just unfriend myself so he won’t see my posts or comments in the future. I carefully entered his room and approached the bed. I quickly grabbed his phone to carry out my mission. Damn! It’s locked! How do I unlock this? I don’t know his password. Think, Keycee. Think! What could his password be? I could still hear the shower, so I knew I had some time. Maybe his birthday? That’s a possibility. But when is his birthday? Damn! I don't even know my own husband’s birthday. What about my birthday? Tsk. That’s too presumptuous. But I might as well try. I typed in 0805, meaning August 5. To my surprise, it unlocked. My birthday is his code, but why? Who am I to deserve this? I set aside those thoughts and focused on my mission. I opened his social media account and quickly searched for myself to unfriend. "Mission accomplished," I whispered. I hurried out of his room and back to mine, collapsing on my bed. That was nerve-wracking. Thank goodness he didn’t catch me. But . . . 0805? Why is my birthday his code? I feel so worthless for not even knowing his birthday, while he used mine for his phone. I was still lying on my bed when Yaya knocked on my door. "Keycee, dinner's ready." I quickly got up and went to the dining area. Ace hadn't come down yet, so it was just Yaya and me. I saw Yaya removing something from the dish. "Why are you taking that out?" I asked. "Ace doesn't eat carrots," Yaya replied. We were having menudo again, two days in a row. Ace never seems to get tired of menudo, but why doesn’t he eat carrots? I sometimes eat them raw. When Yaya went to the refrigerator for water, a mischievous thought crossed my mind. I looked around. Ace wasn’t here yet. Yaya had her back to me. I quickly stood up and went to Ace's place. There was already rice on his plate, so I hid some carrots under the rice. This is payback for embarrassing me in his class earlier. I quickly returned to my seat and pretended to eat. Later on, I heard Ace’s footsteps approaching. He went straight to his seat. Yaya didn’t eat with us, so it was just the two of us. I saw him started eating. He glanced at me suddenly, so I quickly focused on my own food. "You're eating already, Ace," Yaya said as she approached us. She poured juice into Ace's glass. I noticed that when Ace took another bite, the carrots I placed on his plate were included. "You're good to go now, I removed the carrots. I know you're allergic to them." My spoon was halfway to my mouth when I dropped it upon hearing Yaya Miranda's words. He's allergic? I immediately stood up and quickly went to Ace's seat. "Spit it out!" I commanded, holding his chin with one hand and his lips with the other to open his mouth. "What are you doing?!" he said, annoyed, pushing my hand away. Even Yaya looked puzzled as she watched us. "Just spit it out!" I tapped his back. "There are carrots there!" "Didn't you hear Yaya? She already removed them," he replied, and resumed eating. As I returned to my seat, I kept looking at him. I didn't know he was allergic. I thought he was just picky with food. *** Despite how good my sleep was, I woke up to the noise coming from Ace's room. He'd been coughing for a while. I checked my phone; it was past eleven. When did he start coughing? I got out of bed and went out of my room. As I stepped out, he also emerged from his room, and we faced each other. I was surprised by his appearance. He was drenched in sweat and seemed weak as he kept coughing. I quickly approached him and stood in front of him. I was about to touch his forehead to check for a fever when he suddenly collapsed onto me. I fell to the floor because of his weight. "Ace, what's happening to you? Get up," I ordered, knowing he was still conscious. I pushed him to get off me, I sat him down and touched his forehead. He didn't have a fever. "Ace? Ace? Sir Lee? ACE LEE!" I called out to him repeatedly, but he didn't respond. I rushed downstairs to call Yaya Miranda from her room. "Ya, Ace needs help!" Yaya was surprised by my shout. "What happened?" "I don't know." Yaya quickly got up and accompanied me upstairs. As we went up, I couldn't shake off the guilt because I felt like I knew the reason. The carrots I placed in his plate.
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