The Wolves Descend: Book 15 of the Grey Wolves Series

The Wolves Descend: Book 15 of the Grey Wolves Series


The fight for dominance begins.

The period of mourning for the great alphas, Vasile and Alina, is over. But some refuse to move on. The high fae, Perizada, vows never to experience the loss of her friends--her family--again. She knows the only way to do this is to take on the Order of the Burning Claw herself. But her mate would never allow it. So, she does the only thing she can, severing all ties with her allies. Peri’s decision could destroy her enemies, the Order, but it could also destroy everything she holds dear.

The end of mourning also marks the beginning of challenges to the new alpha of alphas, Fane Lupei. Rogue wolves who desire to rule in his stead attempt to stake their claims. Though Fane abides by pack law when facing his opponents, others aren’t so honorable. Fane soon realizes the threats he faces aren’t just against him, but against his entire pack.

Skender and the fae, Tenia, fight against the mate bond drawing them closer. They both know they cannot be together, but the bond is more powerful than either expected. Meanwhile, Skender has promised to keep Tenia’s son, Torion, safe--a promise he’s willing to die to keep. Skender soon finds out that there’s more to the boy than meets the eye, and Skender’s ability to keep the boy safe could be the key to saving them all.

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Prologue “Wars, both ancient and recent, have continually plagued the supernatural races. Many brave wolves, fae, warlocks, and elves have given their lives to keep evil at bay. I have faced a few of those battles myself. Always, there has been a winner, a clear victor in the conflict. But the war facing us now has been brewing for generations. I fear the winners and losers in this conflict will not be so easily determined.” ~Fane, Alpha of the Romanian Pack Present Day December 31, New Year’s Eve Across the snow-covered ground, beyond the powdered trees, and deep in the wooded, Romanian mountains, the wolves lay in wait. Some were natural canines, but most of the wolves were Canis lupus—better known by humans as werewolves. Fane could feel them out there, waiting and watching. Their anticipation at their chance to challenge him, despite the Great Luna’s warning, was palpable. Sometimes stupidity was a byproduct of the lust for power. Regardless, Fane knew he would soon have to give them their chance. If he did not, they would view him as weak. It was never wise to appear weak to a hungry pack of predators of any kind, but especially to Canis lupus. Fane took a deep breath and tried to unclench his jaw. He was sure his teeth would grind down to the gums if he didn’t learn a new way to deal with his growing power. He could practically feel the pulse of it in his blood. When the Great Luna declared him the alpha of all alphas, Fane had felt something shift inside of him. The magic and power that had always been a part of him had suddenly intensified. He wondered if his cellular makeup actually changed. He didn’t know, but he knew his body was different. Fane knew he was no longer born only of Vasile and Alina Lupei. He had been newly born by the touch of the Great Luna. “Not in the mood for celebrating?” Jacque said when she stepped into the study. He’d been so lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t even heard his mate open the door or sense she was getting closer to him. “Is it midnight yet?” He didn’t need to answer her questions. His Luna knew exactly how he was feeling. “If it was, I would be kissing your face off,” she teased. Fane’s lips tilted up slightly, though the smile he felt on the inside at his mate’s playfulness didn’t quite appear on his face. “How does one kiss someone’s face off?” He turned away from the window and the wolves who were waiting for him, then gazed into the emerald-green eyes of his female. “I think I’ve shown you a time or two.” His eyes briefly dropped to her full lips. Memories of their taste made him hungry for her. “And yet I still have my face fully intact.” Fane slid his hands into his pockets, forcing himself to stay still rather than tackle his mate and lose himself in her touch. He leaned back against the thick glass window. It was cold enough that he felt the chill through his sweater, but the bite didn’t bother him. Instead, it cleared his head a bit. Jacquelyn strolled to him, her fingertips running along the bookshelves, then the back of a chair, and then along the couch before she finally stopped just out of his reach. The playful smile slipped away as she neared him. Fane could feel the worry that had been growing in her for the past three days. Though she hid it well from her friends, she didn’t try to hide it from him. And he was glad of it. Fane felt they’d both learned the hard way that keeping secrets from each other, even if the