Retail Therapy

1031 Words
CHAPTER 10 Gabriel "How about we take a breather from the game? There’s something I want to speak to you about, man to man” I asked Jacob. “Man to man, huh? Must be some serious stuff ” he teased as we both went to settle on a nearby bench. “Bella is already very proud of you, Jacob, and even though I only recently met you, I am too. You’re a great kid! It may be too soon to get Bella to believe me, but if there’s one thing I know for sure is that my heart belongs to your sister, whether she accepts it or not it’s hers. I have never felt this way before, and my wish is for both you and Bella to accept me into your family. I want to also help make both your and Bella’s dreams come true. You both deserve the best, Bud.” Before I could say anything else, Jacob gave me a big hug and whispered “Thank You” in a croaky voice. He pulled away slowly and then said “If you tell anyone, I just did that I’d have to kill you!” he jokingly said. “There’s nothing embarrassing about hugging, it doesn’t make you any less of a man, as matter of fact, it makes you a better one and I will always look forward to getting hugs from you.” I reassure him. He gives me an award winning smile and tells me “How about I help make that wish of yours come true?” I truly enjoyed my time with Jacob. Just like his sister, he too has won my heart. After a quick shower, I got dressed and went in search of my Bella. I didn’t see her or Arianna around when I got back earlier. When I got down to the reception area, Amber was manning the desk and told me that she gave the girls some time off, with every thing that happened she’d figured they needed it. I decided to phone Arianna to check up where they were. My Bella, Arianna, and Pearl decided to go to the mall to destress. Knowing my sister, it was probably her idea. Whenever she is stressed out or upset about something, she goes shopping. I told her that the shopping trip was on me, I would fit the bill and to have fun. I also told her to tell my Bella to buy some stuff for Jacob too and to also get him a new basketball. I asked Arianna to choose the ball and make sure it is of high quality and not to worry about the price, as I had a feeling my Bella would not want to spend money that wasn’t hers. She’s very independent, and I respect that, but now she is going to have to get used to me doing things for her and Jacob. I then told Arianna in a stern tone that if my Bella doesn’t buy stuff for herself and Jacob, all of hers and Pearl’s stuff will be returned. Arianna sulked at first, then quickly cheered up and said “Don’t worry, Gabe, I totally got this!” I got my laptop out and decided to catch up on some work. After hours of working, I was interrupted by the girls laughter and a knock on my door. I checked the time only to realize that I was so busy working that I completely lost track of time . "Come in” I called out, and the three of them walked in, looking all happy. They thanked me for sponsoring their ‘retail therapy session’ . The three of them were so jovial and were going on about what they did, whom they saw, how this and that person was dressed, and so on. I just let them carry on while my eyes were focused on my Bella. She looked so happy and this made her look more beautiful. She left her hair down, just the way I liked it. She wore no makeup, just a little bit of lip gloss, and looked like a Divine Goddess. “Ohhhh Gaaaaabe !” Arianna called out to get my attention. I gave her an annoyed look, and she giggled at me mischievously cos she definitely noticed on whom my eyes were focused. “Okay, so Bella refused to get stuff for herself and Jacob and have you pay for it, so I told her what you said would happen if she didn’t buy anything. So eventually, and after much convincing , she accepted the two dresses and a pair of shoes I chose for her. Thereafter, she decided to shop and guess who she bought stuff for? There you go, this bag is for Jacob, including the basketball and this one is for you!” I couldn’t believe what Arianna had just said. Never ever has any of the women I have been with ever thought of shopping for me. They always indulged in my money and spoiled themselves. “Bella you can help Gabe sort out Jacob’s stuff while Pearl and I go get the rest of our stuff into our rooms. Thank you so much again, Gabe. Love you muchly, brother bear” said Arianna as she gave me a big hug and then dragged Pearl out of my room and, before closing the door, gave me a naughty wink and giggled My Bella looked so nervous and started to bite on her lower lip . If she only knew what that small act was doing me. “Thank you for the stuff you got me Love” I said, and she turned to look at me shyly. “No need to thank me, you paid for it” she said and laughed nervously. “True, but you thought about getting me the stuff without anybody asking you to. That means a lot to me. And my love, you will have to start getting used to the fact that what is mine is yours!” My Bella’s eyes opened wide in surprise and kept shaking her head repeatedly saying the word no.
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