26. Triple Entendres

2814 Words

26 Triple Entendres Blake“Do I look like someone who just had s*x in the parking lot behind a gas station?” I give Jess a thorough onceover. Tousled hair—check. Sexed-up flush on her cheeks—check. Beard burn on her neck—check. Oh yeah, that’s what I like to see. “Naw,” I answer. “You look like my girlfriend.” Humor dances in her brown eyes. “And just out of curiosity, what does Blake Riley’s girlfriend look like?” I reach over and tweak one still-hard n****e through her shirt. “Well-fucked.” Jess groans in frustration. “Okay, pull over at the next gas station so I can use the bathroom to clean myself up.” “Is that really a risk you’re willing to take, J-Babe? You know what happens when we go to gas stations.” Hell, I don’t think I can ever pump gas again without thinking about pump

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