intentions were to protect one another, wasn’t a healthy way to have a relationship. “I feel them, too,” she whispered. Jacque wrapped her arms around herself and looked past him into the dark night. Her fear quickly diminished his need to ravish her. Fane pushed away from the window and closed the last couple of steps between them. He ran his hands up and down her arms, needing to feel her and wanting her to feel him. “Do you think any of them are just here out of curiosity?” she asked. “Maybe they want to join our pack because the Great Luna has chosen you to lead them, and they want a strong leader?” The hope he heard in her voice made him want to reassure her, but Fane couldn’t say any of that for certain. “Maybe,” he answered after a minute of thought. “News of what has taken place has surely traveled throughout the supernatural world. Some will be curious.” He slid his hands around her and drew her into him. Jacquelyn dropped her arms and then wrapped them around his torso until she had the fabric of his shirt fisted in her palms. “But if they were simply curious, they probably wouldn’t be hiding out in the woods, would they?” She sighed. “Surely, curiosity would dictate they simply knock on the door and say, ‘what’s up’?” Fane chuckled. “It would make things easier if I knew who simply wanted to know the truth versus who wanted to seize power for their own.” She turned her head and laid it on his chest, then nuzzled her cheek against it. Fane felt his wolf hum in satisfaction upon receiving their mate’s affection. It didn’t matter if it had been only a minute since they’d touched—or a day—both man and beast craved her. For a while, they stood in silence, enjoying a moment to themselves. Fane pushed away thoughts of the wolves and focused only on his mate. She was so strong and had been his rock over the past months as he’d come to terms with his parents’ deaths. Holding her tighter, he realized not for the first time what a blessing it was to have a mate bond. He was blessed to know that, should his mate die, he would not remain behind to mourn her. He wouldn’t be left with a Jacquelyn-sized hole in his heart because he would join her in taking her last breath. “It is a blessing and a curse,” she said, responding to his thoughts. “Well, maybe only a curse if you have a child. While I would not want to live without you, I would equally not want to leave our son without parents, at least not until he is grown.” “I have no plans of dying any time soon,” Fane said, trying to lighten the mood. “Do you?” “Definitely not.” Jacquelyn huffed out a laugh. “It’s going to be too much fun watching Jen fret over whether or not Titus is Hope’s true mate.” Alina Hope Petrovik, was Drake and Bethany’s newly arrived five-day-old daughter. Titus had made quite the declaration just before the new pack member had been born, and Jen had been relentlessly grilling him for clarification on what his words had actually meant. It seemed like Jen had met her match in stubbornness. Any time Jen brought the subject up, Titus simply smiled at her and went about his business. “You’re right. We need to stick around to watch how that plays out.” Jacque relaxed her arms, but Fane held her tighter, not ready to let go of his mate. He buried his face in her neck and breathed in her scent. “Where is Slate?” he asked. “Rachel has him, but don’t go making plans in that male head of yours.” She pulled back to look up at him. “Our group is headed this way.” She wiggled one of her arms free and glanced at her watch. “Any minute now. Costin said he wanted to talk.” Before Fane could question her about it further, there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” Jacquelyn called out, giving him a final squeeze and lifting up on her toes to press her lips to his neck with a quick kiss. The sensuous touch distracted him enough that she’d managed to slip out of his arms. She stood beside him, her hand in his, before Fane could steal a kiss from her lips. The door opened and Decebel entered, followed by his mate, Jen, who appeared oddly subdued for such a festive night. Behind them came Costin and Sally. Fane didn’t miss the way Costin maneuvered his mate so that he was in between her and Decebel as they walked past and took a seat in one of the overstuffed chairs. Costin pulled Sally into his lap, and his gaze bounced from Fane and back to Decebel. It had been a while since he’d seen one of the males in their close-knit group act that territorial. “This better be good,” Peri said. She and Lucian filed in next. “This is the first New Year’s Eve party I’ve ever been to, and I’m pretty sure we’re supposed to be dropping a ball while counting down from ten. Although, I’m not sure what on earth a ball falling to the ground represents except clumsiness.” Lucian took a spot on the large couch and laid his hand on Peri’s thigh when she sat down next to him. “It’s nearly two hours