Chapter 9-2-1

2110 Words

The moment Jen, Decebel, and Peri were standing in front of the Spain pack mansion, Peri flashed away from them. The fae equivalent of being shoved out of a moving vehicle. Jen even stumbled, and had her mate not had cat-like reflexes, she totally would have face-planted. Which would have royally pissed her off. So much so that she just might have had to cut a fae. Hell, she might just cut her on principle. The high fae was being a b***h. “You’re not cutting anyone.” Decebel steadied her on her feet and then let go of her only to take her hand. “If you ask me, she looks like she needs to be more than cut. She needs a mudhole stomped in her ass. And then a marching band needs to walk back and forth over her until the mudhole is dry. Maybe then her good sense will return,” Jen practically

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