Chapter 6

1245 Words
Una My ancient wrinkled hands shakily hand over the written note to my nurse. It contains one word Aldous. Alba nods in deference and rushes out of the room to fulfil my request. As I wait for the Alpha to join me I gaze at my reflection in the large windows the chair sits in front of. Gingerly lifting the heavy veil I examine the vision before me. The eyes milky with cataracts, white wispy fading hair barely masking an exposed scalp, a large pronounced scar across the throat through the voice box and lines of scars down the face where claws have ripped the skin open. Skin loose and ravaged by time. The Crone. I hear the click of the doors open and close, slowly I turn my head to ensure it is Aldous who has entered. His bloodline are family and trusted keepers of my secret, no one else knows the truth it can not be risked. Once I am satisfied it is only him I call the corners to protect the space before dropping my disguise. He looks concerned at the unexpected summons. “What’s going on Una something feels off today?” I nod sagely and walk over to the drinks trolley pouring two large whiskeys and hand one to him. He glances at it before poring the lot down his throat and I can’t help chuckle. He shrugs “I know I’m going to need it” his words are light hearted but there is an edge there that lets me know he might be more aware of today’s events than I thought. Silently I take his glass and refill it, taking a sip of my own. His eyes search my face for answers that I don’t yet know how to articulate. “You sent him here on purpose” I state simply and he nods his confirmation. The great gulloot! Does he not know the trouble he created! “How did you know?” I am truly curious to find the answer. The corner of his mouth turns up in a wry smile. “Since he got here he’s been acting funny, agitated and drawn to the house. Instinct just made me think and I remembered what the goddess said to you and it just made me think that it might be the time” I chew my bottom lip in thought remembering that terrible night. “When your heart is healed and you fight as one with the great wolf” I murmur. Aldous sinks back his drink again, this time in excitement “He is the great wolf! He is the Alpha Prince, the Alpha of all Alpha’s! And I have known him all his life, he is strong and noble if anyone can lead us in battle against the Vampire King it will be him!” I see the shine in his eyes, I rest my glass against my lips the coolness soothing the fire that remains there from his kiss. I wish I could share Aldous’s hope but I have tried and failed too many times already to save Kiers soul. I will only be exited once we have finally triumphed. He reads my expression, my hesitance and he walks over grasping my shoulders almost shaking me “Una your heart will be healed! He is your mate and he is the wolf! Don’t you see together you will defeat the Vamps finally!” I give him a sad smile “His name is Kier and he was once the purest of souls, I can’t bring myself to be excited about his destruction but I am relieved that if you are correct then all of this will finally be over. I am so very tired.” A thought seems to strike him and he looks around the room confused “Where is Cormac?” What a strange question. “Why would he be here with me?” He gives me the strangest of looks in response and steps back almost incredulous. “Why wouldn’t he be with you? He’s your MATE! What did you do Una?” His head shaking his clear disapproval. I hold my hands up in a surrender gesture “It was for his own good Aldous, he deserves better, more. I’m just a tired old crone whose fate is not her own. Look at him! He’s young, beautiful and I can sense his good heart. He deserves everything and that is not what I can give him!” I see both sadness and a reluctant understanding flicker over his eyes “What actually happened?” He pushes. “I felt him today and I needed to get away so I went to the lake and somehow he got past the wards and found me there. I was stupid and weak and gave in to my desires. Sense only hit me when he tried to mark me and I put a sleeping spell on him just in time and then I made him forget” His lips purse into a thin line “That’s not cool Una you’ve taken away his choice in making him forget!” I let my sadness show in my expression “It wasn’t done lightly but I did it for him. I know what Alpha’s are like, if he had a choice he would choose me and it would walk him straight to his death or a life less than what he truly deserves. He can take a chosen mate and live a fulfilled life as long as he never remembers me.” He crosses his arms and runs his hand anxiously over his forehead “I don’t like this at all Una and what about you? Your heart needs to heal or we’ll never defeat the Vamp .. Kier” I reach out and take his hand forcing him to look at me “I am fine, the precious memory those moments with him. They were enough. My heart however could not take anything happening to him. It will break all over again if I am responsible for anything bad happening to him. I will not allow another good man to sacrifice himself for me!” I know he understands it’s written in his face, in the shift of his stance. He is a man who comprehends sacrifice for the greater good. “Okay I get it, I’m not happy about it but I get it. How do you propose that he spends the rest of the year here without rediscovering you or the mate bond?” “Could you send him away?” it would be the quickest and easiest option. The hard set of his mouth tells me it’s a no before he even speaks. “Not possible, the Alpha Prince must complete his duty, there is no valid reason to send him away” I had thought as much but there was a tiny piece of hope in my heart “Okay I’ll make a talisman to block his mate bond. Get me one of those warrior necklaces you all have and I’ll charge it with the magic just make sure he always wears it” Aldous takes his own off over his head and I set up the alter with candles and magical herbs. He silently hands it to me when I am ready and I place it in the centre of the sigil chanting the words to give it its power.
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