Story 1 Chapter 7

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Story 1 Aries Chapter 7 Third Person “This is stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!” Lacie shouted as she paced her guestroom. Much to her dismay, she and everyone else had no choice but to take up a temporary residence at the Nantahala Forest Pack due to Aries’ challenge with his half-brother, Lynx. “I know, Precious. But I wasn’t going to let that prick get away with disrespecting you that way. Let alone give him any ray of hope that he even has a chance with you,” Aries replied from the foot of the bed where he sat with his elbows resting on his knees. “You had to let your stupid ego get the best of you?” “It has nothing to do with ego, Precious, and you know that. If our roles were reversed, you would have done the same thing. Hell, you have done the same thing. You got into a full-on fight with Maya in our living room when we first solidified our bond.” “Yeah, and look at what happened after that. Maya burned our house down, tried to kill me, and mind-warped Allie’s friend from college to put out a bounty on me! We had to fake my death! Remember!?” “Yes,” Aries softly replied. “This entire situation is stupid beyond belief! I never should have had to have come here in the first place! This challenge should be void! I’m fully marked. Challenges for a mate mean nothing when the subject of said challenge is already marked and mated! And the last I checked, I’ve been marked and fully mated for almost three years now!” “I get where you’re coming from, Precious. I really do. But you heard what that cunt of a Luna said. They make their laws here, and apparently, their Elders allow them to get away with it. Like it or not, we’re stuck here until the challenge in three days.” “That’s another thing! Why the f*ck is it in three days!? Why don’t you just go kill him now and get it over with!?” “You know the laws better than I do, Lacie. Official challenges have to have an actual fighting area, and both parties are to be given seventy-two hours to prep.” “UGH! THUS PROVING MY POINT ON HOW STUPID THIS IS!” Lacie screamed and threw her arms in the air. Aries was silent because he had nothing to say to help calm her down. There was a palpable silence in their guestroom for a minute before there was a knock on their door. Lacie stomped over, swung it open, and shouted, “WHAT!?” “Geez, what did I do?” Allie asked with her hands held up defensively. “Oh, it’s you. Sorry. I’m just on edge.” “Yeah, tell me something I don’t know,” Allie replied and slowly put her hands down. “Sorry. Come in,” Lacie invited and stepped aside. Allie walked in, and Lacie shut the door behind her. “What’s up, Allie?” Aries asked. “Well, for starters, I wanted to see how you two were holding up. But seeing how Lacie just screamed at me, I think I have an idea. And two, we’ve been invited for dinner, and Dorian wanted me to see if you two could keep your attitudes in check for an hour.” “They want us to have dinner with them?” Lacie questioned with a scowl. “We are guests here, and it would be cruel of them not to feed us while we wait for the challenge to take place,” Allie replied. “F*ck no!” Lacie stated. “I’m with Precious, Allie. I refuse to be in a room with them.” “I told Dorian that’s what you guys would say, but I had to come ask anyway. I’ll have someone bring you guys your dinner. Try not to break anything or kill anyone, huh?” Allie shook her head and left their room. As soon as the door closed behind her, Allie sighed. The situation was far direr than she could have expected. She walked downstairs, where Dorian was waiting for her. When he saw her, he held out his hand for her. “Well?” Dorian asked. Allie gave him a pointed look. “I guess they’re not coming?” “Your guess would be correct, dear husband.” “I can’t but feel this is my fault. I shouldn’t have pushed for Lacie to come here.” “It’s not your fault. An Elder made an order. And even Elder Maxwell said there was nothing we could do. Besides, I’m not worried about this challenge. Aries has that pompous mama’s boy dead to rights.” “And what makes you say that?” Someone asked. Allie and Dorian turned around to see Lynx standing above them on the stairwell. He slowly walked down with his hands in his pockets. “I asked you a question, Luna. Why do you believe Aries has me dead to rights? You don’t even know me or how well I can fight.” “I don’t need to see our fight, Lynx. I can see inside your soul, and all I see is nothing but a black abyss. When I look into Aries’ soul, I see light and an abundant life. That same light can be seen in Lacie as well. They’re made for one another. And nothing you say or do will ever change that.” “That’s your opinion.” “No. It’s a fact. And the fact of the matter is that, in three days, you’re going to be either beaten to the brink of death or you’re going to be dead.” “How dare you threaten our Alpha’s son!” A passing pack member shouted at Allie. “I don’t make threats. I’m only speaking the truth,” Allie replied. “You see, one thing about my power that you need to understand is that, I see nothing when I look into your eyes. It means you’re irrelevant. And people who are irrelevant never seem to last long after meeting us. You can see it as a curse. I like to see it as a blessing. One less toxic person to poison our surroundings,” Allie spat, quirked an eyebrow, and walked away with Dorian. Lynx balled his fists, and his entire body was shaking with rage. This was the first time he had been disrespected. No one had ever dared call him irrelevant. The pack members who were listening in were divided. Some praised Allie and her courage to mouth off to Lynx, while others considered her arrogant for speaking to Lynx that way. Lynx glared in Allie’s direction, wanting desperately to slap her for running her mouth the way she had. As he was contemplating how to punish her, his father came up next to him. “Son, is everything all right?” “Just peachy.” Lynx spat and walked away. Bruce sighed and followed after his son. They made it to the dining room, where Bruce subconsciously looked for Aries but didn’t see him. He was slightly disappointed. He shook his head and went to the head of the dining table. “Bernie, is your daughter not going to join us?” Bruce asked as he sat down. “No, Lacie and Aries will not be joining,” Allie answered in Bernie’s steed. "If you could please have an Omega prepare two plates for them and send them to their guestroom, it would be greatly appreciated, Alpha Bruce.” “Of course." Bruce made eye contact with one of the kitchen staff who had overheard and gestured for her to do as Allie said.” “How rude. They can’t even show their faces,” Colleen murmured. “Luna Colleen, you seem to grumble under your breath a lot. If you have something to say, just come out and say it,” Allie confronted. “I don’t have to justify anything I say to you, Luna Shaw.” “Have you ever heard the saying, if you can’t say something nice, then don’t say anything at all?” Allie quipped. “Have you ever heard the saying, mind your own business?” “When it comes to members of my pack, it is my business,” Allie said with finite. “And unlike you, I will always advocate for the members of my pack, even if they’re in the wrong. So, unless you want me to educate you some more on what it actually means to be a Luna, keep your snide comments to yourself. Because you’re in no position to be judging anyone.” “And what is that supposed to mean!?” Colleen growled. “I don’t think you want me to spell it out in front of everyone, do you?” Allie dared. Colleen glared at Allie with so much hatred. Bruce squeezed her thigh to get her to stop. Dorian also gave Allie a look and told her to keep calm. But at the same time, he was caressing her hand with this thumb to get her to calm down. Unfortunately for Bruce, his touch only agitated Colleen more. “I can’t with this. I’ve lost my appetite,” Colleen jumped up from her seat and left the dining room. “Thus proving my point,” Allie said out loud. “Luna Shaw, I admit that my wife can be eccentric and over the top, but can you please keep your commentary to yourself!?” Bruce shouted at Allie. Allie looked at Bruce, raised an eyebrow, and gave him a one-word answer. “No.”
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