until midnight, Peri.” Adam strolled in with Crina’s hand in his. “I think we’ve got plenty of time before the ball drops.” “Technically, it’s already dropped,” Bethany said, a sleeping Hope in her arms. Drake followed closely behind her, his eyes taking the room in quickly, as if assessing the space for any danger. Having a child took a male Canis lupus from protective to ridiculously overbearing. “Pretty sure y’all are ridiculous all the time, not just when a child enters the equation,” Fane’s mate said through their bond. “Feeling feisty tonight, are we?” Fane purred into her mind. “Behave yourself, Alpha,” she warned, though he could feel her desire, and it only amplified his own. Wadim, Zara, Sorin, and Elle were the last to enter. Elle closed the door behind her and then followed her mate over to the half of the loveseat that wasn’t taken. As most of the males had done, Sorin pulled his mate into his lap. Then all eyes turned to Fane. “I’ve been told we’re gathering here because Costin has an announcement,” Fane said, turning to the wolf who had once been his father’s third and was now his own. “It’s actually not just my announcement.” Costin gave his trademarked dimpled smile that managed to make even mated females swoon. Sally’s face turned a bright shade of red. “The floor is yours.” Fane gestured to the room. Sally looked at Jacque and then turned her head to look at Jen. A smile suddenly lit up her face. “We’re pregnant.” Fane’s mate made a squealing sound that caused his ears to beg for mercy. Jacque hurried over and gave her best friend a hug, or as much as a hug as she could, considering Costin wouldn’t release Sally. This seemed to cause a ripple effect as, one by one, the females of the pack took their turns congratulating the couple. Adam walked over and leaned down as if to give Sally a hug. Costin growled so low that Fane felt his wolf try to push forward in response. But then Adam held up his hands and chuckled. “Just messing with you. I couldn’t help myself. You wolves are so easy to rile when you’ve got a pregnant mate.” “Wait until it’s your turn,” Costin said, his voice still guttural with his wolf. Adam thought about it for a minute and then dipped his head. “I concede. I’m sure I would feel the need to roll my mate in bubble wrap and sequester her far, far away from anyone or anything that might hurt her.” “Pretty sure you all feel that way now.” Jen plopped down on Decebel’s lap, causing an “umph” to rush out of him. “How long have you known?” Jacque asked. She leaned against Fane, and he could feel the joy and excitement coming from her. “A few weeks,” Sally replied. “Why didn’t you say anything?” Jen frowned. “There was so much going on, and…” Sally paused. “And I was a hot mess, running around like a chicken convinced a piece of sky had landed on its head?” Jen offered. Sally drew her shoulders up to her ears and scrunched her nose . “I wasn’t going to put it like that.” “I would have,” Elle said. “But since you said it for us, we don’t have to be on the wrong end of the dirty Jen glare.” “Regardless of when the news was delivered,” Fane said, “it is a blessing. A Canis lupus child, another member of our future generations.” There was a rumble of agreement around the room as, once again, congratulations were given to the mated pair. Fane’s own emotions were twofold. On one hand, he was ecstatic for the couple, but on the other, he knew it made Sally all the more valuable. As such, she would be an even greater target. A Canis lupus, gypsy healer, sprite bloodline. What abilities and power would that produce? “We will cross that bridge when we get there,” Jacquelyn said through their bond. “Or we will burn it down before our enemy has the chance to realize it,” Fane’s wolf growled. “For now, Costin,” Fane said, drawing the room’s attention, “this needs to be kept a secret within this group. Sally is the most powerful healer in centuries. Your child possesses the bloodline of three powerful supernatural races. As much as I want to trust our entire pack, her life and the life of your child is not something I’m willing to risk.” Costin’s eyes glowed, and Fane watched as the wolf pulled his mate closer. “I’ll kill anyone who so much as breathes wrong around her.” The beast wasn’t bluffing. “That got intense really fast.” Zara blew out a breath through puffed cheeks. “That’s how male wolves roll.” Jen patted her mate on his cheek. “My mate. You stare too long. You die. You breathe too close. You die. You see markings. You die. You squeeze a boob. You die twice.” She did her best caveman imitation. “Are you finished?” Decebel asked, sounding bored. Jen shook her head. “I could go on.” She glanced at her watch. “I could keep going until midnight.” “Let’s not and say you did,” Sally suggested. The room filled with chuckles and nods of agreement. “All joking aside,” Jacque said, her voice tight with emotion, “congratulations, Costin and Sally. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we are all very excited for you.” “How did Titus react?” Crina asked. The door to the study flew open and the child in question rushed in. Gavril, holding Slate, and Rachel, carrying Thia who was sound asleep on her shoulder, came in behind the excited boy. “Uncle Gavril said you were telling them about my baby.” Titus stood in the center of the room and stared at his parents. His eyes were wide and danced with pure delight. “Did you already tell them?” “Well, if they hadn’t, Trever, you just did,” Jen chided him. Titus blew Jen a kiss. “I love you, Aunt Jen.” “I love you back, turd.” Jen huffed. “If I didn’t, I’d bribe Peri to turn you into a Smurf, since you were keen on Thia being dyed red for the holidays.” “Aunt Peri wouldn’t do that,” Titus said. “She likes kids, even if she pretends to be grumpy around us.” “Everyone has a price, Terrance.” Jen glanced at Peri. “She’s not wrong, wolfie,” Peri said. Mischief filled her eyes as she looked at Titus. “But I’d make sure the transformation wasn’t permanent.” “See.” Titus pointed at Peri. “She likes me.” Then to his parents. “Did you tell them?” Sally nodded, her grin getting even bigger. “We did.” “I’m going to be a big brother.” He glanced around the room. The wonder and awe on his face kicked Fane in the gut. Children were so resilient. And after all that Titus had faced in his short life, he still had the ability to find the good in life and rejoice in it. “You’re going to be an amazing big brother,” Gavril told him. He’d handed Slate over to Jacque, and Fane looked at her as she held their son. He loved watching her hold Slate. And he desperately hoped that there would be more children in his future. “Let’s just get through one day at a time, Alpha,” she said into his mind. I’m good with that.” He wrapped an arm around her. “As long as you’re open to the discussion later.” “I am,” she replied. “And as long as we practice for when the day comes because you know what they say about practicing?” “That it makes you sore? Gives you blisters? I don’t really think I do know what they say. And who is the elusive ‘they’ everyone is always talking about?” “What who is talking about?” Zara asked, because Jacquelyn had spoken her response out loud. “The ‘you know what they say’ statements,” Jen answered for her. Fane knew the girls had had this conversation in the past. It was a source of amusement for them, and he doubted it would ever cease to be. “I always wondered that, too,” Zara agreed. “Maybe it means the majority of people’s sentiment about whatever the subject matter is.” Titus walked over to his mom and placed a kiss on her stomach. Fane was as speechless as the rest of the room. It seemed the little boy would never cease to amaze them. “Taco, are you sure you aren't one of those people who is much, much older than they look?” Jen asked him. “Have you already ran out of “T’ names, Aunt Jen?” He grinned at her. “Taco is a perfectly acceptable name. Celebrities name their kids after food, numbers, and all manner of stupid crap, and people act like it’s not pretentious or ridiculous.” “That’s so true.” Sally tapped her lip. “Why is that?” Fane could tell they were about to get into the most important discussion of their lives, which would likely last all the way until midnight. He pulled Jacquelyn over to an empty chair and sat down, then lifted her and Slate into his lap. “Might as well get comfortable,” he whispered against her ear. “Agreed. This is about to get very deep.” His mate laughed. “As if you aren’t going to offer your two cents,” he said. “Uh, duh. I’ve got tons to say on this topic.” And she dove right into the conversation with the other females. Fane made eye contact with Decebel, who now held the sleeping Thia. He simply shrugged, causing the girl’s head to bounce a little, but she didn’t stir. Fane glanced at Adam, who was just as involved in the conversation as his mate, Crina. Fane chuckled as warmth filled him. He vowed then as he listened to their group argue about why people named their kids silly things that he would not allow all the trials coming to steal his joy. He would seize every second of the life the Great Luna had given him. And every morning that he woke up with another chance to make a positive mark in the world around him, he would give thanks to his Creator, no matter what he faced. “You are not alone, Fane Lupei.” The Great Luna’s voice filled his mind. “You will make mistakes, but you will stand back up, brush yourself off, and continue the work I have given you.” “Thank you,” Fane told her. “For my life. For my parents. My mate. My son and my pack.” The joy inside of him grew, and he felt the goddess’s own joy and love for her children. It was all-consuming and overwhelming. “Rest this night, alpha of alphas. I am with you always.”

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