Story 1 Chapter 6

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Story 1 Aries Chapter 6 Third Person Aries felt uneasy, and his feelings intensified when he and Cypher discovered the enigmatic revelation of their blood connection to the Nantahala Forest Pack’s Alpha. Lacie, with her intuitive understanding, could sense his unease, and this fact was as clear as crystal to her. “Bruce, allow me to introduce my daughter, Lacie,” Bernie said as he gestured at Lacie behind him. “I have to say, old friend, she has inherited your mate’s beauty. Where is Corrinne?” Bruce asked as he looked around. “She stayed back to watch our granddaughter.” “Ah, yes, you mentioned your daughter had a mate and a pup. I would have to guess that the wolf next to her is her mate?” Bruce questioned as he scrutinized Cypher. “Indeed. That is Cypher, my son-in-law’s wolf.” “Rude, isn’t he?” Colleen blurted out with disdain. “Why hasn’t he shifted back to greet us?” “Colleen, that was uncalled for,” Bruce said. “I would have to agree,” Allie interjected. “And who are you to interrupt our conversation,” Colleen spat. “Colleen, that is my daughter’s Luna,” Bernie quickly answered. “This is Dorian and Allison Shaw.” Bruce’s eyes widened when he heard the name. Colleen gulped but pretended not to be bothered while their son, Jynx, looked at Lacie and Allie with lust in his eyes. This was quickly caught by Dorian, who snarled and blocked his view of Allie. “I suggest you teach your son some manners, Alpha Bruce,” Dorian growled. “His wandering eyes will result in some unpleasant consequences if he keeps staring at my wife!” “I—I – apologize, Alpha. Lynx, you know better!” Bruce quickly admonished his son. “Whatever,” Lynx grumbled and turned his head back to Lacie. “Can we get this over with?” Lacie questioned, wanting to hasten the ridiculous rejection. “What’s the hurry, young lady?” Bruce asked in a humorous tone. “You’ve just arrived.” “Because I have a daughter to get home to. Do you have an issue with that, Alpha Bruce?” Lacie retorted. “Watch how you speak to my mate. He is an Alpha!” Colleen shouted. “And I am an Alpha’s daughter! I was born into my rank by blood. I heard that your husband is only ranked by marriage. So, by law, I actually outrank him,” Lacie shot back. “Lacie!” Bernie exclaimed in shock. “You told your daughter?” Bruce questioned Bernie. “Yeah, he did. Do you have a problem with that?” Lacie rebutted. “My past is not his business to tell,” Bruce growled, scowling at Bernie. “Your past is why we’re in this mess in the first place, Alpha Bruce! And now you seem to be trying to follow in your footsteps. I am mated and married, and I have a daughter. I shouldn’t even have to be here to reject your son. You and your family smear the sanctity of the mate bond with your outrageous entitlement and expect everyone else to do the same? I’m only here because you got your father-in-law, who happens to be an Elder, involved. Otherwise, I would have sent you a picture of my middle finger with the words “F*ck off” in capital letters!” Bruce and his family were dumbfounded by Lacie’s lack of self-control and blatant disrespect, while Bernie was chewing the inside of his cheek because of his daughter; all the while, Dorian, Allie, and Aries were silently applauding her. “I have never met someone with such a disgusting attitude and rude behavior!” Colleen exclaimed. “I’ve never been so turned on,” Lynx commented and licked his lips. “Lacie, reject this tool, and let’s go home,” Allie said. “Gladly.” “Wait, wait, now hold on a minute,” Lynx desperately stopped Lacie. “How do you know you don’t want me when you haven’t even given me the chance?” “Are you f*cking joking right now?” Lacie spat with disdain. “No. Just because you chose your goddess-given mate and had his kid doesn’t mean I don’t have a chance.” “YES, IT DOES!” Allie and Lacie both replied. “With all due respect, Luna Shaw, this doesn’t concern you,” Colleen stated as she stepped in front of Allie. “Are you challenging me, Luna Colleen?” Allie growled. “Watch who you’re growling at, little girl. This is my pack.” “Little. Girl?” Allie gritted. If there was one thing she hated being called more than anything, it was “little girl.” Things were quickly getting out of control, and Bernie and Bruce didn’t want all-out war occurring. “Bruce, get your Luna under control!” Bernie shouted. “I don’t control my wife, Bernie. She is her own person!” “Right, and I’m not a disgraced Alpha. Control her! If there is one thing she cannot do, it is win a fight against the Desert Moon Luna. She will lose, and she will be killed. Call her off!” Bruce grunted and gnashed his teeth but did as Bernie