Chapter 9-2-3

1987 Words

“Angus,” Decebel said, tilting his head down slightly, but not exposing his throat in any way. “I take it Fane is still dealing with challenges if you have been sent in his stead,” Angus said. “Apparently the list of rogues with a death wish is endless,” her mate replied. He shifted restlessly beside her. Jen glanced at Decebel and felt something rush through their bond. She’d known he was uneasy about leaving the pack while Fane was fighting, but that had been the only emotion she’d picked up from him. Now, Jen felt more than just worry from him. “What’s wrong, B?" “After what happened at the Blood Moon ceremony,” Angus said, “I can’t believe any of them would even dare.” Decebel grunted his agreement even as he responded to her. “I just have a bad feeling," he spoke into her mind. “

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