Picture Perfect Moment

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CHAPTER 14 Gabriel Before going to pick up Uncle Joe, we made a quick stop at a Café. I went in to get some chocolate éclairs for my aunt Brie as they were her favourites. My Bella, Arianna, and Jacob were chatting away, and it was truly heartwarming to see the bond they shared. They came in to help carry the coffees and milkshake they asked me to get for them, and as we were heading back to the car, two people came running past us and stopped in front. One was taking photos, and the other with a notepad and pen started asking questions one after the other. “Mr Knight, what are you doing in Honeyville? Who are these people with you? Is it true that you and Miss Shaw are back together? She informed some of the sources that you proposed and will be making it known to the public soon. Is it true?” I guided everyone safely into the car, closed the doors and then turned around, lifted up my hand to motion for him to be quite and spoke with my deep, stern voice, “Firstly, Know that whoever informed you of my location will be severely dealt with! I am here visiting family and will not tolerate anyone disrespecting my privacy! With regards to your questions about Miss Shaw, NO! We are not back together and never will be! Do not believe in any of the rumours she feeds your sources! This time around, I have allowed you the privilege of me answering your questions. There will be no next time, so get the word out that should any member of my family or myself be harassed by anyone from the media again during my stay in town will result in severe consequences. No further comments now get out of here!” “I apologize profusely, Mr. Knight, and thank you for answering my questions. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in town” he said and rushed off. I got into the car and asked if everyone was okay. They all just nodded yes, and then Jacob asked, “Are you like some famous celebrity or something?”. Before I could say anything, Arianna answered, “They just mistake him for one cos of his good looks, and in a few years it’s going to be you they’ll be chasing .” and she ruffled up his hair and tickled him, making him laugh uncontrollably. I looked at Arianna and mouthed thank you. My sister always has my back. I then excused myself to make a quick call. My Bella had a worried expression on her face but didn’t say anything. “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED ALEX?! DID EVERYONE LOSE FOCUS BEING IN A SMALL TOWN! HOW DID THOSE TWO GET PAST OUR GUYS AND HOW DID THEY KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME? IF YOU KNOW WHAT’S GOOD FOR YOU, CALL ME BACK WITH ANSWERS IN AN HOUR!!!” I cut him off without giving him much chance to speak. Alex is my right hand, and I know he will get to the bottom of this. I got back into the car, and my Bella linked her hand with mine and gave me a reassuring smile. We didn’t stay long at Aunt Brie's and were on the road again, heading to the Miller’s Mansion. Uncle Joe took my Bella’s place, and she moved to the back but kept glancing at me through the mirror. I knew she was still worried about what happened earlier but was putting on a brave face. Uncle Joe told us that according to the town’s rumours mill, Cameron had left town to join his sister in Paris and that the Mayor and his wife have not been in the public eye since some big shot investors pulled out of their business and they are now struggling to get new investors. “That man doesn’t have an honest bone in his body. He has wronged too many folks just to feed his lavish lifestyle. Now he’s getting all that he deserves!” Uncle Joe said, confirming he has no compassion for the mayor and rightly so! We were nearing the Miller’s Mansion when my phone rang. I apologized to everyone and said that it was an urgent call and had to take it. I pulled over at the side of the road and got off to take the call. Like earlier, I walked a few steps away from the car cos I didn’t want them to hear me raising my voice out of anger. It was Alex. He found out that Crystal, my ex, was going through some financial crisis and has been selling information to the media. She managed to get one of my guy’s back home to give her the information of my whereabouts by convincing him that we were back together and that she wanted to come down and surprise me. The fool fell for her tricks and tracked me down through the tracking devices I wear in my jewelry. I can’t fully blame my guy, Crystal is a master manipulator. She is also spreading rumors that we are back together and it is trending in the city. I asked Alex to fix it and put out a statement clearing up her rumors and to deal with my guy who gave her the information. No matter what methods Crystal used to get the information out, my guy was weak to have fallen for it. I don’t tolerate weakness, and Alex knows this! When I got back into the car, Arianna asked me if everything was okay? I just nodded, yes. I took my Bella’s hand and kissed it and promised to explain everything later. When we reached the Miller’s Mansion, the agent was already there waiting for us. After the introductions, he opened up the main gates, and we got back into the car and followed him in. The main gate was quite a distance from the mansion. “WOW THIS PLACE IS AWESOME!” Shouted out Jacob as we drove in. The property was massive, with enough land to build a few more houses. I wonder what Mr Miller’s plans were for this place when he purchased it. The agent took us on a tour of the grounds, pointing out different areas and what he thought it would be perfect for. There were a lot of existing facilities that have been neglected for a while now and were in desperate need of refurbishment. My Bella and I walked hand in hand, and I kept glancing at her to see her reaction as we followed the agent. Her troubled look had disappeared and was now replaced with one of excitement. There was just too much land to cover, so I asked if we could cut that part of the tour short and go take a look at the mansion. Everyone agreed, and when we entered both my Bella and Arianna’s reaction, it was PRICELESS. I quickly grabbed my phone and took a photo of them. I couldn’t help myself. The look on their faces was a picture perfect moment!
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