said. He grabbed Colleen’s shoulder and pulled her to his side. “Colleen, that is enough!” “Get your hands off me!” Colleen snarled and ripped her arm away. “Mom, stop acting like a brat!” Lynx shouted at his mother. Colleen snapped her head at her son. She wanted to retort but didn’t. “This is f*cking ridiculous. We’re wasting time. Lacie, reject the Alpha’s son, now!” Dorian commanded. “Yes, Alpha,” Lacie replied, grateful that Dorian used an Alpha command to help speed things along. “This is so f*cking stupid,” she grumbled. “I, Lacie Amanda Hamilton, reject you, Lynx … Uh … What’s your last name?” “I’m not telling you,” Lynx said with a smirk. “Daddy?” “It’s Armstrong, sweet girl.” “Thank you. I, Lacie Amanda Hamilton, reject you, Lynx Armstrong, future Alpha of the Nantahala Forest Pack.” “I reject your rejection,” Lynx said smugly. “WHAT?!” Lacie shouted. “You heard me, baby. I reject your rejection. I’m going to fight for you. You’ve piqued my interest.” “I’M FULLY MATED!” “And I already said that I don’t care.” “DADDY!?” Lacie looked at her father. “Bruce, we had a deal!” Bernie exclaimed, agitated at his friend’s son. “Our deal was that she came to reject him in person. We never said anything about him accepting it,” Colleen intervened. “THAT’S AGAINST THE LAW!” Dorian snarled. “This is our pack! We make our own laws,” Colleen replied arrogantly. “I guess we’re at an impasse, huh?” Lynx said. “You rejected me, I refuse to accept it, and now you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.” “You want a hard place, I’ll f*cking give you one,” a threatening voice said. Everyone turned around, and Aries shifted back. No one had noticed due to all of the shouting. “What the f*ck?” Lynx responded when he saw Aries. The uncanny resemblance had everyone frozen in their place. “Why do you look like me!?” Lynx yelled as he pointed at Aries’ face. Bruce was shocked to his core. Seeing Aries’ facial structure and dirty blonde hair brought back an abundance of memories of his mate. The woman he loved but rejected for rank. “You? You?” Bruce couldn’t form any words. Aries scowled and slowly turned his head to face the man who betrayed his mother. “What’s the matter, Alpha Bruce? You look like you’ve seen a ghost,” Aries taunted. “Who—who—Who are you?” Bruce stuttered. “Oh, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Aries Callaghan.” “C—C—Callaghan?” “I believe you knew my mother—Julia Callaghan.” “Julia?” Bruce whispered. The name tasted like sweet sugar rolling off the tip of his tongue. “JULIA!?” Colleen shouted at the top of her lungs. The name was like a poison that burned every nerve on her tongue. “You’re Julia’s son!?” “That’s right. But I’m not only her son. I’m his son, too,” Aries said as he looked directly at Bruce. His eyes widened in surprise upon hearing this. Is that why he looks similar to Lynx? Bruce questioned in his mind. “WHAT!?” Colleen screamed. “YOU HAD A PUP WITH THAT WH*RE!?” She accused Bruce. “I—No! I didn’t—I don’t think—” Bruce didn’t know what to say. “Wait, how old are you?” “Thirty-one,” Aries answered. Bruce furrowed his brows. Julia left him just over thirty years ago—the timing fit. He looked at Aries and felt something in his chest that he couldn’t explain. He had a son with Julia. “Why didn’t she tell me she was pregnant?” Bruce questioned. “Is that what you’re concerned about right now!?” Colleen shouted. “Ew, so that means Lynx wants to challenge his half-brother for his sister-in-law?” Allie questioned in disgust. “There aren’t any laws against it,” Lynx replied. “Yes, there is,” Dorian retorted. “As my mom said, we make our own laws in our pack. And I have no problem kicking his a*s to Timbuktu for what I want. And that’s my chosen mate.” “You have no idea who you’re f*cking with, kid,” Aries growled. “I have Alpha blood in me. I’m young, fit, and fast. You have nothing. I can smell the stench of Omega rolling off of you in waves.” “That’s rich coming from someone who is half Omega,” Aries spat in return. Lynx snarled when Aries pointed out the flaw in his DNA. It was the one thing he hated about this father. The fact that he gave him tainted blood. “Whatever. I can beat you with one hand tied behind my back,” Lynx cockily said. “Is that so?” Aries replied with a smug look on his face. Lynx arrogantly nodded. “Is that an official challenge?” “You bet your a*s it is.” “All right. Challenge accepted.” “What the f*ck!?” Lacie shouted in dismay. “NO! I am not a prize to be won! Daddy, do something!” “I can’t, sweetheart. An official challenge has been made in the presence of two Alphas. There’s nothing I can do.” “Son of a—"
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