Chapter 5

1149 Words
Una This day has filled me with the strangest feelings. I usually only risk coming to my retreat and dropping my disguise once each month but today something I can’t quite place has been stirring inside of me. An itch to be in my own skin, to connect with nature and the elements. I got extra agitated when that new Alpha arrived I sensed his energy all the way from the path and it made me want to run. After submerging myself in the calming waters of the lake I finally feel a stillness inside again, I have regained composure. I really shouldn’t have broken the routine and come here but I needed it. Forcing myself to return I start to walk to shore and I freeze. I feel him before I see him but he is like a magnet my eyes find him at the edge of the forest instantly. My breath catches in my throat and time itself seems to stop. I can not break his gaze those chocolate eyes are mesmerising. His face handsome with a slight stubble and dimples each side of his full lips, his long chocolate brown hair in a warrior bun. He looks fit for battle tall and muscular. He is perfection. I feel my heart racing in my chest, no man has made me feel these things since Kier. I had thought I was long past being affected. Confusion sweeps through me, how could he be here? This place has magic wards around it that stop anyone from finding it, they are directed away through the forest by the magic. Then he utters one word, one word that makes my racing heart stop “mate” I recover some of my senses and look around, there is no one else here. Mate is me. He starts to walk slowly towards me and I want to run but I can’t make myself move. My heart restarts its thundering when he stops in front of me, his body only millimetres from mine. I look up at him, he is huge this close up. Everything in me wants to touch him to connect with him. One of his large hands comes up and cups the side of my face, I can’t help but lean into it, surprisingly soft his touch soothes my very soul. It has been hundreds of years since I have felt the tenderness of another. Finally I release the breath I have been holding. His lips curve in a smile as he stares at me like he is trying to commit every detail to memory. I know this is dangerous, that I should use my magic on him and run but I just don’t want to. Everything in me is screaming for more. His other hand reaches out and gently circles my waist pulling me against his hard body. I feel tingles run through me everywhere we connect. I close my eyes and savour the long dormant feelings he ignites. I feel the softest brush of lips against my own and I let out a little moan. There is a rumble of a sensual growl from him and it affects my entire body lighting it on fire. I allow my hands to roam up his chest, sliding one up behind his neck. His hand moves from my waist to cup my bum and he hoists me off the ground instinctively I wrap my legs around his waist. Now we are face to face, we lock eyes again and I am lost, it’s like there is a whole universe of desire there. It feels safe up here pressed against him, both my hands tangle into his hair as he runs his thumb over my bottom lip a sensual smile dancing on his own. My lips part and his thumb meets my tongue, I teasingly lick it and he gives that sexy growl again. I feel my own visceral arousal pool between my legs and the corner of his lips twitch as he catches the scent. Suddenly his thumb is gone and his hungry lips replace it, demanding. I open for him and his tongue wastes no time in staking claim to my mouth. Every molecule of my body sings in response to his touch. I match his intensity in the kiss I want him every bit as much as I know he wants me. His big hand trails up and down the bare skin of my back, igniting sparks and making me press harder against his body. He is all consuming. I can feel his need pressing hard too close to my exposed entrance. It would be so easy to fulfil my desire just a little movement and I would feel the delicious fulfilment of him. Unexpectedly his lips leave mine and I feel the loss profoundly. He trails a line of kisses from my mouth down over my chin and neck stopping at the base of my throat. I have been around werewolves long enough to know that very special spot he has stopped at. He places a gentle chaste kiss there and I sigh at the pleasure it elicits, emboldened his lips return to the spot, sucking deeper on it and my very core feels like it is exploding with pleasure. I feel myself grind against him in response and tug at his hair. “Mine” he murmurs against my skin and I can’t help my natural response “Yours” I practically moan in return. Then it happens my sudden reality check, I feel his fangs release and press into my skin. I panic. He can not mark me. “Caidil gu math!” I whisper in his ear and instantly the giant of a man tumbles to the ground taking me with him sound asleep. We land harshly but the spell is strong enough that he does not feel it. I scramble for my dress and the feeling of dread at what I have done begins to fill me. How could I have let it go that far? The moment he got near me I should have done this and fixed the situation. In my heart I know I am his mate and I feel it too but I am cursed. He deserves someone who can love him back and give him a normal life something he could never have with me. His chest rises and falls steadily with the cadence of sleep and I indulge myself a final moment with the beautiful mate I can never have. This time it is I who commit every feature to memory. Gently stroking my fingers over his cheek “Thank you for this beautiful memory mate” I whisper. “Foirgett anam charaid” I seal my spell to make him forget me with a last soft kiss. With a heavy heart I stand and walk away from him.
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