The beginning

1112 Words
Episode One BELLADONNA “I didn’t do it, I swear, I didn’t do it, Hayden. You have to believe me.” Tears filled up my eyes as I looked up at him, disbelief was evident in his expression. “I am your mate, I would never cheat on you.” His eyes went slowly to my stomach that was big, disgust all over his face. “Those babies in you… they do not belong to me do they? They belong to him, Bjorn.” It sounded like a question but I knew deep down that it wasn’t, he believed it. “They are yours, Hayden, ours, I swear on our marriage vows.” I reached out for his hand but pulled back immediately. “Do not dare stain me with those filthy hands.” He spat, disgust covered his features. “You’re a cheap person and a liar, I found you laying on his bed, his hand under your garment and you have the audacity to lie to my face you ungrateful woman!” His hand came hard across my face in a hard slap, making me scream and loose my balance, my back clashed with the wooden table behind me and the edge of my stomach grazed the table giving it an impact, pain eluded my entire body and I fell to the ground, fear and hurt filled me up and I stared at him, he had never used violence on me before, it was like he was someone different, he didn’t seem like my husband anymore, he really didn’t care about whatever happened to our babies, his triplets inside my stomach. “Why would you not believe me!” It was a scream this time. “I don’t know how I ended up there, I swear it, I was with Tamara that night, I wasn’t feeling too fine and she helped me to bed, i—“ “We saw you, Belladonna, I saw my wife in bed with the man that has been threatening my position as Alpha, sleeping together.” Blood dropped from his palms, I could see his nails digging into them deeply, I used all my energy to stand from the ground. I woke up that morning from the screaming of my name to see my husband and my best friend looking at me and the man beside me, his hand inside my undergarment, a man I had no idea how I ended up with, they both looked at me in disappointment. I didn’t know how to explain something I didn’t quite understand myself. “You are my mate, we’ve been together for years and we’ve waited for these babies together, I would never do this to you, I would never cheat on you, I will never do that to our children—“ “Do not call those bastards in you my children,” he took steps backwards, towards the door, betrayal and anger in his eyes. “I am disappointed and disgusted by you, Belladonna. Everyone was right about you, a beta who doesn’t deserve anything good.” He turned fully to the door and the tears I had been fighting came rushing down, it felt like reality had dawn on me, his words were like swords, they pierced deep into my soul. “I swear to the moon goddess and our unborn babies—“ “Funny for you to mention the moon goddess, it is really true that she knows the heart of men, she knew you would cheat and lie to me about those bastards in your womb and that was why she gave me a second chance mate.” My chest tightened, I was already replaced, it was that easy for them to replace me, I was a beta, an insignificant person who just got lucky to be mated to the alpha, Many people were against me being their Luna and leader even when they knew it was the moon goddess who paired us, Hayden had taken my hand and shut all their mouths, but now? He was someone different, he wasn’t my mate that loved me as much as I loved him. Just when he was about to walk through the door, he halted and my heart slipped a beat?, was he finally ready to believe me? Was he going to believe me now? “I, Hayden Blackwood, Alpha of the Moonlight pack, reject you—“ “No, no no, Please… do not do this Hayden,” I grabbed his cloth but he pushed me away and I fell on my knees, I was 7 months pregnant. “I swear, I didn’t cheat on you, please do not do this—“ He didn’t bother to check if he had hurt me, he just continued with his speech. “—Reject you, Belladonna Xanxia as my mate and Luna.” His eyes narrowed and I knew he had felt the mate bond shatter because I did too, I felt it in my chest, it was now hanging by a thread, my accepting his rejection was the thread. “I also want to banish you from this pack, I never want to see your filthy face here again.” My hands came in contact with the ground as I sobbed, every part of my body ached but none could compare to the hole my heart felt like, my wolf was shattered, into pieces. “Hayden… i am your wife, please do not do—“ He held the handle of the door and turned a side of his face to me. “The only condition I would accept you back as my mate is only if you get rid of those bastard triplets inside you, this is the only grace you’d have from me.” He pulled the handle and left, leaving me on the ground and in tears. He wanted me to kill our triplets, his children. He didn’t believe I didn’t cheat, how could he even think I would cheat on him when we’ve been through so much together, my legs and lips trembled as more tears rolled down my cheeks. What could have gone wrong, Did Bjorn plan this? Did he take me to his room without me knowing? Did he drug me? Was a just a victim like I was too? I looked at the Chambers that felt just as empty as my chest felt, the man I fell in love with would never tell me to kill our babies, he would believe me. My sensitive wolf ears picked up a small giggle from the hallway before it disappeared, someone had been spying on me.
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