27. Five-Alarm Fire

3497 Words

27 Five-Alarm Fire JessThe silence is eerie. And not just because I’m in the Riley house, the place where silence goes to die. It’s eerie because nobody is reacting to the atomic bomb that was dropped in the other room. Nobody is even blinking. Well, except Molly. On the other side of the table from me, Blake’s ex is trying to win the award for most blinks per second. Her eyelashes move at the speed of light, each rapid flutter bringing a new drop of moisture. Like everyone around me, I’m unaffected by her tears. I’m worried about Blake, who just stormed out of the house. Either that, or the front door decided to slam itself. “Mama,” Molly starts. Blake’s mother holds up her hand. The curly-haired woman instantly falls silent. Soft footsteps approach the doorway as Brenna reappears.

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